Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2000 4 Fang Yundong

Chapter 2000

"Bastard! Jiu-zhou-di-di!"

In the Wanhou mansion, the canthus of Wanhou's venerable lord was about to burst, and his fury erupted from the sky. The entire hall collapsed and turned into ruins.

The crowd below were all terrified and kept silent.

Lan Yihou died just like that.

Not one out of ten disciples from the Wanhou Mansion was taken, so it was no wonder he was so angry after such a big defeat.

First it was Zi Yihou, and now it is Lan Yihou. The strength of Wanhou Mansion has been greatly damaged. How can he not be angry, but...

"Speak! What's going on? Didn't the deity have already told me to avoid the edge of the Kyushu sect for the time being?" Wanhou Zhizun shouted, his face furious.

Kyushu sect is in full swing.

The purpose of Lan Yihou's trip is just to take down the Heavenly Killing Gate and build a good relationship with Sen Luodian.

It was his original plan to deal with the Kyushu sect when Yan Luodian entered the chaotic star field, but who would have thought...

"Back to Master Wanhou, Shamen has already noticed that day, and has made sufficient preparations in advance."

"And they have colluded with Shura Hall long ago, so..."

That disciple didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, and told the whole thing.

He heard the rattling of the teeth of the Lord of Longevity.

"Trash, rice bucket!"

Although he cursed angrily, a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, a blow?With just one blow, Lan Yihou was already beheaded, the power of the Great Daotian Monument...

Although they are both magic weapons of the three souls, the ghostly soul-eating banner in his hand is obviously inferior to the Daotianbei.

In addition, in the red demon star, the red lotus karma displayed by the other party has a great restraint effect on the ghosts and soul eaters.

It is precisely because of this that he has not shot.

Of course, there is also the reason of the Red Demon Immortal.

"Lord Wanhou, what should we do now? This Heavenly Killing Sect is too abominable. They have long colluded with the Asura Hall, but now they bite back, saying that we betrayed them in order to form an alliance with the Nether Palace, making everyone in the sect alliance feel in danger." .”

"Yes! And there are still many voices of opposition, saying that Nether Palace is also an external force."

Everyone was full of sorrow.

In this round, Wanhou Mansion undoubtedly fell to the bottom again.

Not to mention the loss of Lan Yihou and many disciples, it was also questioned within the sect alliance.

Coupled with the previous doubts from the outside because of the Corpse Yin Sect, the Wanhou Mansion can be said to be in turmoil, and the general trend is over.

However, how could the Lord Wanhou be reconciled, his eyes were filled with raging anger, and his teeth were gritting.

"These trash, they know what a fart, the Kyushu Sect is getting bigger, 36 Mai sits and watches the tigers fight, and if they don't unite with other forces, how can they drive the Kyushu Sect out of the chaotic star field."

"I'm keeping a close eye on this deity, whoever dares to make the slightest change, kill chickens and monkeys."

The surrounding atmosphere became a little weird.

The Kyushu Sect is in full swing, and the words of the Honorable Wanhou are undoubtedly the truth, but...

"My deity asks you, what about the Senluo Palace? Where did their people go?" After Wei Wei calmed down, the Venerable Wanhou asked again.

"Going back to Lord Wanhou, the Sen Luo Palace has already retreated, and they are standing still for the time being. It seems that they will not attack again in a short time. I am afraid that they will have to wait until the Yan Luo Palace enters the chaotic star field."

The disciple reported truthfully.

"Bastards! These things are more than successful, if it weren't for them, my Wanhou Mansion would have failed like this."

"They arrived well and were unharmed, but now..."

The two sects acted at the same time, and the Wanhou Mansion was almost wiped out, but the Senluo Palace was not damaged at all.

It is obviously impossible to say that the Lord Wanhou is not angry.

Even other people, each one is also resentful.

"Lord Wanhou, regardless of Yan Luo Hall, Sen Luo Hall, or Shura Hall, they all belong to the Ten Nether Halls. We don't know what's going on inside them, just like this time..."

"Yes! These people are unreliable at all, maybe this is their conspiracy."

Everyone questioned.

No wonder, this possibility is not impossible, especially after this battle, even if the contradictions in the Nether Ten Temples are true, they can't count on these people.

Because no one can say for certain, which day will these contradictions be resolved suddenly?

After all, they both belong to Nether Palace.

How can the Lord Wanhou not understand this truth, but he has no way out for a while, so he can only rely on the strength of these people.

"Since these people are unreliable, what should we do now?"

Someone asked.

Everyone was full of gloom, and obviously they couldn't do anything.

"Okay! That's it for today! I have my own calculations about this matter." Just when everyone was at a loss, Lord Wanhou seemed to have a feeling and said suddenly.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other, but the Honorable Wanhou had already drifted away.

When it reappeared, it was already another hall.

In the main hall, a middle-aged man in brocade clothes had already been waiting, and when he saw His Majesty Wanhou coming, he hurriedly saluted.

"How is it?" the Honorable Wanhou asked eagerly.

"Back to Lord Wanhou, it has been confirmed that the one who fought against Fairy Shenmeng of the Nine Provinces Sect that day was none other than Prince Wanmo of the Demon Race and the current Sect Master of the Wanmo Sect."

"Also, he didn't come here for Fairy Shenmeng, but for the Emperor of Nine Provinces, these two..."

Jin Yihou said slowly.

The grievances between Fang Yi and Master Wan Mo were thoroughly investigated.

"Okay!" His Holiness Wanhou heard the words, his eyes shone brightly, and the cold light was wanton.

"Master Wanhou, are we really going to lure the Wanmo Sect into the Chaotic Starfield? The demon heads of these demon clans are not good things. Once they enter, I'm afraid..."

Jin Yihou was obviously a little worried. Compared with the corpse Yin sect, the demon race was more evil and cruel in the hearts of spiritual practitioners.

The Corpse Yin Sect is originally a local force in the chaotic star field, and it has already discredited the Wanhou Mansion.

If once you get involved with the demons, then...

"Otherwise?" the Honorable Wanhou asked.

"The sect alliance is full of trash, and has been frightened by the Kyushu Sect. With our strength alone, it is extremely difficult to counter the Kyushu Sect. There is also the Nether Palace. It is still unknown what their intentions are."

"On the other hand, the Ten Thousand Demon Sect doesn't have a strong demon energy in the Chaotic Starfield. Even if they enter here, they won't occupy it for a long time."

"The chaotic star field is already in chaos. If that's the case, then let it be completely chaotic. Only in this way can my Wanhou Mansion have a glimmer of hope."

Lord Wanhou's eyes were dark and cold, like poisonous snakes.

Jin Yihou also nodded subconsciously, the situation in front of him is indeed the case, but...

"Don't worry! We don't need to have direct contact with the demons. Master Wanmo hates that kid to the bone. They won't miss this opportunity. We just need to add fire to dig out the battle between Master Wanmo and that kid again."

"At the same time, the battle of Lord Wanmo on Tianshouxing is also reported to the Demon Realm. I believe many of them don't know about it yet."

"Of course, Shenmeng Fairy can be changed to that kid appropriately, and the results of the battle can also be slightly changed."

The Honorable Wanhou had a sinister smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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