Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2050 See Through

Chapter 2050 See Through

It's just that, with his small body, it looks a little funny.

The Golden Cicada Demon Emperor was undoubtedly surprised, he stared at Yan'er in a daze, as if a little unbelievable, of course, not only Yan'er's weak and small body, but also his seemingly harmless appearance.

When her body was weak, Yan'er was like a fire elf, without much energy fluctuation.

So much so that even Jin Chan Yaohuang didn't notice anything unusual.

If it weren't for the performance of Huo Jiao Demon King and others, he really doubted whether he had made a mistake.

"I've seen Lord Yan!"

Huo Jiao Demon King and others quickly saluted with respectful expressions.

Master Yan?

The surrounding crowd were stunned, everyone was astonished, their mouths seemed to be able to hold fists.

They looked at each other in blank dismay, as if they all wanted to know who this so-called Lord Yan was, but unfortunately no one could answer them, not many people in the Scarlet Demon Star Monster Clan knew about Yan'er's existence, let alone them.

As for Yan'er's real body, there are very few people who know about it.

Even the Demon Emperor of the Demon God Alliance, the Demon Emperor Jin Chan, could not recognize him at this moment.

"Hey! If you dare to underestimate Yan'er, you'll be surprised in a moment." Wu Qiaojun had a complacent look, and his heart was secretly refreshed.

Fang Yi couldn't help but smile in surprise.

The image of Yan'er is almost two extremes. When she is thin and small, she is like an elf-like pet. It is harmless to humans and animals, cute and cute, but once it swells up, it will be terrible.

"Master Yan? Heh! It was you just now?"

Jin Chan Yaohuang finally opened his mouth, taking away a trace of doubt and a little bit of fun.

hoohoo! !

Yan'er seemed very displeased with Jin Chan Yaohuang, and roared wantonly twice, the voice was still weak, but there was a hint of majesty, like a king coming.

"Huh?" The Demon Emperor Jin Chan was obviously aware of the surprise, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Just because of your small stature? How dare you act presumptuously in front of me."

He suddenly shouted, and a huge majesty erupted away, like a huge mountain, slowly pressing down on Yan'er.

He seemed to be tempted, but he didn't press down violently.

The attitude of the Fire Dragon Demon King and others made him full of curiosity about the little beast in front of him. He was really afraid that he would crush the opponent to death in one go, so there would be no more fun.

However, he undoubtedly thought too much.

The coercion was like a stone sinking into the sea, and the little beast in front of him seemed to be independent of this space and was not affected at all.

"How could this be?"

A look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

However, what surprised him even more was still behind, Yan'er had already stepped forward step by step, every time he took a step, the world trembled, the air waves churned, and the fiery breath swept away.

Yan'er's body also skyrocketed, her aura rising steadily.

After a few steps, it has turned into a huge flame monster, and the sea of ​​flames filled the sky, burning the world.

"This this……"

The crowd was dumbfounded, their mouths opened as if they could hold a fist.

No one could have imagined that the original little one would turn into a colossal figure in an instant, like a huge flame peak.

Jin Chan Yaohuang's pupils also shrank suddenly, full of shock, and seemed to be a little puzzled, probably because he was a little confused about Yan'er's real body.

Totem sacred beasts are extremely rare and almost only exist in legends.

It's normal for him to not recognize it for a while.

hoohoo! !

The flame giant roared recklessly, and the sound moved the heavens, making the crowd tremble with fear.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, no one would associate him with the little one before.

Boom boom boom! !

As Yan'er's body soared, the huge coercion of the Golden Cicada Demon Emperor instantly shattered, the surrounding space was turbulent, the void was silent, and was engulfed by the wanton sea of ​​flames.

"It seems that the emperor has underestimated you, very good!"

Jin Chan Yaohuang's eyes sank, and there was a trace of solemnity.

Yan'er's performance undoubtedly exceeded his expectations, but...

I saw that his figure was like lightning, and his body was full of golden light. With a palm strike, a huge golden handprint slammed towards Yan'er.

The void seemed to have fallen and collapsed in an instant.

The power of this palm can be imagined, and the entire huge Tanlang star is crumbling, and the land is cracked.

The faces of the crowd all changed drastically with fright, and they were extremely terrified.

However, Yan'er, who was right under the palm, didn't take it seriously at all, her huge body didn't flinch, she went straight to meet her, a giant flaming palm swung up, and slapped it down.

Bang! ! !

There was a loud noise, the sky and the earth were in turmoil, and the giant palms of flames and the golden handprints collided, and the entire space fell completely, turning into a huge black hole, like the abyss of the universe.

Willfully engulfing everything in the world.

The whole world seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

"too strong!"

At this moment, the crowd couldn't be more shocked, if they were still in the mood to watch the fun before.

So at this moment, most of them fled in fright, for fear of being affected.

Just kidding, just the overflowing energy is enough to tear them into pieces, how dare they stay here.

Of course, there are still some people who are still unwilling to leave. Such a big battle is a rare opportunity for every warrior, and they stare closely at the field.

When the smoke dissipated, it was discovered that the Jin Chan Yaohuang had already retreated thousands of meters away.

But Yan'er's huge body only retreated a few hundred meters.

" is it possible? even more domineering than the Golden Cicada Demon Emperor?"

Although just one blow can't explain anything, and the two of them seem to have no serious problems, but the Jin Chan Yaohuang's retreat so far undoubtedly surprised everyone.

You know, the four demon emperors of the Demon God Alliance are all famous and famous.

How could they not be shocked now that they fell slightly below.

What's more terrible is that they have never heard of such a powerful demon clan before.

Compared with the shock of the crowd, Jin Chan Yaohuang himself undoubtedly set off a turbulent sea. According to his understanding, the most powerful member of the Scarlet Monster Star Monster Clan is the Red Monster Immortal, and his cultivation is only in the middle stage of the fifth level of integration.

He can suppress easily.

It was based on this that he came here first, because he wanted to subdue the red demon star first, and then talk about other things.

But now, he has just stepped into the chaotic star field, and he has encountered such a powerful monster clan, how dare he believe it.

The anger in my heart also became more and more steamy.

"Hey! Yan'er is doing great!" On the contrary, Wu Qiaojun was naturally ecstatic.

Fang Yi also nodded subconsciously.

Yan'er has grown up, and her strength is so strong that even he is shocked.

However, its wisdom seems to be...

"I remembered, seems to be a pet next to the suzerain of Kyushu Sect, yes! That's it."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the crowd, and someone recognized Yan'er.

It's not surprising that Yan'er has been following Fang Yi. Although not many people have seen it, there are definitely many.

Hearing this, Jin Chan Yaohuang's eyes suddenly lit up, and similarly, the beautiful eyes of the woman in the void also lighted up slightly, staring closely at Yan'er.

(End of this chapter)

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