Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2005 Overbearing Corpse Charm

Chapter 2005 Overbearing Corpse Charm

After all, Corpse Charm is only a four-fold body, although it is tyrannical, it is obviously not enough in the hands of Hua Tianji, who is a five-layer body.

This was also as early as he expected.

Facing the opponent's majestic attack at this moment, his face turned pale, and his expression was extremely ugly.

"grown ups……"

With an eager look on his face, he said via voice transmission.

"Trash, after all, you are also a four-fold body, and you are so unbearable," the voice was full of contempt, and it sounded directly in his consciousness, making him extremely embarrassed.

But the next moment, he felt a vast force coming out of nowhere and pouring directly into his body.

too strong!

Sensing this energy, his eyes glowed brightly.

The full energy seemed to make him explode completely.

Hahaha! ! !

"Hua Tianji, you will definitely die today, take your life!" Corpse Mei raised her head to the sky and laughed wildly, her whole body bursting with aura, and her arrogance skyrocketed inch by inch.

In an instant, it seemed to turn into a giant of heaven and earth.

The monstrous energy rolled out, filling the sky and the earth.

How can it be?

A flash of fear flashed in Hua Tianji's eyes, and his face was full of disbelief, because the other party was not worth mentioning in his eyes one moment ago, but the next moment, the aura emanating from the other party made him feel irresistible .

He hadn't felt this feeling for a long time, and he had almost forgotten it.

It was a very small feeling.

It was as if he was facing an unshakable mountain, but the other party was only a four-fold body, which was worse than him.

But that feeling can't be faked.

Boom! !

Corpse Charm has already slapped out a huge palm, carrying monstrous power, overwhelming everything.

The endless void collapsed, disillusioned inch by inch.

"Sect Master!" The other experts of Qianji Sect obviously also noticed something unusual, but this palm had already landed, and with their strength, it was obviously impossible to stop them, so they could only watch helplessly with eager expressions on their faces.

Hua Tianji shook his head, a ruthless look appeared on his face, and he greeted him angrily.

Although this palm seems extremely domineering, it feels extremely real.

However, the opponent is only a four-fold body after all, and he doesn't believe that the opponent has such a strong strength. If there is, the corpse Yinzong will not be completely wiped out in the battle of the ghost star.

Moreover, he also has strong confidence in his own strength.

and so……

It's a pity that he didn't know about the terrifying existence in the boundless coffin, or maybe he didn't think about it at all.

The result is obvious.

There was a loud noise, and the sky and the earth split instantly, as if it had exploded completely, and the billowing air waves swept away, and Hua Tianji flew out together with the air waves.

At this moment, he is like a cannonball that has been fired, with the blood in his mouth like a column, swaying the sky.


The expressions of all the disciples of Qianji Sect changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, no one expected that their suzerain was knocked into the air, and depending on the situation, it is not optimistic.

"Hahaha!! Hua Tianji, I said that today you will definitely die, and the entire Qianji Sect will also perish. This is the price of being an enemy of the Corpse Yin Sect."

The corpse charm laughed wildly, with a ferocious face.

At the same time, he also looked at his palms in disbelief, did he really do all this?

If this power really belongs to me, then...

Thinking of this, his eyes could not help but glow with longing.

On the contrary, Hua Tianji's entire face has turned extremely pale, and his eyes are filled with disbelief, as if he has seen a ghost.

"Impossible! You're only a mere quadruple body, how can you be so strong?"

He was covering his chest with his left hand, and the blood at the corner of his mouth still didn't stop, obviously the injury was serious.

Several Qianjizong strongmen have also quickly greeted them, as if they were facing a big enemy.

"Sovereign, how are you?"

Hua Tianji shook his head slightly, expressing that he was fine, but his sharp eyes kept staring at the corpse charm, as if he wanted to see through it.

"No matter what evildoer you are, if you dare to come to my Qianjizong, you will only die."

He only heard him shouting in a deep voice, and another Hua Tianji also condensed.

This is obviously his avatar, and judging by its cultivation, it is almost the same as the main body.

"Hmph! You haven't used the Longevity Coffin yet. Beat him until he uses it. Remember, don't kill his body. The King of the Longevity Coffin is sure to get it."

"My subordinate understands!"

While responding to the voice in the sea of ​​consciousness, the corpse charm couldn't help but evoke a ferocious smile.

"Dead? Hahaha!! Let's see who died."

When the words fell, he attacked again, like a demon god of heaven and earth, unrivaled.

kill! ! !

Later, several Qianjizong strongmen also greeted them together, all of them with killing intent.

But it is a pity that in front of the demon god of heaven and earth, he is like a plaything, let it be ravaged, and it is almost difficult for anyone to be his combined force.

In a breath, those strong men fell one after another,

"Hahaha!! What a bunch of trash, Hua Tianji, do you only have this strength in Qianji Sect? It's simply vulnerable." At this moment, the corpse charm was extremely arrogant.

Hua Tianji was already trembling with anger.

All the disciples of Qianji Sect were also ashamed, no one expected that the visitor would be so tyrannical.

Maybe they can't understand it deeply.

But Hua Tianji is undoubtedly the clearest, the corpse charm at this moment gives him the feeling that it is simply incomparable.

Obviously, his cultivation base is only four levels of contract, but the aura and combat power he exudes are not weaker than those of the top ten sects in the spiritual world.

Those are all people who have reached the sixth level of the combined body, the level of the ancestors.

In the world of cultivators, it becomes more and more difficult to break through.

And, it's not just a matter of time.

Every breakthrough needs a great opportunity, otherwise, even if you spend your whole life, you may not be able to take a step forward.

A combination of more than six layers is undoubtedly the most pinnacle existence in this world.

As for the corpse charm in front of him, although his cultivation level is far from reaching, his combat power has already reached such an unbelievable level.

Strictly speaking, it's just that the energy has been reached, the realm has not yet been reached, and it cannot be compared with the real powerhouses with more than six layers of fusion, but it is more than enough to deal with Qianjizong.

Except for Hua Tianji, there is no one who is his combined effort.

There were many casualties at the scene, like a real hell.

Nangong Wanqiao's face was also pale, but it was obviously nothing to her to fight like this, she could only be anxious while dealing with other Corpse Yin Sect disciples.

"Monster! Take my life."

Hua Tianji finally didn't keep it anymore, and he made seals with both hands, and a huge silver coffin seemed to fall from the nine heavens.

Like a ten thousand zhang divine peak, pressing across the sky and the earth.

The void seemed to be pierced through, and the rumble was endless, and the roaring air waves swept across the four directions like a tsunami.

"The Longevity Coffin, I'm finally willing to use it, and I will take it back for this king."

The voice seemed a little excited.

Needless to say, Zombie had already made a move first, and a huge hand directly grabbed the silver coffin.

Seeing that the silver coffin is about to fall into the big hands...

(End of this chapter)

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