Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2040 Reshaping the Inner World

Chapter 2040 Reshaping the Inner World


The golden spirit sword fell, the sky and the earth were divided into two, and a huge crack extended infinitely, heading towards Shimo Tianshu.

Seeing that the Shimo Heavenly Book was about to be completely destroyed.

At least everyone thinks so. After all, the Golden Spirit Sword is too domineering. It cuts everything, and the whole world is only under this sword. Shimo Tianshu is no exception.

However, an unexpected scene appeared.

The Shimo Heavenly Book burst out with radiance.

The monstrous demonic energy erupted out, and countless inscriptions gathered, turning into a terrifying claw, which directly greeted it.

The demonic claws seemed to stick out from the book, unparalleled, wrapped in monstrous power, the whole world seemed to be instantly enveloped by a demonic cloud, and it was extremely dark.

"how is this possible?"

The pupils of Wan Mo Gongzi suddenly dilated, filled with inconceivability.

Although the Shimo Heavenly Book is domineering in his hands, it is far from reaching the current level, otherwise, why would he need to use the Golden Spirit Sword.


He was burning with anger, and a feeling of being teased spontaneously arose.

The radiant golden sword shadow was also like a golden thunder that opened up the sky and opened the earth in the billowing demon cloud, tearing apart the sky.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The void was turbulent, and the entire world exploded completely.

Surprisingly, the Shimo Heavenly Book was still floating in the air, as if it hadn't moved more than half a cent.

It's just that the breath seems to have become a little sluggish.

Although Shimo's Heavenly Book is Shimo's possession, Shimo's Heavenly Book has long since fallen, and Shimo's Heavenly Book has already fallen into a deep sleep. Now it is activated by Master Wanmo, but only part of its energy has been awakened.

After one blow, he seemed exhausted.

Slowly, it floated down.

"Bastard! I really want to see what kind of monster you are." Young Master Wan Mo yelled angrily, protruding his giant palm again.

The changes in the Shimo Heavenly Book obviously made him extremely angry and puzzled.

However, his giant palm has not yet fallen.

Another figure shot out like galloping lightning, and grabbed the Shimo Heavenly Book.

Needless to say, that figure was Fang Yi's demon body.

"You're looking for death!" Thunderclap was furious, and the terrifying giant palm suddenly moved a little faster, but Fang Yi was faster than him, and the moment the palm fell, a thunderbolt flashed across.

Boom! !

The giant palm fell into the air, cracking the void, and roaring air waves swept around.

If you pay attention carefully, you will find that this space seems to have undergone some changes and is more stable.

No matter how the air wave roared, it only trembled slightly.

However, everyone obviously didn't care about it at the moment. One by one, they looked at the battle center without daring to show their atmosphere, and saw that black-haired Fang Yi re-condensed tens of thousands of meters away, holding the Shimo Heavenly Book in his hand.

"Bastard, go to hell!"

Master Wanmo's eyes suddenly turned cold, with murderous intent, he raised the Golden Spirit Sword again.


At this time, the old man in black robe flew away.

Shimo's Heavenly Book is a holy weapon of the demon clan, how could he watch Shimo's Heavenly Book being destroyed.

It was too late before, but now...

"Bastard! Do you also want to stop this sect?" Young Master Wan Mo's face was furious, and he shouted sharply, revealing a strong killing intent.

The black-robed old man was obviously startled, with a complex look on his face, but he still said: "The Shimo Heavenly Book is a sacred weapon of the demon clan, and it must not be destroyed."

His tone was decisive, and he didn't know if it was intentional, even ignoring the word suzerain.


Young Master Wanmo's eyes turned cold, revealing his killing intent.

Buzz! !

Just at this moment, the world trembled, and the originally broken inner world was healed again, and countless regular thin lines covered the entire world, firmly consolidating the surroundings together.

At the same time, the Shimo Heavenly Book in Fang Yi's hand floated up again.

Go straight to the perfect world seed.

Countless inscriptions are fused with it.

A huge phantom of the sacred monument also slowly emerged.

"It's the Beginning Demon Sacred Monument, how could it be like this? How could the Beginning Demon Sacred Monument gather here?" Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and everything in front of them was obviously beyond their expectations.

Not only that, except for the Beginning Demon Sacred Monument.

Around the huge inner world, phantoms of huge stone tablets slowly emerged.

"The Black Demon Stele, the Blood Demon Stele,..." The top ten demon clans and the ten steles all appeared in the surroundings one by one at this moment.

The countless rules and thin threads are wrapped around these stone tablets, outlining this world and suppressing this world.

At the same time, the distant blood demon clan, the ancestor of the blood demon suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils were full of shock and excitement, "It has appeared, it has finally appeared."

"Who could it be? Master Wanmo?"

Not only the ancestor of the Gorefiend, but also the ten major demon races all felt it.

" are not the Man of Destiny of the Demon Race, he is!" The black-robed old man was also shocked at this moment, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Looking at Young Master Wan Mo, and Fang Yi under Shi Mo's Heavenly Book.

At this moment Fang Yi, although his expression is still weak, has recovered a lot.

The reorganization of the inner world also greatly repaired his injuries.

However, he also felt inexplicable about all this.

"Bold! What kind of bullshit is the man of destiny of the demon clan, you are all going to die today." Master Wanmo's eyes were about to burst, and the golden spirit sword fell without a trace of hesitation.

Perhaps, when the Golden Spirit Sword was used, everything was already doomed.

The black-robed old man's expression changed drastically, apparently he did not expect that Wan Mo would do it as soon as he said he would do it.

Fang Yi, the Sword of the Golden Spirit, is still invincible, let alone him.

Therefore, he didn't hesitate at all, and his reaction was extremely fast, and his figure retreated violently.

But unfortunately, the next moment, he felt a pain in his back, and a gleaming sharp sword pierced through his heart.

"Tie Feiying, why..."

He froze, looked back, and looked puzzled at Tie Feiying who was holding the sword hilt with a cold expression on his face.

Perhaps he never dreamed that Tie Feiying would still be loyal to Master Wanmo after he revealed his identity as the Nine Sons of the Heavenly Dao, and he would never have imagined that Tie Feiying, who is a five-fold fit, had already been planted. Obtaining the magic seal.

This sudden change undoubtedly surprised Fang Yi and the others.

However, Fang Yi has suffered heavy injuries and is unable to fight again.

The strength of the demon body is not enough, obviously it can't be compared with the two, especially the son of ten thousand demons, relying on the sword of the golden spirit, he can cut everything, and he is unmatched.

The only one who can fight is Yan'er.

But dragging three people, the result can be imagined.

Boom! !

At this time, the sky trembled, and the space of the inner world was reorganized, as if it had reached the last moment.

"Do you think it will be useful to reorganize the inner world? Dreaming!" A sneer flashed in the eyes of Master Wanmo, and the golden sword fell down again, splitting the void.

The Golden Spirit Sword cuts through everything, and no one knows whether the reorganized inner world can resist it.

However, that huge crack has already fallen, extending infinitely.

(End of this chapter)

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