Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2015

Chapter 2015


Between heaven and earth, a sound of dragon chant was heard immediately, as if falling from the nine heavens, shocking the mountains and rivers.

The claws of the real dragon protruded from the endless void, carrying the power of picking stars and falling into the moon.

Horrifying giant claws, covered with pale golden dragon scales, revealing a metallic texture, covering the entire world, giving people an incomparable feeling, as if the hand of fate is controlling the common people.

The crowd could not help but turn pale with shock.

No one thought that a combined triple could unleash such a domineering blow without the help of the Dao Tian Bei.

Even the Venerable Wanhou, his pupils were full of astonishment and inconceivable.

"Good job! Kid, even if you have supernatural powers, this deity will kill you on the spot today."

"Let you know that the dignity of the strong cannot be challenged."

At the same time as he spoke, the Honorable Wanhou also slapped his palm.

Boom! !

Terrifying energy poured out like roaring waves, engulfing all directions.

The Lord of Wanhou is the Lord of a House, a superpower who fits the five peaks, and his strength is even higher than that of Zi Yihou, otherwise, he will not become the Lord of Wanhou.

With the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner in hand, its strength cannot be found in the entire spirit world.

Even Fang Yi is probably not an opponent.

However, that was due to the effect of Fang Yi's establishment of the Thousand Ghosts and Soul Eater Banner. Unfortunately, this is no longer possible.

The red lotus karma is the nemesis of all ghosts, and the ghosts and soul eaters are like playthings to him.

Lord Wanhou naturally understood this, even though he didn't use it.

Of course, he didn't use it not only because it didn't have much effect, but also because he wanted to give confidence to everyone in the Wanhou Mansion. Once the Thousand Ghosts and Soul Eater Banner failed in front of Fang Yi, the morale of the Wanhou Mansion would definitely suffer.

and so……

Moreover, relying on his cultivation at the peak of the fifth level of integration, he also has great confidence to suppress his opponents.

Just like the giant hand at this moment, it is more shocking and terrifying than the claws of the real dragon, and it exudes the breath of endless destruction.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The whole world exploded completely, and the two giant palms also clashed inch by inch, and the world was shattered.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

An overwhelming wave of air swept all directions, sinking the void, and the two figures also retreated violently.

The difference is that the Honorable Wanhou only retreated several hundred meters, while Fang Yi retreated a full thousand meters before he stabilized his figure, his face turned pale slightly, and his eyes were serious.

"Hahaha!!! Children of Kyushu, so what if you are as tyrannical as you want? You can be proud of being able to take a blow from me."

"But unfortunately... this is not enough."

The Venerable Wanhou said, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and a sinister smile like a ghost emerged.

"Suffer to death!"

The ferocity on his face turned into a monstrous killing intent, sweeping towards him.

kill kill kill! ! !

Seeing this, everyone in Wanhou's mansion also had great morale, and rushed forward one by one. The strength of Wanhou's lord undoubtedly gave them hope.

The hope of survival, even the hope of victory.

But they don't know that this hope is just a phantom, which will be shattered at any time, especially when the Daotian Monument has not been used, it seems even more illusory.

There was an instant battle at the scene, and the scene of the battle between the strongest and the strongest can be imagined.

The entire planet was involved in it, and it was in turmoil, like a sudden earthquake, the sky collapsed and the ground collapsed.

"I said before that it's easy to take you down."

In the center of the battle, Fang Yi was still domineering, with an incomparably majestic demeanor, like a supreme and inviolable king.

While speaking, the Great Daotian Monument appeared out of thin air.

The roaring sound continued, and the sky trembled.

Everything around seemed to slow down, except for that person and the stele, as if wandering outside of time, stepping forward step by step, the breath also climbed inch by inch.

Everything in the world seems to move with them.

At this moment, they are the heart of heaven and earth, the ruler of all things, giving people an unparalleled feeling.

The pupils of Wanhou Zhizun are also full of inconceivable, Fang Yi's strength is obviously far beyond his expectation.

Strictly speaking, it is the Dao Tian Bei. The dominance of the Da Dao Tian Bei made him feel scared, making him feel as if he had been abandoned by the world, making him an enemy of the whole world alone.

Is so helpless, so small.

"Impossible! Just relying on your mere triple body, you will die for this deity!"

The fierce gleam in the eyes of Wanhou Zhizun was full of determination.


An incomparably bright sword shadow also soared into the sky from his hand, directly moving the situation of Nine Heavens.

The sky seemed to have been pierced with a big hole, and it collapsed in large chunks around, as if the entire sky was about to collapse.

The power of this sword made everyone present tremble with fear.

There is also a feeling of incomparable insignificance in my heart, as humble as dust.

If this is replaced by other combined triples, no!Even if it is a combination of four layers, it is probably impossible to survive this blow, and only the strong at the same level can fight against it.

However, Fang Yi is obviously not comparable to the best fit environment.

There is also a great way and a heavenly monument in hand.

and so……

He has no fear on his face, and he can't even see too many fluctuations. He can only see his resolute footsteps, stepping out step by step.

And that abyss-like breath, straight to the nine days.

There is also that side of the Great Dao Tianbei, as if it came through the ancient times, it was suppressed directly.

Boom boom boom! !

The sky-shattering loud noises continued, and everything became extremely fragile at this moment and disappeared one after another. Even the space was no exception, being swallowed wantonly and turning into an endless vacuum.

It is like a huge black hole, but also like an endless abyss.

The faces of the crowd were all pale with fright, staring blankly at the battle center, not even daring to breathe.

This scene is really too frightening, as tyrannical as they are, they also feel powerless to resist.

This is the case in Wanhou Mansion.

The same is true of the Kyushu sect.

At this moment, both sides seem to have no intention of continuing the battle, because for them, the situation in nothingness is the most important.

determine the final outcome of this battle.

kill kill kill! !

But at this moment, all around were screaming and screaming, and majestic figures galloped forward, like an invincible army of gods and demons. It turned out that the Kyushu Sect's army had already arrived.

The expressions of the people in Wanhou Mansion suddenly changed drastically.

The only slight advantage is gone.

The three-way army swept across the world, covering the entire planet.

"Hahaha!! Kyushu children, you are still far from winning this deity! Your people have finally arrived, and this deity has been waiting for them for a long time. Now, get up!"

The presumptuous voice of the Lord Wanhou came, revealing a cruel pleasure, as if he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Following his words, countless shrill screams came, ghosts crying and wolves howling.

The eerie aura also became more intense.

A thick black mist filled the entire planet in an instant, and countless evil spirits and fierce ghosts were mixed in it, rolling towards the Kyushu Sect army.

The formation of ten thousand ghosts truly enveloped the world at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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