Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2042

Chapter 2042

"Have you heard? The Nine Provinces Sect attacked the Wanmo Sect, and the Nine Provinces Sect Master was defeated and fled away."

"Cut! You don't need to say, I have received the news a long time ago, and it is said that the suzerain of the Kyushu sect also used one of the good fortune shrines, the water shrine."

"Water Temple?"

"Hey! I don't know! Isn't it the water temple? I heard that there are five major temples in the Good Fortune Shrine, which are gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and the Five Elements Temple. The Supreme Lord of Creation."

"Really? Isn't that..."

A few days later, all kinds of rumors spread to every corner of the chaotic star field.

Then, it is passed on to the wider spiritual world.

The advent of the Water God Temple also caused the entire spirit world to boil, especially those who were the most powerful.

For ordinary people, this is just a matter of talk, no matter how powerful the water temple is, no matter how mysterious the good fortune shrine is, they have nothing to do with them, but those who are the most powerful are different, they all want to get involved.

After all, that is the legendary water temple.

Even Fang Yi's rise and tyranny were all attributed to the water temple by those who cared.

In this way, the countless strong men became more and more eager for the water temple, and they poured into the chaotic star field continuously.

The entire chaotic star field was also shrouded in a layer of dark clouds, like the eve of a storm.

"How is it? Is there any news from the emperor?"

Greedy Wolf Star, Huo Jiao Demon King was very anxious, and he felt a little overwhelmed by these rumors.

Whether Fang Yi attacked the Ten Thousand Demon Sect or not, and what the final result was, he didn't know anything, let alone the Water God Temple.

"Master Hui Huo Jiao, not yet, but the demon army has stopped and has not moved forward."

"Moreover, there is news that Lord Yan also appeared in that battle..."

The Yaozu disciple below quickly told the news of the detection.

Hearing the words, the Fire Dragon Demon King's face became even uglier.

At the same time, the entire chaotic star field and the major forces are all discussing this matter.

The two great elders of the demon clan fell, the damage to the Kyushu sect was unknown, the suzerain fled and disappeared, and there was news about the water temple, all of which affected everyone.

Countless strong men began to pour in.

The tense atmosphere in the chaotic star field has almost reached its peak.

However, the instigator of all this is currently sitting in an ordinary restaurant on Tanlang Xing.

"How is it? Is your injury still important?"

Wu Qiaojun asked with concern.

In the past few days, the two haven't gone anywhere, they have been greedy for wolf stars, but they haven't contacted anyone.

Fang Yi has been recuperating from his injuries, until today he has slightly improved, and came out to explore the wind.

"It's okay!" He smiled lightly and replied.

Seeing this, Mr. Wu Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"You say, does the suzerain of the Kyushu sect really own the water temple? If not, why did he completely defeat the sect alliance in such a short period of time."

"That's right! Moreover, he not only killed several corpse kings, but even the Lord Wanhou was killed by him. From this point of view, the rumors are probably true."

"Not only that, let me tell you, his rise is only a mere hundred years..."

In the restaurant, various discussions came.

Almost all of Fang Yi's backgrounds have been revealed, and the history of his growth has been circulated among the crowd.

Fang Yi felt a little speechless. Master Wanmo's move really exceeded his expectations, and it caught him off guard.

Although today, with his strength, he is not afraid of the water temple being exposed, but it is not a small trouble to be made public and known to the world.

In the vast spiritual world, no one knows what kind of strong people are hidden.

Even if the powerhouses in the Transformation God Realm cannot show up, the powerhouses from the top ten sects alone are not so easy to deal with.

I am afraid that these people will not let the Water Temple go easily.

Then there will be endless troubles waiting for him.

"Hmph! A group of ignorant people, what kind of devil master, is simply too hateful." Wu Qiaojun couldn't help swearing at this moment, with a look of resentment.

Naturally, she didn't know that Fang Yi was really pregnant with the Water God Temple, and it was just a trick of Master Wanmo.

As for the Temple of Water, she believed even more that Fang Yi was carrying the Temple of Fire.

She can still vividly remember everything that happened in the Burning Sky Sect back then. The Nine Flame Pagoda disappeared out of thin air, and Fang Yi left behind so many different flames before he left. What all this means, she knows very clearly in her heart.

But she never asked.

This was already a tacit secret between the two of them.

"Why don't we also expose the identity of Master Wan Mo?" After a slight pause, Jun Wu Qiao looked at Fang Yi and asked tentatively.

Young Master Wan Mo is one of the Nine Sons of the Heavenly Dao. Once the news spreads, it will definitely cause quite a stir, but... Fang Yi shook his head.

"Don't worry! Now that it's out of the way, no one will believe it."

"And, even if he is one of the nine sons of heaven, it has nothing to do with ordinary people."

The Nine Sons of the Dao of Heaven maintain the operation of the Dao of Heaven. To ordinary people, not only are they not evil, but they are still defenders of the Dao.

Therefore, violence or not violence will not have much effect at all.

"What about the demons? At least let the demons know. If you take out the Shimo Tianshu at that time, maybe the demons will respect you." Wu Qiaojun's eyes were shining brightly, with a look of anticipation.

Fang Yi couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Become a demon king?This is something he never dreamed of.

Moreover, he still doesn't know why the Shimo Heavenly Book has this change, so...

He still shook his head, this matter is not in a hurry, the most important thing right now is to find out what is going on in the Shimo Heavenly Book and the inner world space.

Of course, before that, he had to recover from his injury first.

"Yan'er, go and inform Huo Jiao to let them withdraw their troops, and at the same time send an order to make the Kyushu sect fully shrink."

Fang Yi immediately ordered.


Wu Qiaojun was obviously a little confused, so she looked at Fang Yi blankly, and asked, "No defense? What about the demon invasion?"

"No! Didn't you see that the demon army has stopped!" Fang Yi shook his head lightly. The rumor of the Water God Temple came out, and it was not just a matter between the Ten Thousand Demon Sect and the Kyushu Sect.

I am afraid that all ten major sects will be involved, and there are countless hidden powerhouses.

Under such circumstances, it is better to be still than to move, and the demons will naturally not be the first bird and cause trouble for the upper body.

At least that's the case on the surface, but behind the scenes, there must be a lot of troublesome people secretly looking for Fang Yi.

Not only the demons, but also other strong men who coveted the water temple, so... Next, Fang Yi's troubles will continue to flow, and the Wanmo boy can be regarded as completely pushing Fang Yi to the center of the storm.

As for whether the storm can be resolved, Fang Yi is also not sure, so he can only hide in the dark for the time being and wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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