Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2002

Chapter 2002

Fengshenmeng started to practice again, but Fang Yi only responded with a cold look when he teased her.

And Fang Yi had no choice but to smile helplessly.

At the same time, he felt a sense of frustration, and he didn't know when the memory of Fengshenmeng would be restored.

But fortunately, she is willing to stay and even help the Kyushu sect. Maybe, when everything here is settled and she returns to Kyushu, it may not be able to help her recover.

Fang Yi thought so, praying secretly.

Time is like water!

Everything about the Heavenly Killing Gate gradually spread to every corner of the chaotic star field.

Wanhou Mansion once again lost its reputation and became the target of public criticism.

Colluding with Sen Luo Temple and betraying the companions in the sect alliance, such actions are naturally despised by the world.

Everyone in the sectarian alliance is also in danger. The appeal of the Wanhou Mansion is not as good as before, and the balance of victory has undoubtedly tilted towards the Kyushu Sect Yaozu Alliance.

It can be said that no one is optimistic about the sectarian alliance.

"I didn't expect that kid to be really good. In just two rounds, he has already put the sect alliance in a doomed situation."

"That's right! It's really amazing, and Fairy Shenmeng is equally astonishing."

Tiankuixing, in a certain hall, all the powerhouses of the 36 veins gathered together.

The Kyushu Zong Yaozu Alliance is firmly on top, the situation is already extremely clear, and the speed is far beyond everyone's expectations.

Who would have thought that a little-known Kyushu sect, with the assistance of the Yaozu, would overthrow the encirclement and suppression of the sect alliance so easily.

So much so that they were not ready.

that agreement.

Once the Kyushu sect disintegrates the sect alliance, the entire chaotic star field will be subdued by the opponent except for the 36 veins.

In that case, the 36 veins will also be under his command.

Although they agreed to the agreement at the beginning, most of them held the attitude of "impossible". It is very difficult to unify the vast and chaotic star field.

But now, the hardest bone has been gnawed off, and the rest is just a matter of time.

"Let's talk about it! What do you think or plan to do?"

Huang Tiangang was the first to speak, his expression was dignified, not angry but pretentious.

Sitting on top of him were Zongling, Wang Xuantong, and Dugu Shisan, but the holder of King Shun's order, the white-haired old man, the elder Tiankuixing, was not there.

Zong Ling kept his eyes tightly closed at this moment, as if he was adjusting his breath.

But Dugu Shisan looked a little impatient, and said casually, "What? Do you want to go back on your word?"

He speaks without any scruples, straight to the point, and doesn't bother to beat around the bush.

When everyone heard this, their expressions all became a little weird.

In fact, most of them don't care who rules the Chaos Starfield, but that prophecy hangs over their heads like a sharp knife.

Especially after the Kyushu sect showed such great strength, that prophecy became more and more possible.

"So what? Don't forget that prophecy. Although the kid said it sounded grand, who knows if he did it on purpose to stabilize the 36 veins."

Huang Tiangang said coldly.

"That's right! People have ulterior motives. None of us know what kind of person that kid is."

"Yes! Right now, the sectarian alliance is weak. If we let it go on, the consequences will be worrisome. At that time, even if we want to intervene, I'm afraid..."

With Huang Tiangang taking the lead, many people immediately responded.

"It's ridiculous. If he really wanted to do this, he could have suppressed you on the spot when he obtained the Daotian Monument. Why bother?"

"That's right! And judging from his actions, he is not a brutal and bloodthirsty person. He is willing to let people in the sectarian alliance go. I really don't understand why he has to exterminate the 36 veins."

"I also agree. Even if that prophecy is true, I believe it has nothing to do with him. It shouldn't be him who wants to exterminate the 36th vein."

It has to be said that Fang Yi's attitude towards the sectarian alliance played a crucial role at this moment.

There are many believers.

Some vacillating people couldn't help nodding.

However, the dispute between the two parties is still quite fierce.

"What about you? Wang Xuantong, don't you want to express your opinion?" Huang Tiangang couldn't help looking at Wang Xuantong at this moment and asked.

For such an important matter, the final decision is naturally still some extremely powerful people.

And Wang Xuantong is undoubtedly one of them.

The eyes of everyone can't help but look at it.

"Opinion? What's there to say? Of course, one's own destiny must be controlled by one's own hands." There was a trace of brilliance in Wang Xuantong's eyes, and the meaning in the words could not have been more obvious.

He will not hand over his fate to Fang Yi, then...

"Well said!" Huang Tiangang couldn't help shouting, as a strong man like them, how could he be willing to submit to others.

Although Fang Yi didn't mean that, in their view, there was obviously no difference.


However, at this moment, Zong Ling, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Does the second elder have a different opinion?" Hearing this, Huang Tiangang looked displeased and looked at Zong Ling.

The same goes for crowds.

"You guys are so brave. King Shun's decree has been issued. Do you really think it's a joke? Those who violate the decree, do you really think that the elders can't deal with you?" Zong Ling said unceremoniously.

Although countless years have passed, how can King Shun's order be so easy to disobey.

"Oh! Not only are they courageous, but they have no brains."

At this time, Dugu Shisan added another sentence.

"Presumptuous! What are you talking about!" Huang Tiangang was furious when he heard the words, and shouted at Dugu Shisan.

However, Dugu Shisan didn't take it seriously at all, and said to himself: "That kid is not only the Emperor of Nine Provinces, but also the Emperor of Netherworld. The Shura Palace is a vassal to him, but the Senluo Palace is challenging him."

"Thinking about it, it's not too far away for the Nether Palace to enter the chaotic star field."

"If he is really recognized by the entire Nether Palace, what will 36 Meridians do to fight him?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the crowd undoubtedly became extremely ugly.

No, if the Kyushu Zong Yaozu Alliance is added with a Nether Palace, this strength...

"Then what if he can't get the Nether Palace's approval?" Someone couldn't help asking, the war between the Senluo Palace and the Asura Palace all indicates that the internal struggle in the Nether Palace is extremely fierce.

"Wouldn't that be better? Just let them fight among themselves, and you can watch the tiger from a distance."

"Tell me, are you out of your mind!"

At the end, Dugu Shisan didn't forget to make a sarcasm.

"You..." Huang Tiangang was furious, but he had to say that what he said made sense.

But Dugu Shisan has already drifted away, and only his voice can be heard from a distance, "Don't notify me of Tiangu Yimai again for such a boring meeting, no matter who rules the chaotic star field, I will be Tianguyiyi I'm not even interested in paying attention to it."

The sound faded away, leaving only a crowd of people looking at each other in blank dismay.

(End of this chapter)

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