Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2017 Killing You Like Butchering Dogs

Chapter 2017 Killing You Like Butchering Dogs

The sudden appearance of the Great Daotian Monument undoubtedly changed the expression of Lord Wanhou greatly.

However, after all, he is a super strong five-level body, and has reached the peak of the five-level body, which is far from being comparable to the general body level. No matter how strong the Dao Tianbei is, it is not so easy to suppress him.

"Children from Kyushu, you are still qualified to want the life of this deity."

He let out a loud shout, and his whole body was full of arrogance, like a monstrous demon god, facing the monument of the Great Dao, not weak at all.

The Dao Tianbei is not real. Although it is tyrannical, it is not enough for Fang Yi to cross the two realms and kill the opponent.

The cultivation base of a warrior has reached the state of integration, and every step is as difficult as reaching the sky.

The gap in strength is also huge.

It can be said that Fang Yi is extremely good at being able to compete with it, but it is not easy to kill him.

Boom! ! !

In an instant, the two majestic figures clashed again, with a feeling of being evenly matched, and the sky fell apart.

"Really! Whether you are qualified or not depends on whether you have this species."

Fang Yi sneered, and an aura like an abyss spread from his body, turning into a huge black hole and swallowing towards the Lord Wanhou.

"Inner World!"

The Master Wanhou couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and immediately burst out laughing, looking at Fang Yi's eyes like looking at an idiot.

"Boy, I don't know whether to say that you are arrogant or stupid. Since you want to die, I will help you."

The improvement of the inner world and the enhancement of warriors will increase with the improvement of cultivation.

High-level warriors are stronger than low-level warriors.

If you enter the inner world again, the increase rate will be different, which will undoubtedly make this gap even bigger. It may be more intuitive to express it in numbers. For example, two warriors, the original destructive power is one thousand and one thousand five respectively. If the size is doubled, it becomes two thousand and three thousand.

The gap between the two has undoubtedly been widened a lot.

What's more, warriors with low cultivation bases have far less increase than those with higher cultivation bases.

So... the gap is even more pronounced.

is infinitely magnified.

Normally, no low-level warrior would dare to fight a high-level warrior in the Inner World, because that would mean a huge gap.

It also means death.

After entering the inner world, you can't escape if you want to.

But at this moment, Fang Yi took the initiative to open the inner world, which undoubtedly made the Lord Wanhou sneer.

It was as if he had seized his last chance.

He had almost lost his confidence when the Ten Thousand Ghosts Formation was suppressed, but now it is different, as long as he kills the opponent, the Ten Thousand Ghosts Formation will wantonly kill the enemy, and then...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing ferociously, and his figure sank into the black hole like lightning, as if he was afraid that Fang Yi would change his mind.

However, how could he know that Fang Yi had already decided to kill him.

But the opponent's strength is overbearing, even if he can suppress the opponent, it is almost impossible to kill him.

But it is different in the inner world.

The opponent can't escape.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitched slightly, and then disappeared out of thin air.


Supreme Shura let out a loud shout, with fierce killing intent in his eyes, as if he was not worried about the battle in the inner world space at all.

Or, he wanted to take advantage of this to wipe out the Wanhou Mansion in one fell swoop.

Countless killing cries came, earth-shattering.

The Kyushu Sect's three-way army is unparalleled in strength, and it is simply not something that the Wanhou Mansion can compete with.

What's more, the myriad ghost formation is devouring countless creatures below at this moment, among them, there is no shortage of their relatives and friends, so why do they still have the intention to fight again.

If the Lord Wanhou was here, they might still be afraid, but at this moment...

Flee and escape, save people save people.

Even if some people resisted tenaciously, they were no match for the army at all, and pushed all the way away.

Master Wanhou may have expected everything about the outside world, but he still chose to enter the inner world space.

Because he thinks that he can kill his opponent quickly, and as long as things are done, all problems will be solved.

But the fact...

"Children from Kyushu, today is your memorial day next year. In your next life, remember, don't be so arrogant. There is a price to pay for arrogance."

The Honorable Wanhou smiled ferociously, and at the same time as he spoke, the long sword in his hand was cut out.

The external situation is unknown, so he will not delay, this sword is also merciless, the bright sword shadow, like a death ray thrown from the endless abyss of the universe, annihilates everything.

The endless void is reflected in a transparent, like daytime.

Countless sword qi passed by recklessly, like a meteor shower all over the sky, tearing the entire void to pieces.

The power of this sword is simply incomparable.

Even Fang Yi was shocked to the extreme.

If relying on the tyrannical and weird inner world, this blow might really kill them, but now...

His figure moved suddenly, and afterimages streaked across the sky, the surrounding scene changed drastically, and countless identical figures stood proudly in the sky, like monstrous demon gods.

"Huh? Illusion?"

A look of shock flashed in the pupils of the Lord Wanhou.

Because the illusion means that the opponent's inner world can change the rules at will, which is extremely terrifying.

However, this kind of horror is mostly reflected in the later stage. In the legendary state of transforming gods, if you want to change the rules, or even create rules, you must have a deep understanding of the rules.

Those who are strong in the fit environment have hardly touched the field of law.

It is undoubtedly difficult to change and create.

Fang Yi only learned a little bit from the perfect world seed, but he still has a long way to go if he wants to outline a complete world based on his own understanding, just like the great dream of Fengshenmeng.

But he can only follow the gourd painting and integrate into the four sword formations.

However, this is enough, enough for him to deal with many strong men, even the lord of Wanhou.

Just like at this moment, he shuttles through the space, invisible and invisible.

The Daotianbei is facing the opponent head-on, and it does not lose the wind in the slightest.

"How is it possible! You are only a triple body, so it is impossible for you to be so monstrous." The Honorable Wanhou obviously found it hard to accept.

His eyes were staring like copper bells, full of anger and unwillingness.

"I have said long ago that killing you is like slaughtering a dog. Now, let me send you on your way!" The presumptuous and domineering voice undoubtedly completely angered the Lord Wanhou, making him look like a runaway ancient beast.

"Ignorant child, dare to say such wild words, I will definitely destroy your soul and soul."

Carrying his boundless anger, the domineering sword shadow descended like a thunderbolt from the nine heavens, destroying everything.

Buzz! ! !

The Great Dao Tianbei also skyrocketed infinitely, like a towering mountain, suppressing the heavens.

Seeing that these two incomparable attacks were about to collide with each other, the world was already shaking first, as if it was about to collapse completely.

At the same time, a thunderbolt imperceptible to the naked eye passed by, with peerless sharpness, submerged into the void, and headed towards the Lord Wanhou.

(End of this chapter)

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