Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2001

Chapter 2001

Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about everything here.

United demons?

Not only Fang Yi, but the warriors in the entire chaotic star field would not have thought of it. After all, there is still a huge branch between the demon clan and spiritual cultivation.

The demons act recklessly, and their exercises are relatively brutal, which has always been despised by spiritual practitioners.

However, the demons live in the demon realm, and they seldom engage in large-scale activities in the spirit world, and the two parties are considered to be in peace.

But mutual hatred and hostility have always existed.

Tianshou star!

After dealing with the Tianshamen, Fang Yi returned here.

There is Supreme Asura in the Asura Hall, so naturally there is nothing wrong with him.

Moreover, he didn't want to get involved too much in the internal affairs of Shura Hall. Although he was regarded as the Emperor of the Netherworld now, he didn't really care much about it.

At this moment, he was closing his eyes slightly, quietly adjusting his breath.

The next moment, his figure disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in the Water God Temple.

Shuo Shuo! ! !

All around the world, thousands of sword shadows criss-cross, like a sea of ​​swords.

A figure hovered among the swords, light and graceful.

Suddenly it was Feng Yiyi.

At some point, Fengshenmeng had already woken up, her face was rosy, it was obvious that her injuries had almost recovered, and Feng Yiyi was practicing some kind of sword art under her watchful eyes.

Suddenly, Feng Yiyi stabbed out with a sword, and the person and the sword disappeared out of thin air.

A thousand meters away, a ripple swayed, and a long sword seemed to stab out from the void, and Feng Yiyi's figure also appeared with it.

"Futian Sword Formation?"

A look of surprise flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, it turned out to be Futian Sword Formation.

And the long sword in Feng Yiyi's hand is not the Futian sword.

"Fang Yi, you're here!" Feng Yiyi also stopped practicing at this moment, and came quickly, his face brimming with joy.

"How do you know how to support the Heavenly Sword Formation?"

It's no wonder Fang Yi asked this question, the Futian Sword Formation was in the hands of Li Zhuofeng back then.

However, he didn't know that the elder Xinghezong Taishang later learned everything, captured the Futian Sword Formation, and came to the Kyushu School again, intending to seize other sword formations, but ran into Fengshenmeng.

As a result, he died tragically on the spot, and the Futian Sword Formation also fell into the hands of Fengshenmeng.

Fengshenmeng was originally born in a formation family.

After she understood the key to the Futian Sword Formation, she could also condense it with the Great Dream Astrolabe.

So, I gave it to Feng Yiyi.

It can be seen that she really trusts Feng Yiyi very much, but Fang Yi is always cold.

Fang Yi had no choice but to accept this.

"That's right! With Futian Sword Formation, plus your own strength, the ordinary combined double-layer powerhouse is no match for you at all." Fang Yi said happily.

The improvement of Feng Yiyi's strength is undoubtedly a good thing for him and for the Kyushu Sect.

However, Feng Yiyi herself seemed not satisfied.

Don't blame her, once, she was comparable to Fengshenmeng, but now, Fengshenmeng's strength has reached a terrifying situation.

Naturally, she was not jealous, but she just didn't want to be left behind too much by the two of them.

"Fang Yi, has the Kyushu sect taken any action recently?" At this time, she couldn't help asking.

"what happened?"

Fang Yi was a little puzzled.

"Do you still remember the place where Zhentianzong is inherited, Nine Twist Chains? I stayed there for a long time last time, and got some chances." Feng Yiyi said, showing his palm.

Thousands of sword qi radiated from her body, and finally gathered in her palm, forming a bright sword shadow.

On the shadow of the sword, two characters can be vaguely seen: "Excellent Immortal"

The sharp breath seems to be able to tear everything between heaven and earth.

Even Fang Yi and Fengshen Meng couldn't help but change their expressions. Although the aura was still extremely weak, both of them could sense the tyranny of that aura, which was unparalleled.

"It's this Absolute Immortal Sword, but it's not real, it's transformed by the sword energy of the Ten Thousand Shadows Absolute Immortal Sword Formation."

"As for similar swords, there are three other swords, namely: the Immortal Execution Sword, the Immortal Slaying Sword, the Immortal Trapping Sword, and this Absolute Immortal Sword. The combination of the four swords can form the most powerful Immortal Execution Sword Formation in the ancient Tianzong."

Feng Yiyi spoke truthfully, with longing in her beautiful eyes.

Zhuxian Sword Formation?

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning, the ancient formation Tianzong was too far away, and there were endless kinds of powerful sword formations.

He hadn't heard of the so-called Jade Immortal Sword Formation.

However, to be able to claim the title of the strongest sword formation in the ancient formation, Tianzong, is nothing short of ordinary.

"So? Are you going to enter the Jiuqu Lianhuan again to see if you can find the other three swords?" Fang Yi asked.

"En!" Feng Yiyi nodded.

"Then let's go! Don't worry, there are me and Shenmeng here, so nothing will happen."

After pondering for a moment, Fang Yi finally said.

The Jiuqu Lianhuan is the inheritance place of the ancient formation Tianzong to his disciples, and the danger is relatively weak, so he has nothing to worry about.

Moreover, he can naturally see Feng Yiyi's thoughts.

If Feng Yiyi can really gain something, it will undoubtedly be a great thing.

The ancient formation is the strongest sword formation of Tianzong, even he can't help but want to experience it.

"Second Sister..." Seeing Fang Yi's promise, Feng Yiyi couldn't help but look at Fengshenmeng, with a look of reluctance.

After all, the two girls have been separated for too long, and they just met, and now...

Feng Yiyi finally left.

However, she did not return to Sky Blue Star, nor did she ask Fang Yi to help her open the land of inheritance. According to her words, she has already comprehended the Ten Thousand Shadows Absolute Immortal Sword Formation, and she can enter the Jiuqu Lianhuan at any time.

The Absolute Immortal Sword lightly slashed across, a crack appeared, and she disappeared inside the crack.

The cracks slowly healed, and the world returned to its original appearance.

Only two faint figures remained.

"You can go out!"

At this time, Fengshenmeng spoke first, and these words were more like reminding Fang Yi, because this is the water temple.

It's just that the voice is still cold.

"Is your injury okay? If not, you can adjust your breath for a while longer." Fang Yi asked with concern.

However, Fengshen Meng didn't appreciate it, and said coldly: "No need, although the aura here is rich and can even change the flow of time, it is no longer necessary."

Feng Shenmeng looked around in disbelief while talking.

It seemed that this world surprised her, especially the speed of time, which really shocked her.

Although she can also change the flow of time, it is in a dream and only works for her.

"Just to remind you, in such a place, try to bring as few outsiders as possible, otherwise, you will be the one who suffers."

At the end, Fengshenmeng added another sentence.

Although the tone was still cold, Fang Yi could hear a trace of concern in it.

Involuntarily, he smiled knowingly and joked, "Are you caring about me?"

"You..." Feng Shenmeng's face turned cold, and she was about to say something, but Fang Yi spoke first, "Thank you for your concern! But you have never been an outsider."

As he spoke, Fang Yi grinned, and then, the two of them disappeared together.

(End of this chapter)

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