Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2039 The Strange Beginning Demon Book

Chapter 2039 The Strange Beginning Demon Book

"Fang Yi!"

Seeing this scene, Wu Qiaojun's entire face instantly turned pale, and she wanted to rush over, but unfortunately, the roaring air wave had already hit, like overwhelming mountains and seas, and a large area of ​​the surrounding space collapsed.

The whole world is about to collapse.

She only felt a great force coming from the wild, and with a light step, she flew out like a fallen leaf.

The blood in the mouth sprayed out like a fountain.

However, this was just the aftermath. Another even more vast wave of air raged across the world, destroying everything, as if it wanted to tear her into pieces.

Fortunately, at this moment, Yan'er's huge body blocked her, otherwise...

And the golden armored god of war still fell straight down, breaking the world.

Outside, the entire void is in turmoil, just like a huge mirror, torn apart, falling off irregularly, like bee eyes, faintly revealing the situation inside.

Seeing the golden armored god of war fall down.

And that ball of brilliant and domineering golden light, but that ball of golden light was so bright that the crowd didn't even know what it was.

Who would have thought that the majestic master of the Myriad Demon Sect would be one of the Nine Sons of the Heavenly Dao.

"Sect Master, he..."

Although no one saw the golden light, Fang Yi's figure was naturally very clear to Bai Yingying and the others.

Seeing this at this moment, all of them turned pale.

However, in this situation, they can't do anything at all, let alone Fang Yi has an order, even if there is no order, what can they change with their strength?

Moreover, from those shattered cracks, roaring air waves swept out, turning the entire world into a huge eye of the storm.

Everything inside is no longer visible.


"Are you surprised? Ignorant child, I have said that today you will definitely die."

Above the void, in the radiant golden light, Young Master Wanmo is like a real god, invincible.

The sword of the golden spirit in his hand can destroy everything and dominate the world.

Wherever the golden light came, the whole world collapsed under his feet.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, and they all looked at him in fear, even Fang Yi's eyes were full of disbelief, his body was in severe pain, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

How long?

He had already forgotten when was the last time he suffered such a serious injury, as if the god of death was approaching.

The feeling that Young Master Wanmo gave him at this moment was extremely similar to the power of heaven that bombarded and killed the Immortal Corpse King, equally irresistible.

Gives a sense of hopelessness.


Facing the Wanmo Young Master at this moment, Fang Yi actually felt extremely small, as if what he was facing at this moment was not the Wan Mo Young Master at all, but the whole world.

Fight against the sky!

The Undying Corpse King can only escape, let alone him.

Fortunately, it was the real Heavenly Dao that bombarded the Undying Corpse King, and the one standing in front of him at this moment was only one of the nine sons of the Heavenly Dao.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he won't even have a chance to escape.

Boom! ! !

The inner world space could no longer support it, and large areas collapsed.

The blood in Fang Yi's mouth is like a pillar, the warrior's inner world is connected with himself, one damages all damages, one prospers all prospers.

If the inner world completely collapses, even if Fang Yi does not die, he will be seriously injured and die, and his strength will be greatly damaged. He may never be able to re-condense the inner world in his life.

This was obviously not what Fang Yi wanted. He was burning with anxiety, trying to prevent the inner world from collapsing.

But it's a pity that nothing can stop the sword of the golden spirit.

Hahaha! ! !

Young Master Wan Mo laughed wildly, his face was full of cruelty, and he raised the Golden Spirit Sword in his hand again.

"Boy, let Benzong send you off for the last time!"

As he said, the Golden Spirit Sword was ready to cut down.

But at this moment, the space in the inner world had already collapsed, and Fang Yi seemed to have been exhausted of his last ounce of energy.

"Damn it!" He couldn't help cursing secretly, feeling extremely unwilling in his heart, but at this moment, he had no choice but to escape into the water temple.

However, just as he was about to escape into the water temple.

Suddenly, he noticed something strange in his body.

The collapsed inner world also seemed to be frozen, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Only that crystal-clear seed was floating in the air at some point.

"Perfect World Seed!"

Young Master Wan Mo was the first to recognize the seed, his eyes were full of shock.

Fang Yi was also stunned. Didn't this seed have dissipated in the inner world? Why...

However, before the two of them could react, countless regular thin lines stretched out from the seed, densely packed, covering the entire space, and expanding in all directions.

The originally shattered inner world unexpectedly re-condensed.


Fang Yi's eyes brightened and he was overjoyed.

But Young Master Wan Mo's eyes were full of disbelief and anger.

"Bastard! Bring it to Benzong."

His face was furious, and he stretched out a giant palm, trying to snatch the seed.

But a scene that no one expected appeared, the Shimo Heavenly Book appeared out of thin air at this time, monstrous demonic energy erupted, transformed into a huge demon god, and greeted Master Wanmo.

" is this possible?"

Everyone present was stunned.

The Shimo Heavenly Book is the three-soul magic weapon of Lord Wanmo, and now, it turns against Lord Wanmo, how dare everyone believe it.

Let's not talk about Tie Feiying and the black-robed old man.

Young Master Wan Mo felt as if he had seen a ghost, his eyes were wide open, and his face was filled with disbelief.

"How could this be? Come back to me!"

He roared angrily, and the giant palm that was originally grasping the seeds of the perfect world turned towards the Shimo Heavenly Book.

Boom! !

There was a loud noise, and the demon god and the giant palm clashed, and both burst open.

The Shimo Heavenly Book was still floating in the air, unfolding slowly, and countless inscriptions poured out, unexpectedly slowly blending into the inner world that was being reshaped, and blending into the countless rules and thin lines.

"No! Impossible, why?"

Young Master Wan Mo shook his head desperately, obviously unable to accept all this.

Everyone was also dumbfounded.

"Since you don't belong to this sect, then this sect will destroy you."

Suddenly, Master Wanmo's eyes lit up, his killing intent was overwhelming, and the golden spirit sword directly slashed away, intending to destroy Shimo's Heavenly Book.

"No..." Among the demons, the black-robed old man's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to stop it, but it was too late.

The same is true for Tie Feiying. The Shimo Heavenly Book is the holy weapon of the demon clan. How could they be willing to be destroyed like this? It's a pity...

However, just when they were extremely desperate, a figure rushed towards them with the force of thunder.

Needless to say, that figure was Fang Yi.

Do not!Strictly speaking, it should be Fang Yi's demon body. Fang Yi's body was severely injured, and he was almost powerless to fight back. Fortunately, he still has the demon body. Right now, the perfect world seed is reshaping the inner world.

At such a critical moment, how could he allow Master Wanmo to destroy it.

Even if he fights this clone, he will not hesitate.

So, he went resolutely.

(End of this chapter)

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