Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2014

Chapter 2014

Buzz! !

The sky and the earth roared endlessly, and the phantoms of the 36 heavenly generals were like 36 monstrous demon gods, crushing everything.

The terrifying power swept across the four directions like a mountain torrent breaking a bank.

Those powerful men from the Wanhou Mansion were all terrified and their faces were pale.

In an instant, countless figures fell, incomparably bright, like a gorgeous meteor shower.

kill kill kill! ! !

The shouts of killing in the sky filled the sky and the earth. Although Fang Yi was extremely domineering, the strong in the Wanhou Mansion were not weak, and, at this moment of life and death, they had no choice at all.

What's more, there are only a few dozen people in Fang Yi right now.

For them, this is probably the last chance, so it can be imagined.

"Kill them! As long as these people are killed, the Kyushu sect will have nothing to fear." Jin Yihou shouted loudly, and attacked first.

When everyone heard the words, they all showed a strong momentum.

To quite scary.

It's a pity that at this moment, in the eyes of the Kyushu sect, they feel somewhat hopeless, just dying.

"Just relying on you trash, dare to collude with the demons, death is not a pity."

"The emperor has ordered that those who don't know, as long as they obediently surrender, they will be captured, and they will not be killed at all. Otherwise, they will perish together with the Wanhou Mansion."

The loud voice resounded throughout the planet.

The disciples of the Wanhou Mansion, who were already vacillating, were even more shaken when they heard the words. After all, no one is willing to face death, especially when there is a way to survive.

However, the situation in front of them made them full of uncertainty and hesitation.

"You bastard! Don't confuse the public with gossip. My Wanhou Mansion has never colluded with the demons. It is clear that you planted the blame."

"This seat will definitely make you pay a terrible price today."

Wanhou Mansion is called Wanhou, and its strength can be imagined.

Even after successive defeats, he still dominates for a while.

However, the avenue and sky monument suppress the world, and the 36-meter restricted area is like an insurmountable sky, and there are still [-] days left.

Let Fang Yi be like a real god, unrivaled.

The crowd was all terrified.

"Honor of Wanhou, get out! If you don't come out, you will have no chance in Wanhou's Mansion." Fang Yi was extremely bullying, and his eyes glanced indifferently. There, he vaguely saw countless ghosts and ghosts.

A breath that seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hell also spread.

In an instant, the entire planet exuded an extremely eerie atmosphere, like a real abyss of hell.

"what happened?"

The faces of the people on the planet all changed dramatically, obviously aware of the changes between the heaven and the earth.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply. He had already learned about the Ten Thousand Ghosts and Soul Eaters, but compared to before, this terrifying aura was already much stronger.

However, it didn't affect him in the slightest.

But those strong men from the Wanhou Mansion didn't know it, and they all looked overjoyed.

"It's Lord Wanhou, the formation of the myriad ghosts has been set up, and they will definitely die today." Lan Yihou looked excited and high-spirited.

It seemed that Fang Yi and the others had been settled.

The Ten Thousand Ghosts Great Formation is the formation attached to the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner. Based on the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner, it summons thousands of ghosts to fight.

In the formation, it is like a real hell, a paradise for ghosts, any warrior who dares to approach, will be killed by ghosts, bones and souls, which is too horrible to look at.

And after death, he will also become a ghost and become one of the countless evil ghosts. He will be under the control of the ghosts and soul-eating banners forever, and his soul cannot be freed. He is extremely evil.

When the Ten Thousand Ghosts and Evil King refined the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner, it was at the cost of a planet's life.

Its horror can be imagined.

Even the Huo Jiao Demon King and the others couldn't help but change their expressions drastically at this moment, with fear in their eyes.


The next moment, a wanton laughter also came from the ground.

"Children from Jiuzhou, I never thought you would be so arrogant. Just dozens of people dare to attack my Wanhou Mansion, good! Very good!"

"As long as I kill you, as many Kyushu troops come, as many as this deity will be destroyed."

Accompanied by this sound, the terrifying atmosphere of hell transpired, almost covering the entire world, it was extremely frightening.

The shrill howls of countless ghosts and ghosts made people feel horrified.

A figure like Yuan also gathered together, it was the Lord of the Thousand Marquises.

Beside him at this moment, there is no doubt that ghosts and ghosts gather together, in strange shapes and in all kinds, but the same thing is that they are the same, the same gloomy, the same horror, and the same frightening.

The powerhouses of the Wanhou Mansion are no exception.

Looking at the Venerable Wanhou's eyes, it seems that they have become a little different.

Perhaps it was the shock of the Thousand Ghosts and Soul Eater Banner to them.

"Finally willing to come out!"

In the arena, Fang Yi was the only one who could maintain his composure. He looked indifferently, looking at the Lord Wanhou lightly, without any major emotional fluctuations.

In contrast, the Venerable Wanhou looked into his eyes, but there was a lot of anger.

"Boy, I have underestimated you, in a short time..."

"But it doesn't matter, everything is in a hurry, you will definitely die today."

Lord Wanhou gritted his teeth and said word by word.

Although his words were domineering and seemed to reveal strong confidence, the fear in the depths of his eyes could be hidden from others, but not from Fang Yi.

"Really! Are you building confidence in yourself? Knowing that this is useless to me, but still doing this useless work, I see that you are at the end of your rope."

The faint words were particularly harsh to the ears of the crowd.

The crowd couldn't help but wonder if Fang Yi was crazy. In the face of the Lord Wanhou, there were only a few dozen people who dared to be so rampant.

And it's even more impossible if the cultivation base is only triple-integrated.

Even the members of the Kyushu sect felt a little weak.

"you wanna die!"

The Venerable Wanhou was undoubtedly furious, "Is it true that I can't kill you? Even if the Great Formation of Thousand Ghosts is useless to you, I still have ways to deal with you, and apart from you, whoever dares to invade my Wanhou Mansion this time, I will definitely kill you!" They will be trapped in the banner of Ten Thousand Ghosts and Soul Eaters forever and will be tortured forever."

The Venerable Wanhou had a ferocious look on his face, and his cruel look, like a ghost from hell, made people feel terrified.

His calculations seem to be good.

The Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner may be ineffective against Fang Yi, but it is a big killer for other people, and no one can escape.

Even if Fang Yi can't be killed, it doesn't matter, as long as it can suppress other people, the Wanhou Mansion is also sure to win.

Hahaha! ! !

He looked up to the sky and laughed, looking extremely happy, as if he had foreseen the result.

The Huo Jiao Demon King and the others couldn't help turning slightly pale and their palms sweating.

Especially seeing those evil spirits and fierce ghosts, even the soul seemed to be trembling.

Only Fang Yi, with a calm expression on his face, looked at the Lord Wanhou who was laughing up to the sky, as if he was looking at an idiot.

He shook his head slightly, and sighed: "It's a pity, without the banner of Ten Thousand Ghosts and Soul Eater, you are nothing, and it is easy for me to take you down."

As soon as the words fell, one of his giant palms was already stretched out.

(End of this chapter)

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