Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2046 Demon God Alliance

Chapter 2046 Demon God Alliance


After walking out of the restaurant, the two followed the crowd to a valley outside the city.

From a distance, I saw a lot of people gathered in front of me, talking a lot.

"I didn't expect the Alliance of the Demon Gods to come so quickly. Moreover, they directly approached the Demon Clan of the Scarlet Demon Star. The Demon Clan and the Kyushu Sect Alliance may not be able to escape this time."

"That's not true! The suzerain of the Kyushu sect owns the Water God Temple, and the ten major sects gather together. If there is any relationship, I'm afraid..."


When the voices of discussion came, they all seemed to feel a little regretful.

As a local cultivator in the chaotic star field, after the incidents of the Corpse Yin Sect and the Wanhou Mansion, he is no longer so repulsive to the Kyushu Sect and Fang Yi.

This time the Kyushu sect was in a difficult situation, which made them feel a little sorry.

Of course, there are also some haters, and those who deliberately provoke trouble with ulterior motives.

"Hmph! They asked for it themselves. If it weren't for them, why would the Chaotic Starfield have fallen to where it is today?"

"Well said! Ever since the Kyushu sect came, the chaotic star field has not had a single day of peace."


The voices of discussion passed into Fang Yi's ears verbatim, which made Fang Yi feel a little at a loss.

The chaos in the chaotic star field has nothing to do with him.

Not only here, but also the former Kyushu. It seemed that every time he went to that place, he would disturb that place. Sometimes he couldn't help wondering if he was a disaster.

However, for Kyushu, he has no choice.

Seeing that his expression was different, Mr. Wu Qiao seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't speak.

Instead, he said: "Didn't Yan'er tell the demon clan of the Scarlet Demon Star to withdraw? Why are they still here?"

"Most have been evacuated, only a small part is still there."

Fang Yi replied lightly.

From a distance, he had already sensed the situation in the valley clearly, including those strong men who were suspected to be from the Alliance of Demon Gods.

The leading man was dressed in a golden robe, even his skin color was glowing with a faint golden light, and so were his pupils. The whole person was like a statue cast in gold, standing proudly in the void, giving people a great sense of oppression.

Let the surrounding people only dare to look at it from a distance, but dare not approach it.

As if it was a god.

Behind him, there are several monster clan powerhouses, all of whom are full of monster aura.

Facing them far away is the Huo Jiao Demon King and his party. Although the number is small, their strength is not weak.

Of course, that was relative to themselves, and compared with the golden-robed man and his party, they were much worse.

"It's the Golden Cicada Demon Emperor!"

At this moment, Wu Qiaojun also saw the man in the golden robe clearly, and there was a look of shock in his eyes.

Seemingly knowing that Fang Yi was unfamiliar with the visitor, he explained to himself: "The Jin Chan Demon Emperor is one of the four Demon Emperors of the Demon God Alliance, and his strength is said to have reached the peak of the fifth level of fusion."

"The main body is actually a seven-color poison dart frog, extremely poisonous, but it always likes to call itself the golden cicada."


Fang Yi was surprised and nodded lightly.

Naturally, the strength of the Demon Emperor Jin Chan couldn't be concealed from him. He had already sensed that the other party was more powerful than Lord Wanhou.

Worthy of being one of the Four Great Demon Emperors of the Demon God Alliance.

However, the opponent's body was not a golden cicada, but a seven-color poison dart frog, which surprised him a little.

Seeing his golden appearance, he seems to be incompatible with poison, presumably he must have gone through a lot of dressing up, and it is really difficult for him.

"Hmph! It's a mere fire dragon. It's your luck that Lord Jinchan has taken a fancy to you. You don't know what's good and what's wrong, and you're looking for death. This king restricts you to bow your head to Lord Jinchan immediately, otherwise..."

At this moment, beside the Demon Emperor Jin Chan, a burly man with brown hair all over his body stared angrily at the Demon King Huo Jiao, and shouted sharply.

He was raging with tyranny and fierceness, like a glaring King Kong.

For the timid, I am afraid that just this momentum will be frightened.

What's more, his cultivation has reached the fourth level of integration.

It is much higher than the cultivation base of the Huo Jiao Demon King's combined triple peak.

However, the Fire Dragon Demon King was not afraid, he stepped forward, and said in a cold voice: "Fantasy, I, the Red Demon Star Demon Clan, have nothing to do with your Demon God Alliance. If you want to submit to me, you have found the wrong person."


Fang Yi was a little surprised. He thought that these people were just trying to find out about his whereabouts and the whereabouts of the Water God Temple.

Unexpectedly, he still wanted to subdue the Fire Dragon Demon King.

It's no wonder, they belong to the demon clan, and the demon god alliance is powerful and spread all over the spirit world. This Jin Chan demon emperor probably wants to subdue the Huo Jiao Demon King first, and then slowly inquire about his whereabouts.

Or maybe, it's not just the Fire Flood Demon King that he wants to subdue.


The burly man's thunderous voice exploded again.

"Bold! You are just a mere fire dragon, do you really think you can get into the eyes of Mr. Jin Chan!"

"I'm telling you, not only you, but also the Scarlet Demon Immortal, and the entire Scarlet Demon Star demon clan must submit to Lord Jin Chan and the Union of Demon Gods. Don't toast or eat fine wine."

The burly man's eyes were ferocious, revealing a frightening light.

"Unexpectedly, the League of Demon Gods would have taken a fancy to the Red Demon Star's monster clan, and the Fire Dragon Demon King would not agree? This is a great thing. From now on, Red Demon Star can be considered to have found a big backer."

"Who said no! Such a good opportunity, but you didn't seize it, could it be because of the Kyushu sect?"


There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, and it seemed that they couldn't figure it out.

Compared with the Kyushu Sect, the Alliance of the Demon Gods is a demon clan. For the Red Demon Star, it should be a better choice, but the fact...

However, they don't know that the Red Demon Star is not only a demon race, but a large part of it comes from Kyushu.

The Fire Flood Demon King is one of them.

As one of the top executives of the Scarlet Demon Star, Fang Yi's identity, as well as the cause and effect of this, are clear to him, so how could he submit to the Union of Demon Gods.

"Talk nonsense to him, beat him until he surrenders."


On the side of the Alliance of Demon Gods, it is obvious that they are getting impatient.

However, the Demon Emperor Jin Chan didn't speak, and the burly man didn't act hastily either.

They belong to the same monster clan, and the Demon God League has always been relatively lenient about whether other monster clans are willing to join, but because of the water temple, the red demon star is obviously different.

"Bold, in front of the emperor, dare not buy the emperor's account."

"Then perform well and let me see if you have the qualifications."

The Jin Chan Yaohuang finally spoke, like a high-ranking king, ignoring the common people.

Hearing this, the burly man was overjoyed immediately, his eyes shone like a hungry wolf, and he stepped forward step by step.

"Little earthworm, come on! Let me teach you a lesson and see if your bones are as hard as your mouth."

The burly man was full of sarcasm and disdain.

His words also caused everyone in the Demon God League to burst into laughter.

On the contrary, the Huojiao Demon King was furious, but his expression also appeared extremely fearful. Just kidding, let alone the Golden Cicada Demon King, he might not be able to take down the person in front of him.

But in this situation, he will naturally not back down, and resolutely welcome it.

 National Day, I wish you all a happy National Day!



(End of this chapter)

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