Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2018 Strong beheading

Chapter 2018 Strong beheading

Boom! !

The giant sword intersected with the Tianbei, and the whole world exploded completely, crumbling.

The void collapsed inch by inch, and the sky and the earth sank.

If this is replaced by a general combined triple, this power alone is enough to completely collapse the inner world.

However, Fang Yi is obviously not an ordinary triple combination, and he has also fused the four major sword formations. Among them, the Tiantian sword formation is famous for its strength, so how could it be so easy to collapse.

If so, how dare he enter the inner world to fight with the opponent.

Now that he has come, he naturally has the confidence to win.

Just like at this moment, when the giant sword and the sky tablet clashed, the surrounding space was empty, and thousands of shadows and swords appeared out of thin air.

The meaning of wind and thunder permeated the world, exuding an endless killing atmosphere.

Those countless thunderbolts were like sharp swords, attacking and killing Lord Wanhou.

"Ignorant children, overestimate themselves."

The Honorable Wanhou was full of sarcasm. Even at this moment, he was still not afraid. Although Fang Yi's inner world exceeded his expectations, it was obviously not that easy to kill him.

Just kidding, if the combined five layers are so easy to kill, that would be a big joke.

Feng Shenmeng was able to kill Zi Yihou, relying on the great dream world, it must be known that it was a complete dream world, far from comparable to Fang Yi's inner world.

With this, Fengshen Meng was able to severely injure Zi Yihou's spirit and kill him in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, based on her strength, it would be impossible.

Fang Yi is similar, relying on the Dao Tian Bei, he is at most comparable to the other party.

However, he still has four major sword formations, although they cannot be compared with the Great Dream Realm, it may not be too difficult to kill the Lord Wanhou.

Shuo Shuo! !

Thousands of thunderbolts turned into countless sharp swords and attacked and killed, covering the sky and covering the earth.

There are also avenues and sky monuments.

However, they were all blocked by the Lord Wanhou one by one.

"Children from Jiuzhou, you are only capable at this point, and you are still far from killing this deity." There was a strong irony in the eyes of the Lord Wanhou, which was extremely ferocious.

But at this moment, a thunderbolt flashed across the void, and a sharp sword seemed to pass through endless space, directly appearing in the heart of the Lord Wanhou.


Lord Wanhou's expression changed drastically, but his reaction was also extremely fast.

The strong man's ability to predict danger is far beyond that of ordinary people. He had already sensed the moment the sword appeared.

His body retreated like lightning.


But it's a pity that another sharp sword seemed to be waiting behind him, and the moment he retreated suddenly, it directly hit it.

The bright silver sword passed through the heart, and the blood dripped down like a passing life.

Lord Wanhou's expression also froze, his face full of horror and disbelief, maybe he didn't understand until his death where the two sharp swords came from, especially the one behind him.

Compared with the one in front of him, he at least sensed a strong crisis, but he didn't notice the other one.

It was as if he had been waiting there early in the morning.

This is indeed the case. Relying on the four great sword arrays to create illusions, the retreat of the Lord Wanhou has already been set by Fang Yi.

And that sharp sword was placed here by him early in the morning.

Although Futian Sword Formation can allow him to shuttle freely, and the sharp sword is no exception, but in the process of shuttle, there will be energy fluctuations, although it has no effect on ordinary strong people, but the Venerable Wanhou is obviously not comparable to ordinary people.

The sword in front of him was the best proof, the opponent dodged it.

However, he couldn't dodge the sword behind him.

Because that sword has long been waiting.

"No, no..." The Venerable Wanhou's face was full of unwillingness, his expression twitched, and it was best to slowly freeze.

A generation of super powerhouses, the lord of the Wanhou Mansion, just fell.

In the outside world, the Kyushu army has swept across the world, and some strong men in the Wanhou Mansion are still stubbornly resisting, because they are full of confidence in the Wanhou Lord.

As long as the Emperor of Kyushu can be beheaded, the situation in front of him is nothing at all, and everything can be easily resolved.

Holding this belief, they vowed to fight to the end.

Of course, even if they wanted to escape, they had nowhere to escape and could only fight to the death.

However, their defeat was already doomed. When the body of the Wanhou Lord fell from the sky, their only sliver of faith completely collapsed.

"The emperor is mighty, the honor of Wanhou is dead, kill!"

The army of Kyushu sect was extremely excited, their arrogance was high, and each of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood.

It's no wonder that in the entire chaotic star field, the most famous and top existence, the Lord Wanhou, died like this, at the hands of Fang Yi, how could they not be excited.

All this made them feel as if they were in a dream.

The original Kyushu Sect and Asura Hall disciples are fine.

They have an almost blind trust in Fang Yi.

But those disciples who joined later were already dumbfounded, looking at all this and the slowly falling figure in disbelief.

Compared to their shock, the Wanhou Mansion and the others undoubtedly fell into an abyss.

"Run away!"

In the crowd, I don't know who shouted.

Following this sound, the Wanhou Mansion's army completely collapsed and fled in all directions.

It's a pity that at this moment, they are already unable to escape, and the Kyushu Sect's army has already surrounded the surrounding area.

A wanton massacre was officially staged.

Fang Yi looked at this scene indifferently, and did not stop it. Although an army of benevolence and righteousness can rule the world, he was never polite to the culprit.

Only in this way can those forces that attempt to make enemies of the Kyushu Sect be deterred.

Countless screams came from the scene, like a hell.

The same is true on the planet below. Before the blood sacrifice is completed in the Ten Thousand Ghost Formation, countless creatures will be devoured and then turned into ghosts.

It's ridiculous, the Lord Wanhou still wants to use this to deal with the army of the Kyushu Sect, but he doesn't want to, he's just tying himself in a cocoon.

Fang Yi sighed slightly, and then opened his hand, the endless red lotus karmic fire, like a pillar of fire reaching the sky, went straight into the formation of ten thousand ghosts.

Suddenly, the entire formation collapsed inch by inch.

The red lotus karma fire is the nemesis of all ghosts, and it cannot be defeated by the ghost formation.

Now that the Myriad Ghost Formation has lost control, it is no longer an opponent, and most of it collapsed in an instant, pointing directly at the center of the formation.

There, a pitch-black soul-eating banner fluttered in the wind.

It is the Ghost Eater Banner.

"Get up!" Fang Yi casually poked around, and the entire Ten Thousand Ghosts Formation instantly collapsed, and the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater banner flew directly towards him.

Countless evil spirits and fierce ghosts also poured into it, and the world returned to clarity, as if nothing had happened, only the endless bloody sea of ​​corpses seemed to be telling everything.

The war ended quickly, the Wanhou Mansion suffered numerous casualties, and the entire planet was turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Survivors, but one out of ten.

From now on, the Wanhou Mansion can be said to be completely delisted.

"As the order continues, the Wanhou Mansion colluded with the demon clan and sacrificed blood to the ghosts and soul-eating banners, causing countless lives to be burnt, and there will be more than one death."

"When the Wanmo Sect is coming, the Kyushu Sect will do its best to protect the peace of the chaotic star field. If there are like-minded people, I welcome you..."

(End of this chapter)

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