Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2004 Son of Heaven

Chapter 2004 Son of Heaven

"What's the matter, tell me!"

The voice seemed a little impatient, but still said.

"My lord, since you want to win the Longevity Coffin, why don't you just grab it from Yingui Planet?"

There was doubt in Shi Mei's eyes, which really made him a little puzzled and worried, if the opponent really had such ability, then he could just make a direct attack on Yin Guixing, and the corpse Yin sect would not be completely wiped out.

But in fact, the other party did not appear.

Until after leaving the ghost star.

If it is said that the other party did not have such ability, the corpse was indeed killed by his hands, and he did not have the slightest power to resist.

If so, why didn't he make a move?

"Hmph! I know what you're thinking, and I'm worried that I won't be able to take good care of you, are you?"

The voice snorted coldly, revealing a hint of displeasure, as well as deep disdain.

"At any rate, you have reached the fourth level of the combined body. You are no stranger to Tiandaozong. Your practice is against the sky. If your strength is too strong, you will be suppressed by the way of heaven, or even killed."

"You have seen the previous scene."

What he said naturally refers to the changes in the world when the corpse is killed.

Corpse Mei nodded quickly, feeling surprised in her heart.

Before that, everything about Tiandaozong was just a legend, but now, the other party's words have undoubtedly confirmed everything, so how could he not be surprised.

"At that time, there were four juniors present, all disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect, especially the one in the lead, who actually controlled the Daotian Tablet. The Daotian Tablet was originally a thing of the Dao of Heaven, used to suppress the heavens."

"And that person actually controlled the Dao Tian Bei, he is the Son of Heaven."

"If this king makes a move, it will definitely attract the real Dao Tianbei to bombard him, and then..."

The voice was full of fear.

A hint of astonishment and doubts could not help flashing in Shi Mei's eyes.

"Son of Heaven? What is that? Is it one of the Nine Sons of Heaven?" He asked curiously.

"It seems that the realm of transforming gods has disappeared. You juniors have extremely limited knowledge of the way of heaven. You don't even know the holy son of the way of heaven. Well, I might as well tell you about it."

The voice looked like someone who had just passed by, and he continued to speak.

"The so-called Son of the Heavenly Dao, to put it bluntly, is actually the suzerain of the Heavenly Dao Sect, who controls the Great Dao and Tianbei."

"And the Nine Sons of the Heavenly Way, located under the Holy Son, control the nine series of true spirits, gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, rain, thunder, and lightning. They are also called the sons of the heavenly way of gold, the sons of wood, etc."


That's it!

Hearing the other party's explanation, Shi Mei's eyes were filled with horror.

Unexpectedly, Tiandaozong was like this.

and many more!

That kid is the Holy Son of Heaven, plus the Kyushu Sect, his strength... Wasn't the Corpse Yin Sect's sacrifice in vain?

How can you take revenge?

The corpse charm's face instantly became extremely ugly. Originally, he was planning to get some benefits from the terrifying existence in the copper coffin, and then seek revenge from the Kyushu sect, but now...

"My lord, isn't that kid invincible? With the Great Dao and Tianbei in hand, who is his opponent?"

Immediately, he couldn't help asking.

"That's not necessarily the case. It is impossible for the Dao Tianbei to be completely controlled. It is only possible to use part of the power, but this part of power is the limit of the spirit world, enough to kill any strong man in the spirit world."


Isn't that the same thing?Zombie looked depressed.

The voice continued to remember.

"However, the Daotian tablet in that kid's hand is just a phantom, not a real thing, and it has been fused with other things. It can only be regarded as a three-soul magic weapon, not a real Daotian tablet."

"Moreover, he seems to have not yet awakened, and he is unable to control the Great Dao and Tianbei at all. He is not considered the true Son of Heaven."


Corpse Mei had a puzzled look on her face, obviously she didn't understand, so she wanted to ask again.

However, the voice was a little impatient.

"Okay! Anyway, you don't need to envy him, he's just a puppet, no matter how powerful he is."


Shi Mei was even more puzzled, but it was hard to continue asking, so she could only say yes again and again, and quickly walked towards Qianji Xing.


Thousand Machine Star, surrounded by mist.

These fogs are not formed naturally, but are caused by the mechanism of Qianjizong. Qianjizong has not only puppets, but also more mechanism techniques.

Puppets are just one of the most commonly used ones, and they are very popular among those cultivators.

Over time, many people thought that Qianjizong only had puppets.

But those real powerhouses know that Qianji Xing, the stronghold of Qianjizong, is one of the most dangerous places.

Everywhere is full of murderous opportunities.

In the mist, a continuous group of palaces loomed.

In front of the largest palace among them, Hua Tianji looked up at the void, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

"Sect Master, it has been confirmed that there are no corpses in the army of the Corpse Yin Sect, and the leader is the Corpse Demon." Below, a middle-aged man replied respectfully.

A group of Qianjizong disciples are also ready.

The Corpse Yin Sect came aggressively and did not hide it at all. The Qianji Sect naturally received the news long ago.

Waiting for the Corpse Yin Sect to throw itself into the trap.


Hua Tianzong frowned slightly, the corpse did not come, this was undoubtedly beyond his expectation, but...

"Hua Tianji, get out of here!"

Suddenly, there was an explosion, like thunder on the ground, and the eardrums of the people who exploded were numb.

The dense army of corpses has already arrived.

The person in the lead is naturally Corpse Demon. At this moment, he stands proudly in the sky, majestic and majestic, but this is only on the outside, but he feels a little weak inside.

Just kidding, he is only a four-layer body, but Hua Tianji is already a five-layer body, and this is the base camp of the Qianji Sect, how can he not be afraid.

It's just that when he thought of the terrifying existence in the copper coffin, his back couldn't help but straighten even more.

"Presumptuous! Who gave you the guts to dare to challenge my Thousand Chance Sect? You really don't know how to live or die."

"Tell me, where is the corpse?"

Hua Tianji also yelled, obviously not paying attention to the corpse ghost.

For him, the corpse is the most important thing, because the Wujiang coffin is in the hands of the other party.

"It's just the Thousand Chance Sect. I come here whenever I want. You, the Thousand Chance Sect, should pay the price for the Yingui Star battle that day."


Unexpectedly, with the command of the corpse demon, countless army of ghost corpses came to attack and kill like raindrops.

And he himself took the lead, like lightning, instantly shook the fog, and the majestic giant palm fell like the sky collapsed.


Hua Tianji sneered, kicked his feet, and flew into the sky, directly facing the corpse ghost.

kill kill kill! ! !

A group of Qianjizong disciples also attacked angrily, one by one, like tigers out of cage.

Immediately, a big battle ensued.

Under the shroud of mist and the assistance of various organs, the army of Yin corpses has suffered heavy losses, and the ghosts can't help but feel blood dripping from their hearts.

Fortunately, these are just Yin corpses, as long as they have enough strength, they can find them back at any time, otherwise...


At this time, Hua Tianji's giant palm also came over.

(End of this chapter)

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