Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2038 Nine Sons of Heaven, Golden Spirit Sword

Chapter 2038 Nine Sons of Heaven, Golden Spirit Sword

The huge crowd could hardly hear a single sound at this moment. They all looked at each other in blank dismay, seeing deep shock in each other's eyes.

yes!With their knowledge, they have never seen such a big battle.

Especially those two arms...

"Then... that's the suzerain's!"

Someone asked cautiously, with a slightly trembling voice.

But no one can get back to him.

Everyone stayed on the spot, their eyes full of disbelief. Originally they were extremely excited and thought they had a chance to win, but now, what did they see, those two arms...

At this moment, they were extremely curious about what was going on in the inner world space.

And nervous!

Contrary to them, Bai Yingying and the others had bright eyes.

"It's the suzerain! The golden-armored God of War is the suzerain, and the six-armed incarnation of Master Wan Mo was cut off by the suzerain again."

Xia Houzheng looked extremely excited and blurted out.

Fortunately, the surrounding area has already been imprisoned by Bai Yingying, and the sound cannot be heard, otherwise...

The others are similar, all of them are in high spirits, worried from the beginning, but now, their faces are full of joy.

"Don't get carried away!"

Bai Yingying quickly reminded her, but in fact, her own face was also full of excitement.

Inner World Space!

That gigantic six-armed demon god, both of his arms were severed at the moment, dripping with blood. Although the six-armed demon god is not a physical entity, he lives in symbiosis with the ten thousand demon princes.

The two arms were cut off, and Master Wan Mo was severely injured, and a mouthful of blood could not help but spurt out.

The six-armed demon god became even more bleak, as if it would disappear at any moment.

However, Mr. Wanmo didn't have the mind to pay attention to these things at all, his eyes were protruding, and he stared at Fang Yi fiercely, all red.

"Bastard, you..."

He was clearly furious and terrified.

Perhaps he never dreamed that the six-armed avatar would be beheaded again, and this time, both arms were directly beheaded.

The other two strong demons also looked at Fang Yi as if they had seen a ghost, and their eyes became extremely frightened, and they no longer had the superior arrogance they used to have.

His face also became a little pale, extremely ugly.

"Is it painful?"

"I have said long ago that you will always be trampled under my feet, so die!"

The Golden Armored God of War is as mighty as a prison, and his arrogance is overwhelming.

At the same time as speaking, the peerless sword shadow fell down again, extremely fast.

Fang Yi didn't give Master Wanmo any respite. If such an opponent could kill him, he would definitely not let it go. Otherwise, what will happen in the future is still unknown. He has never been a bloodthirsty person, but at the same time, he is not a soft-hearted person.

So... this sword exuded the power of extinction.

Even Young Master Wan Mo would be doomed after being severely injured.

"Sect Master be careful!"

The expressions of the two powerful demon clans changed drastically, and they wanted to block the blow, but unfortunately, Fang Yi shot too fast.

Before they recovered from the previous blow, Fang Yi had already attacked.

Moreover, Yan'er was entangled with the demon body, how could it be so easy to get rid of it.

Seeing that this domineering sword is about to fall.

Young Master Wan Mo couldn't help showing a ghastly paleness on his face. The previous blow had already seriously injured him, but he hadn't recovered yet, and he had to face such a domineering sword again.

Even if it was him, he was already powerless to resist.

Moreover, even if you catch it with all your strength, even if you don't die, you probably won't have the power to fight anymore.

In that case, it is still a dead end.

At this moment, the hatred in his heart was overwhelming, his eyes were blood red, and a flash of determination faintly flashed across him.

"Bastard, you will definitely die today!"

Suddenly, he let out a roar, and his whole body was filled with arrogance.

At the same time, there seemed to be a sense from nine days away, and an incomparably bright golden light fell from the sky, piercing through the endless void, and directly covering the whole body of Master Wanmo.

Immediately, Master Wan Mo's injury healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The whole body is full of golden light and extremely fierce.

call out!

Immediately afterwards, a unparalleled sword light whizzed over and fell into his palm.

It was suddenly a golden long sword.

"How is it possible? The power of the heavens, is this the power of the heavens?" Fang Yi's pupils shrank suddenly, full of shock, he was very familiar with this power of the heavens.

At the beginning of the Yin Guixing battle, Feng Yiyi, Feng Shenxiu, and Fang Rulong were in charge of the power of heaven.

And that power of heaven also tried to invade his Fenglei Tianying, but at the last moment, he was expelled by the Water God Temple.

Now, the power of heaven actually appeared on Master Wanmo, and it was many times stronger than Feng Yiyi and the other three.

Even he felt a sense of invincibility.

"The Nine Sons of the Heavenly Dao, the Sword of the Golden Spirit, are actually the golden son of the Heavenly Dao."

The two strong demons also looked terrified.

Especially the old man in black robe, he couldn't help trembling when he pointed at Master Wanmo.

Tiandaozong confines the strength of this piece of heaven and earth below the state of transforming gods. Any strong person in the combined state will obviously not have a good impression of Tiandaozong.

Cultivation is an act against the sky, and Tiandaozong represents this day.

The first ancestor of the top ten demon clans, Shimo, was buried under the Dao of Heaven. As an elder of the Demon Race, knowing that the master of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect was actually one of the nine sons of the Dao of Heaven, how could he accept it.

Even Tie Feiying's face became extremely ugly.

However, Young Master Wanmo has no interest in paying attention to the two of them at all. At this moment, he only has Fang Yi in his eyes, and he wants to kill Fang Yi soon.


He shouted angrily, and the Golden Spirit Sword fell down.

The Nine Sons of the Heavenly Dao control the nine series of true spirits, and the Golden Spirit Sword is one of them. It is famous for its fierceness.

The sword shadow fell, and the void disappeared.

Without the slightest surprise, the inner world space collapsed piece by piece.

too strong! !

Fang Yi's face changed drastically, and he tried to resist with the Dao Tian Bei, but what he didn't expect was that the Da Dao Tian Bei seemed to be out of control, and it had no effect on that sword.

As everyone knows, although this Dao Tian Bei is not a real Da Dao Tian Bei, it still contains a trace of heavenly breath.

The sword of the golden spirit is one of the nine series of true spirits. It also belongs to the way of heaven, and its aura is stronger. How can it have any effect on it.


Fang Yi couldn't help cursing secretly.

At this moment, he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

With all his strength, he slashed out with a sword angrily.


The shadow of the sword soared into the sky, and the huge Tai Chi diagram instantly condensed, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

But it's a pity that under the bright golden sword shadow, it still looks extremely fragile. The confrontation between the two splits apart instantly, and the surrounding world also collapses inch by inch.

The void sinks, and the whole world is crumbling, as if it will collapse completely in the next moment.

The gigantic golden-armored God of War also fell straight down like a fallen star from nine days.

Blood was sprayed, and the whole world seemed to be raining blood.

(End of this chapter)

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