Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2043 Fang Yi's doubts

Chapter 2043 Fang Yi's doubts

In the Water God Temple, Fang Yi quietly adjusted his breath. This battle really caused him a lot of trauma.

If it wasn't for the physically strong, he might not know what to do.

Fortunately, everything is finally over.

Moreover, it was a blessing in disguise, the reorganization of the inner world, regardless of the power, he did not have time to verify, but the strength needless to say, the Golden Spirit Sword has already explained everything.

Even the Golden Spirit Sword couldn't break through it, and the others, I'm afraid it was impossible.

There is also the Shimo Heavenly Book, which is also an unexpected surprise.

The fact that the Shimo Heavenly Book would fuse with that seed and fall into his hands was somewhat out of his expectation.

This seems to be mostly related to that seed.

Also out of his expectation, there is actually one more thing, and that is the Great Daotian Monument.

Fang Yi tapped his right hand lightly, and the Daotian Monument appeared out of thin air.

It's just that the way he looks at the Dao Tianbei at this moment has become a little different, dignified, puzzled, fearful, and extremely complicated.

It is this Fang Tianbei that has always been invincible in his hands.

But this time...

Fang Yi was full of puzzlement, why did the Daotianbei have no effect on Master Wanmo and the Sword of Golden Spirit?

what does this mean?

The Dao Tianbei is something that suppresses the heaven and the earth. Could it be that it is also a part of the heaven, so it has no effect on the golden spirit sword, which is also one of the nine departments of the heaven?

But if this is the case, why is the Golden Spirit Sword useful to him?

Could it be because he is not a disciple of Tiandaozong?

And Mr. Wanmo is one of the nine sons of heaven?

Thinking of this, Fang Yi suddenly felt that it was very possible, what is going on with that mysterious Tiandaozong?How were the Nine Sons of Heaven selected?

Also, the three of Feng Yiyi also borrowed the power of the Heavenly Dao back then. Does that mean that they were also selected as the disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect?

But they don't know what they look like.

It is impossible for Feng Yiyi to hide it from herself. If she really became a disciple of Tiandaozong, she would definitely say it.

If she didn't say anything, she meant that nothing happened, so what does this mean?

Fang Yi felt extremely headache.

My heart is full of doubts, these mysteries have been haunting him.

Although he couldn't untie it for the time being, the changes in the Dao Tian Bei made him realize that this Fang Tian Bei might not be that simple.

I am not a disciple of Tiandao Sect, and it is impossible to become a disciple of Tiandao Sect. Tiandao Sect disciples say they want to maintain the operation of the Heavenly Dao, but cultivation is an act against the heavens.

And after that, what will happen?

Fang Yi shook his head secretly, and when he closed his hands, the Daotianbei disappeared.

This square tablet is full of weirdness, he has decided that if it is not necessary, he will never use it again.

After clearing his mind, he took out the Shimo Heavenly Book again.

On the contrary, the current Shimo Heavenly Book gave him a very close feeling, as if this Heavenly Book should belong to him in the first place, this wonderful feeling came from nowhere.

Fang Yi had no choice but to attribute everything to the perfect world seed.

Immediately, he slowly opened the Devil's Book, and countless inscriptions wandered around like living things.

Fang Yi obviously didn't know any of those inscriptions, but the amazing thing was that he could understand the meaning just by looking at them.

This feeling is extremely mysterious.

Fang Yi also watched mesmerized.

After a long time, he slowly closed the book.

"I'm afraid there is nothing more suitable for the avatar than the Shimo Heavenly Book." He muttered to himself, and directly asked the avatar to comprehend the Shimo Tianshu.

And he himself has already entered the inner world.

It's still an empty space.

Compared with before, the naked eye can hardly see the slightest change, but in reality, it is already very different. Fang Yi can sense any changes in this space, and even change them at will.

It's just that, given his lack of understanding of the laws of space, he doesn't know how to change it.

However, compared to before, it is already much stronger than before, and it can be called the real master of this space.

Immediately, with a thought in his mind, a huge stone tablet began to appear.

Ten demon clans and ten steles are arranged around the space at this moment, as if they are guarding this piece of heaven and earth.

Even the sword of the golden spirit cannot be broken.

Suddenly, Fang Yi couldn't help but think of what Hua Lian'er had said. She said that Shi Mo left the method of fighting against heaven in Shi Mo's sacred monument.

The Shimo Heavenly Book and the perfect world seed are both inside the Shimo Sacred Monument.

As a result, the combination of these two items creates this space.

Could it be that this piece of sky is Shimo's way to fight against the Dao of Heaven?

Not to mention, it is really possible, regardless of whether it can fight against the Dao of Heaven, but at least the Golden Spirit Sword cannot be broken.

In this way, even if he faces the Nine Sons of Tiandao in the future, he will have this great support, and this space can probably shield Tiandao from probing, if this is the case...

wrong!Even if this is the case, could he hide in the inner world forever?it seems...

Fang Yi still couldn't figure it out, so he had to give up immediately.


Just as he was trying to study these steles, he suddenly discovered that there seemed to be endless devilish energy inside, and it was extremely pure, purer and more domineering than the devilish energy he had seen before.

"Could it be the Qi of the Beginning Demon?"

Fang Yi was startled secretly, and guessed wildly that Shimo was the first demon in the spirit world, conceived by heaven and earth.

The magic energy contained in it is naturally incomparable.

Even the Qi of the Ancient Demon is far behind.

"It's too domineering, it should be the aura of primordial demon!" Fang Yi felt extremely excited when he felt it slightly.

Once the avatar refines these magical energy.

Do not!Only a part of refining is needed, and I am afraid it is far beyond the ability of the main body.

Moreover, each stele contains a majestic aura of primordial magic. Once it is all refined, Fang Yi can't imagine to what extent it will reach.

However, he was already looking forward to it in his heart.

"It seems a little mysterious?"

Fang Yi put one hand into the stele, and a ripple rippled slightly, as if passing through the water, as if passing through endless space. it similar to a teleportation array?

Through the top ten steles, can you teleport to the top ten demons at will?

Don't say it, it's not necessarily true.

But Xia Yi is not interested in going to the Demon Race right now, the chaotic star field has become a mess, and the bigger storm is still behind, so he has no intention of going to the Demon Race.

Furthermore, all the powerful demons have arrived in the chaotic star field.

It would be a good way to sneak attack the demons by himself, but the culprit of all this is Master Wanmo.

The Demon Race was also kept in the dark.

Moreover, now that he has mastered the Shimo Heavenly Book and condensed this peculiar inner world, even if he is not grateful to Shimo and the Demon Race, it is not good to do it without a reason.

and so……

After studying for a while, Fang Yi disappeared in the inner world.

(End of this chapter)

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