Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2006 Fusion

Chapter 2006 Fusion

"Sure enough, they are here for the Longevity Coffin!"

Hua Tianji's expression couldn't help changing, the body and clone struck at the same time, like two lightning bolts, unstoppable.

Space is torn apart.

He had suspected the other party's purpose for a long time, and because of this, he never used the Longevity Coffin. Of course, he didn't take the other party seriously before, thinking that there was a corpse hidden in the dark.

But now... the opponent's strength is undoubtedly far beyond his expectations.


Seeing Hua Tianji approaching, Shi Mei's eyes were full of disdain, and he slapped casually, and the giant hand that was grabbing the silver coffin suddenly moved quickly.

However, Hua Tianji had been prepared for a long time, and the breath of Wanshou coffin became more and more deep.

"It's up to you, wishful thinking."

Just hearing him scream, the Longevity Coffin burst into silver light, and terrifying energy poured out, like a mountain torrent bursting a bank.

And his main body and avatar have already been attacked and killed.


The corpse charm was furious, and the sky and the earth exploded inch by inch.

The entire void seemed to have completely fallen into an endless vacuum, everything was crushed into dust and turned into nothingness.

Several figures also flew upside down, like falling stars.


The expressions of all the disciples of Qianji Sect changed greatly, and several people rushed over in an instant to catch the falling Hua Tianji.

As for the corpse charm, it seems that there is no serious problem, as if the gods are above, they are extremely domineering.

"Hahaha!! Hua Tianji, so you are nothing more than that. Starting today, Qianji Sect will be completely wiped out in the spirit world." He laughed wildly, high-spirited.

"He spoke wildly, everyone fought with him."

"Yes! Kill him!"

The disciples of the Qianji Sect were furious, and at this moment of life and death, they naturally couldn't back down.

Immediately, majestic figures soared into the sky.

Although the various organs of Qianjixing are more than enough to deal with the ordinary army of ghosts, they are obviously not enough to deal with ghosts.

At this moment, they obviously want to use crowd tactics.

But it's a pity that in the face of absolute strength, no matter how many people are, they are like ants, trampled on by others.

"Ridiculous! A group of ignorant ants."

Corpse Demon's face was full of disdain, and the ferocious pleasure at the corner of his mouth made him look like a ghost from hell.

"Go to hell!"

His eyes suddenly turned cold, his murderous intent soared into the sky, and the boundless coffin appeared out of thin air, like a mountain of ten thousand zhang, pressing directly on the disciples of Qianji Sect with irreversible momentum.


The crowd looked terrified. At this moment, they felt like ants.

The huge copper coffin pressed across the sky and the earth, and just the aura that pervaded its body made the crowd feel like they were falling into an abyss, and their souls seemed to be trembling.

Hua Tianji's pupils also suddenly dilated, which was incredible.

"Why is the Wujiang coffin in your hands?"

He blurted out.

At the same time, with the seal of ten fingers, the Longevity Coffin quickly greeted him.

At this moment, he has no choice at all. If he doesn't make a move, the disciples of Qianjizong will undoubtedly die, but even if he makes a move, with his current state, I'm afraid...

Boom! ! !

There was an endless rumbling between the heaven and the earth, and the ferocious smile of the corpse charm became thicker.

"Not only the boundless outer coffin, but also the Longevity Coffin!" After hearing him sneer, his big hand grabbed the Longevity Coffin again.

"Don't even think about it!"

There was monstrous anger in Hua Tianji's eyes, but the next moment, he became extremely frightened.

Because he suddenly discovered that the Longevity Coffin seemed to be out of his control, and the huge copper coffin lay directly in front of the Longevity Coffin, as if completely cutting off the connection between him and the Longevity Coffin.

"How could this be? Impossible..."

His expression changed drastically, full of panic, he tried to control the Longevity Coffin, but there was no response.

Not only that, a huge energy erupted from the copper coffin, directly blasting him into the air.


At the same time, Corpse Meme's wanton laughter also sounded.

What is even more incredible is that the Longevity Coffin, which was originally imprisoned, slowly floated up, and then slowly merged into the copper coffin.

All around the world, there was thunder.

One coffin and one outer coffin were slowly fused together, making the situation of Nine Heavens drastically changed.

The crowd was stunned, and they all watched this scene in horror. Most of them didn't know the legend about this coffin.

Seeing it at this moment is all unknown.

But the extremely terrifying aura still made them tremble with fear and tremble all over.

Even Hua Tianji had a dull expression on his face.

"No! You are not a corpse ghost." He obviously realized something, his eyes were full of fear, and his face was already bloodless.

And that coffin and outer coffin seemed to have been gradually fused together, the light was shining, and the world was shaking.

"Ignorance! Let me die!"

Shimei sneered, and had already made a move, the giant palm fell down like the sky collapsed, pressing across all directions.

This palm is extremely majestic, even Hua Tianji was no match in its heyday, now that Hua Tianji has been severely injured and has no power to fight back, who else in Qianji Sect can take this palm?

The crowd was in despair.

Seeing that this palm is about to fall.

Suddenly, an explosion came from heaven and earth, "Bold!"

The sound rolled like thunder, accompanied by the sound, the surrounding world was shaken, and a real dragon's claw appeared out of thin air, as if crossing endless space and coming from the abyss.

"Huh?" Shi Mei's pupils couldn't help shrinking, "It's you!"

He obviously knew who it was, and he was furious.

"Good job! I will send you all to hell today."

The terrifying energy from the copper coffin seemed to have made him swell to the point where he lost himself.

He thought that the visitor was the same as Hua Tianji, and let him be slaughtered.

But he forgot that that power didn't belong to him at all. Just as he was about to meet the claw, he suddenly found that that terrifying energy had disappeared.

what happened?

His expression changed drastically, but before he could react, the real dragon's claw had already fallen.

"No! My lord..."

He howled terribly.

However, in the eyes of the crowd, everything seemed so weird. The Corpse Demon, who was so domineering before, lost all arrogance at this moment, and was directly blown away by that claw, vomiting blood continuously.

The body shape is also like a meteor, falling straight down.

"Fang Yi!" Seeing that palm, Nangong Wan naturally recognized it at a glance, with an extremely excited expression.

Thousand Machine Sect disciples are no strangers either.

really!The next moment, Fang Yi's figure stepped out of the void, like a great emperor traveling in the starry sky.

"Corpse Yin Sect, death is not a pity!"

After the words fell, the claws of the real dragon protruded out again, directly imprisoning the fallen corpse.

"Sect Master Fang, longevity is boundless." Hua Tianji quickly reminded at this time.

Fang Yi had already noticed it, his eyes turned cold, and the real dragon's claws reached out again, directly grabbing the radiant copper coffin.

"It's up to you? Ignorant child."

Seeing that the giant palm was about to fall, suddenly, a vigorous and cold voice sounded from inside the copper coffin, as if it came from Jiuyou, which made people's hair stand on end.

(End of this chapter)

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