Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2045 Situation

Chapter 2045 Situation

"There are three great deities in the Great Buddha Temple, and eighteen arhats."

"There are four great fairies in the Feixian Pavilion, and the most mysterious Feixian Pavilion Master, who is known as Yijian Feixian. There are rumors that he is the reincarnation of a real fairy. Whether it is true or not, we have no way of knowing."

"The strength of these two major sects is second only to the existence of Wanmozong, Zizaiguan, and Yaoshenmeng."

"Even no one knows how far the master of the Feixian Pavilion has reached. It is very likely that he has broken through to the seventh level of fusion. However, compared with other sects, there are far fewer Feixian Pavilion disciples, so the overall strength..."


It has to be said that Wu Qiaojun is worthy of being a disciple of the Burning Heaven Sect, one of the top ten sects in the spiritual world.

Her father is also one of the most powerful people in the Burning Sky Sect, and Zhenjun Lihuo's understanding of the ten major sects is far beyond that of ordinary people. Fang Yi was also amazed when he heard it.

Sure enough, none of the top ten sects are kind.

Let's not talk about the Wanmo Sect, Zizaiguan, and the Yaoshenmeng, these three sects have the strongest seven-fold fusion.

Just the Great Buddha Temple and Feixian Pavilion...

There are also the Burning Heaven Sect and others, and several other sects with slightly weaker strength are not able to compete with the current Kyushu Sect.

Of course, Fang Yi would not be afraid if he faced only one of them.

But now this situation...

It's fine if he's the only one who arrives, if you're afraid, both the Kyushu Sect and the Shura Palace will be implicated.

Do not!Not only the Kyushu sect, but the entire chaotic star field will be involved.

"Actually, things are not as terrible as imagined. When the Water God Temple came out, ordinary warriors couldn't get involved at all. Those who could get involved were the strong ones. The Kyushu Sect should be fine."

As if seeing Fang Yi's worry, Wu Qiaojun comforted him.

However, these words seem to be somewhat lacking in confidence.

Although ordinary warriors cannot get their hands on the Temple of Water, if Fang Yi does not show up for a long time, or may not be able to explain the situation of Temple of Water clearly, the consequences will be obvious.

Fang Yi can hide, but Kyushu sect, how to hide?

In fact, Mr. Wu Qiao still has another worry, and that is the Temple of Fire.

Once the news of the Water God Temple spreads, the powerful members of the Burning Heaven Sect will definitely come, and by then, Fang Yi's identity will naturally be revealed.

In addition to Yan'er, the matter of the Fire God Temple can't be hidden at all.

What will happen to the Burning Heaven Sect is obvious.

Even though she is a direct disciple of the sect master of the Fentian Sect and her father is the True Monarch Lihuo, she still can't stop this incident.

After all, the Temple of Fire has a lot to do with it.

The loss of the Nine Flames Pagoda has already made the Burning Sky Sect lose its roots. If this goes on, the Burning Sky Sect will definitely fall, and the countless strong people in the sect will not be willing, so...

Fang Yi naturally understood this too, he looked at Wu Qiaojun.

The two looked at each other, tacit understanding.

"By the way! How much do you know about the Nether Palace? And the Emperor Huangquan."

After a slight pause, Fang Yi couldn't help asking again.

Nether Palace?

Wu Qiaojun was slightly taken aback, and gave Fang Yi a weird look, as if she felt that Fang Yi shouldn't ask her this question.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi rules the Shura Palace and is hailed as the Nether Emperor by the Shura Palace. Now he asks other people about the Nether Palace, which is really weird.

Fang Yi didn't understand why, so he had to smile wryly.

Seeing this, Mr. Wu Qiao said slowly: "The Nether Palace was the overlord in ancient times. In ancient times, it was also one of the top ten sects, even far surpassing all sects now, because at that time there was still the state of transformation."

"Emperor Youming and Emperor Huangquan are peerless supernatural beings at the Transformation God Realm..."

Mr. Wu Qiao briefly talked about the history of Nether Palace.

Although Dongfang Yi didn't know much about these things, he knew some, so it wasn't surprising.

"Actually, with the current strength of the Nether Palace, it can also be included in the top ten sects, and the ranking is extremely high."

"It's just that I heard that it was rejected by the Emperor of the Underworld. Moreover, the ten palaces of the Netherworld are not really unified, and they are independent, so..."

Emperor Huang Quan refused?

Fang Yi couldn't help being taken aback, this was a bit strange.

He also has some understanding of the strength of the Nether Palace. Each of the Ten Nether Palaces should not be underestimated. Although they are independent, they are not weaker than ordinary sects.

Once united, they will be able to squeeze into the top ten sects in an instant.

It's just that Emperor Huang Quan seldom showed up, and he always indulged the Ten Nether Temples.

"I've heard from Master that the Emperor of Huangquan may have broken through to the seventh level of the combined body and became the strongest."

"However, he seems to have no interest in managing the sect, and only focuses on his personal strength."

There was a hint of fascination and admiration in Wu Qiaojun's eyes.

Being able to ignore rights and focus on martial arts is definitely a rare thing.

The Netherworld Emperor can be said to be at his fingertips, but he remains unmoved in the slightest, keeping a low profile and concentrating on his cultivation. Just ask how many people can do it.

Of course, this is only on the surface, and it is not known exactly how.

However, judging from various rumors, Fang Yi has a good impression of this Emperor of the Underworld.

"What's your plan next?"

Finally, Mr. Wu Qiao couldn't help asking with concern.

Hearing this, Fang Yi also felt extremely headache.

It has to be said that this incident was indeed beyond his imagination. With the gathering of the top ten sects and so many strong men, he really had no idea how to deal with it.

However, he has never been a shrinking turtle.

What's more, this matter will implicate the Kyushu Sect and even the entire Chaos Starfield, so he can't help but shrink back.

"Actually, if you can, I suggest you go to Hua Lian'er, and then tell the Blood Demon Patriarch about Master Wanmo. If the Demon Race knows this, maybe they will support you."

"However, it all depends on the ancestor of the blood demon. No one knows whether he will covet the water temple."

"Maybe Hua Lian'er can help you."

Wu Qiaojun said very seriously, it can be seen that she put herself in Fang Yi's shoes.

If he could really get the support of the demon clan and the ancestor of the blood demon, then Fang Yi would undoubtedly face much less pressure.

But, as Wu Qiaojun said, would the blood demon patriarch covet the water temple?

Especially at this time, the end of the blood demon ancestor is approaching.

It would be fine if the Temple of Water is really just a rumor, but it is not a rumor, not only not a rumor, but also the Temple of Fire.

Fang Yi naturally thought of this a long time ago.

He even had such an idea for a while, but finally dismissed the idea.

This is just one of the reasons, and the bigger reason is that he never likes to use the strength of other people unless it is absolutely necessary, and it seems that that time has not yet come.

With Hua Lian'er around, maybe the possibility of success is very high, but in this way, he also owes Hua Lian'er a lot.

This is also what he doesn't want to see, so...

"It's not good! Something happened up front, and the powerful members of the Demon God Alliance have found the Scarlet Demon Star Demon Clan."

Just as Fang Yi was meditating, suddenly, a voice came.

"What's going on? Go! Go and see!"

In the restaurant, everyone moved upon hearing the wind.

Fang Yi and Wu Qiaojun couldn't help but look at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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