Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2049

Chapter 2049

The battle was extremely fierce, the sky fell apart, and the roaring wind almost destroyed everything in the valley, as if the end was coming.

The two powerhouses showed evenly matched strength at this moment.

That's all for the Giant Elephant Demon King, he is famous and powerful, and everyone has seen it before, but the performance of the Fire Dragon Demon King undoubtedly surprised everyone.

Before, in the hands of the Giant Elephant Demon King, he could only barely entangle him, not daring to confront him head-on.

But now...

Not only did he fight head-on, but he also showed incomparable bravery. The seven-colored rays of light burst out, and even the aura of the giant elephant demon king was faintly suppressed.

Such a huge change, how dare everyone believe it.

Although he has broken through to the fourth level of the body, the Giant Elephant Demon King is also a strong person of the fourth level of the body.

Moreover, it has been a long time since he reached the fourth level of fusion, which is far from being comparable to a fighter who has just broken through the fourth level of integration, but the fact...

It has to be said that the performance of the Fire Dragon Demon King was indeed unexpected.

Even Jin Chan Yaohuang and Fang Yi are no exception.

"Tsk tsk! I didn't expect the Fire Dragon Demon King to be so powerful after breaking through. Does he still have a chance to win?"

"How is it possible! He has just broken through, and with the ruthlessness after the breakthrough, he can barely compete with the Giant Elephant Demon King. After a long time, he will definitely lose."

"that's right……"

Obviously, the crowd is still not optimistic about the Huo Jiao Demon King.

No wonder, even though his performance is already extremely domineering, but no matter what, the Giant Elephant Demon King is not an unknown person.

In the quadruple combined body, there are not many people who are his opponents, let alone the Fire Dragon Demon King who has just broken through.

However, the facts slapped them hard.

Instead of being discouraged, the Huo Jiao Demon King became more and more courageous as he fought. The seven-color flames also evaporated, burning the world, and the fiery breath diffused, turning the entire world into a melting pot.

Before the raging energy approached his body, they were wiped out one after another.

Around him, it seemed to form a sky of flames.

"Hahaha!!! What a bullshit giant elephant demon king, it turned out to be nothing more than that, just relying on you? You also want to submit to me, I don't know what it means."

The more the Huo Jiao Demon King fought, the more confident he became, he looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

On the contrary, the Giant Elephant Demon King was already furious and furious, "You bastard! Don't be arrogant, take my life for this king."

With a roar, his body also exploded in an instant, turning into a gigantic ancient mammoth.

The sturdy body is like an unshakable giant peak, and the tyrannical aura is wanton, making the whole space sneer.

too strong!

The crowd was stunned, the Giant Elephant Demon King really lived up to his reputation.

Even Fang Yi nodded subconsciously, but there was no worry on his face, because the Fire Dragon Demon King was invincible.


I saw that the Fire Dragon Demon King did not flinch, and resolutely went up to him, his whole body was full of breath.

Boom! !

Immediately, there was a loud bang that shook the sky and the earth, and the two powerful men struck out with all their strength without reservation.

Its power can be imagined.

The faces of the crowd all changed drastically in fright, but their eyes still refused to move half a minute, for fear of missing something.

"Bang bang!" There were two loud bangs in succession, and the two behemoths flew out, like two falling stars, splashing blood like pillars into the sky.

"Both losers?"

The crowd looked at each other in disbelief.

Suddenly, no one benefited from this blow, and both of them were injured.

The difference is that the Fire Flood Demon King's expression is high, with a fiery light in his eyes, and it is obvious that he is extremely satisfied with being able to fight with the opponent to such an extent.

On the contrary, the face of the Giant Elephant Demon King has become extremely ugly, as if he has received a great humiliation.

"Impossible! You just broke through..."

The anger in his eyes was so high that he almost ran away, and when he spoke, he was about to attack again.


Just at this moment, the Demon Emperor Jin Chan finally spoke.

He looked deeply at the Fire Flood Dragon Demon King and the void, which was inconceivable.

"Master Jin Chan..." The Giant Elephant Demon King was obviously still a little unwilling, and was about to say something more, but was interrupted by the Jin Chan Demon King.

"You are at most evenly matched, so don't waste any more time."

His voice was soft and indifferent.

The Giant Elephant Demon King was obviously full of unwillingness, but since the Jin Chan Demon King had already spoken, he naturally didn't dare to say anything more, so he had to step aside and stare fiercely at the Huo Jiao Demon King.

Similarly, the Fire Flood Demon King is not to be outdone.

Fang Yi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Golden Cicada Demon Emperor would be straightforward, and the facts were exactly as he said.

If the two continue to fight, I'm afraid there will be no results in a short time.

Even if the Giant Elephant Demon King is slightly better, it is limited.

"Your Excellency, you still want to hide! Come out!" At this time, the Jin Chan Demon Emperor spoke again, and his sharp eyes couldn't help looking somewhere in the void.

Hearing this, the crowd couldn't help but look at each other. With their strength, it was naturally impossible to detect Yan'er's existence.

"Hey! There's a good show to watch."

At this moment, Wu Qiaojun couldn't help laughing a few times, with a hint of playfulness.

Yan'er's strength, she is very clear, in the battle with the demons, facing the two combined five layers at the same time, she can't lose the wind.

Even if the Jin Chan Yaohuang is tyrannical, in Yan'er's hands, he will definitely not get the slightest benefit.

So... She was happy to watch the show.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but smile, but suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he looked somewhere in the void, where there was actually a figure.

It was a woman, floating like a fairy, with a beautiful appearance, but she lacked a bit of fireworks.

It really looks like a fairy descending into the world.

At the same time, the Demon Emperor Jin Chan also looked towards the same direction, with a flash of surprise and playfulness in his eyes.

The woman seemed to have sensed his gaze, she glanced at him lightly, and then looked in the direction of Yan'er, but she didn't seem to notice Fang Yi at all.

In fact, it's not just her, Jin Chan Yaohuang also didn't notice Fang Yi's existence.

The hidden aura of the water temple made Fang Yi seem to be fused with the water element between heaven and earth, making them indistinguishable from each other.

"Really someone?"

In the crowd, there was a commotion at this moment.

It turned out that the space where Yan'er was located began to fluctuate sharply, a ripple came slightly, the fiery red light, accompanied by the incomparably hot breath, made the crowd's eyes widen.

Even the Golden Cicada Demon Emperor is the same, revealing dignified and curious.

The next moment, Yan'er's weak body slowly stepped out of the ripples.


"Is this... is there a mistake?" The crowd was dumbfounded, and their eyeballs seemed to be falling out.

It was in vain that they made expressions for a long time, and finally a little one came out.

It's no wonder they are like this, Yan'er's body is too small, and in the void, she looks even more insignificant, like a faint fire, which may be extinguished at any time.

hoohoo! !

Yan'er also roared twice subconsciously, as if to show her existence.

(End of this chapter)

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