Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2037 Breaking His Arm Again

Chapter 2037 Breaking His Arm Again

Do not!Strictly speaking, it didn't disappear out of thin air, but directly penetrated the space and submerged into nothingness.


Young Master Wan Mo was obviously startled, his face changed slightly.

Just at this moment, the long sword in Fang Yi's hand stabbed out again.

what happened?

Young Master Wanmo was a little unclear, so he didn't know where the two swords of wind and thunder fell before, but now he stabbed out with another sword, which made him extremely nervous.

Fang Yi, he was still extremely afraid.

However, he didn't feel any danger, which made him extremely puzzled.

At the same time, not far behind him, the expression of one of the two strong men who were entangled with Yan'er changed drastically.

Because an extremely dangerous breath was approaching.

As a five-fold powerhouse, he has an extraordinary sense of crisis.

But at this moment, the crisis came out of nowhere, making him at a loss, but his mind has been fully mobilized, and even the slightest change around him cannot escape his induction.


A ripple suddenly appeared in the space, and the two swords of Fenglei came out.

It turned out that Fang Yi's target was not the Wan Mo Gongzi at all, but the powerful demon clan behind him.


The strong demon master caught the two swords of Fenglei in an instant, and his reaction was extremely fast.

It has to be said that under such circumstances, he can still react so quickly, which is really shocking.

You know, the one who stands in front of him is the Wanmo boy, who can break through the Wanmo boy's line of defense?

Even Fang Yi was a little surprised. Fortunately, he didn't stop with this one hand. The sword that was thrust out after that pierced the space together and escaped into it.

There was almost no time difference between the two strikes.

Everything happens between lightning and flint.

If he had to say yes, it was the powerful Demon Race man who was the first to notice the second sword of wind and thunder, and was about to block the second sword just now.

But he felt another more fierce breath coming.

He wanted to escape, but unfortunately, it was too late.

Boom! ! !


Two loud bangs in succession, and the sound of the long sword entering the body, came to everyone's ears almost simultaneously.

The loud noise was naturally the two swords of Fenglei being repelled.

The long sword entered the body... Just like at this moment, Fang Yi's figure slowly gathered, and in his hand, a sharp sword was directly inserted into the heart of the strong demon, and passed through the heart.

"No..." The strong demon's face was terrified, unbelievable.

Looking away from his heart, he stared blankly at Fang Yi, full of unwillingness, and then fell down.

Maybe it all happened so fast that few people could react.

Or maybe, none of them dreamed that Fang Yi, who was fighting fiercely with Master Wanmo, would suddenly enter here and be killed with one blow.

"Bastard, you are courting death!"

Young Master Wan Mo reacted first, jumped like a thunder, and his ferocious attack was like a torrential rain.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi passed through him, ignored his existence, and beheaded his companion on the spot.

It was tantamount to slapping him in the face, which made him feel a great humiliation.

The other two five-folded bodies were also trembling with fear, their eyes full of fear. Did their companion die like this?At this moment, they are still a little hard to accept.

Or maybe they thought of themselves, they are both in the fifth body, and their companions were killed, then they...

If it is said that they had the confidence to win at the beginning, then now, they began to feel a little fear in their hearts.

This trace of fear has already made them somewhat restrained.

The situation on the field also took a sharp turn.

Originally, the demon body was on the verge of collapse, but at this moment, there was finally a chance to breathe, and the two sides showed a sense of equality.

Wu Qiaojun also looked very excited, clenched her fists and looked excited, as if she wanted to rush to the field to fight side by side with Fang Yi. Of course, she only dared to think about it, and the battle in front of her was obviously not for her.

However, it did not hinder her fiery gaze.

"Bastard, no wonder you dare to enter the inner world space, good! Very good!"

Master Wanmo gritted his teeth.

Regarding Fang Yi's weird shuttle ability, he was helpless, and finally understood the other party's intentions.

"Don't procrastinate any longer, go all out and smash this space."

Since it is impossible to catch that weird attack, it is undoubtedly the best choice to completely defeat this place.

The two powerhouses understood each other, and attacked Fang Yi at the same time.


Wu Qiaojun's face was pale with fright, and his nerves were tense.

As for Fang Yi, his face couldn't help but change. Although he had already beheaded an opponent, it was still unknown whether his inner world could resist facing the three strong men at the same time.

These are no ordinary three strong men.

Immediately, he reached out with his giant palm, and the Great Daotian Monument had already turned into a lofty divine peak, pressing away.

Yan'er also appeared extremely alert, the sea of ​​flames swept in and swallowed the two strong men.

Boom! ! !

All of a sudden, the surrounding area was booming, and it was on the verge of falling. The majestic energy ravaged the world, exuding an aura of destruction.

The whole world seemed to be collapsing.

not good!

Fang Yi's heart sank. At this moment, he didn't dare to hold back any more. He was full of breath, and the sound of dragons roared to the sky. His body was covered with scales and armor, and his body was also soaring inch by inch, comparable to that of the six-armed demon god. .

Like two giants of heaven and earth, they are far away from each other.

The terrifying aura permeated the air, causing the expression of Wan Mo Gongzi and his party to change dramatically.

Obviously, none of them thought that under such circumstances, Fang Yi would still retain his strength.

The terrifying golden-armored god of war, surrounded by countless dragon shadows, made them all feel terrified, and the yin and yang energy also burst forth, penetrating the heaven and earth, and going straight to the nine layers of sky.

A Tai Chi pattern exuding endless destructive aura also condensed.

The whole world seems to flow slowly with it.

"how is this possible?"

Several people's expressions changed drastically, and their faces were full of horror, as if they had forgotten what to do.

Especially Young Master Wan Mo, because the terrifying Tai Chi pattern is coming towards him.

At that moment, he had a faint feeling that the god of death was approaching. Shimo Tianshu burst out with a thousand zhangs of light, and the six-armed demon god, with six palms united, also greeted him instantly.

However, the Great Dao Tianbei has already been suppressed first.

The terrifying Tai Chi pattern turned into an extremely bright sword shadow, torn apart, and the whole world seemed to be divided into two.

Outside, the eager crowd could only see above the void, as if another huge thunder had passed by, tearing apart the space, revealing the scene inside.

They saw a huge golden-armored god of war, and an equally huge six-armed demon god.

The two giants clashed, and the incomparably bright sword shadow and Tai Chi pattern flashed across.

A smear of blood splashed, and two huge arms flew out, and flew directly to the outside world from the crack.

The cracks are closed again, and everything inside is no longer visible.

Only the two huge arms that flew out from the crack fell straight down, as if telling everything that happened in the inner world space.

(End of this chapter)

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