Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2051 Chasing the Moon Fairy

Chapter 2051 Chasing the Moon Fairy

Buzz! !

There was a roaring sound in the void, and a ripple rippled slightly, and the woman stepped out of the ripple, like a fairy walking out of a fairyland.

This sudden scene obviously made the crowd unexpected, but after that, everyone's eyes brightened.

"Oh my god! It's Feixian Pavilion Chasing the Moon Fairy, she, she... unexpectedly came too."

"Tsk tsk! Fairy Chasing the Moon really deserves her reputation, she is indeed one of the Four Great Fairies."

"Needless to say, each of the four great fairies looks better than a heavenly fairy. I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to meet the moon chasing fairy..."

The crowd boiled over.

No matter when and where, beautiful women are undoubtedly the most eye-catching objects, even these practitioners are no exception.

The appearance of Fairy Chasing the Moon attracted almost everyone's attention.

Fang Yi is no exception.

Of course, he is not greedy for the beauty of the other party. In fact, the appearance of several women is not inferior to the other party, and he has already seen the existence of the other party.

What surprised him was that the other party showed up at this time, and it seemed that it was probably because of Yan'er.

To be precise, it was because Yan'er was his pet, so...

"Hmph! What's the big deal."

Wu Qiaojun on the side didn't know it, she seemed a little dissatisfied, and cast a slight glance at Fairy Chasing Moon.

The Golden Cicada Demon Emperor also seemed a little surprised, looked at Fairy Chasing Moon and said, "Fairy Chasing Moon has come here, which made Tanlangxing look a lot better, and I am very honored."

"It's just... I don't know why Fairy Chasing Moon came here."

His eyes dimmed slightly, and he asked the question knowingly.

The news of the Water God Temple came out. Now, Yan'er's identity has been found out, and Fairy Chasing the Moon has appeared.


Fairy Chasing the Moon cast a cold glance at the Demon Emperor Jin Chan, and immediately said indifferent voice, "Why should the Demon Emperor Jin Chan ask knowingly, you can't take down this huge flame beast, and neither can I."

"However, the two of us can work together."

As soon as these words came out, Jin Chan Yaohuang's eyes could not help but brighten.

He already had a rough understanding of Yan'er's strength just after the blow, and the fact was just as the other party said, it was impossible for him alone to win, but...

"Hehe! Fairy Chasing the Moon is good, but this giant flame beast is my monster clan..."

The implication is already obvious, he is also a demon clan, maybe he can use other methods.

Of course, this is just an excuse, but in fact, he has already had some intentions in his heart.

"That's right! Then you might as well wait! Wait until Zizai Guan, Dafo Temple, and other forces come together."

Fairy Chasing Moon sneered, with a hint of sarcasm.

Jin Chan Yaohuang was surprised, smiled awkwardly, seemed to feel a little bored, and said immediately: "Since Fairy Chasing the Moon can be seen, then we two might as well cooperate for a while, and then we will use our own methods."


Hearing this, Wu Qiaojun couldn't help scolding.

The two major contracts are fivefold, and they want to jointly deal with Yan'er in public, so it's no wonder she does so.

Fang Yi didn't react too much, but his expression was a little dignified.

In the battle against the demons, although Yan'er was undefeated in the battle of the two combined five-fold, that was because its flames had a great restraint effect on the demon energy.

But now, especially the Moon Chasing Fairy, with a strong water element in her breath, she must be a strong water element.

In this way, it might not be that simple for Yan'er to remain invincible.

"Naughty animal! Tell me quickly, where is your master?"

Fairy Chasing the Moon gave a sweet shout. Although she had a beautiful face, her cold eyes were full of murderous intent.

Without the slightest concealment, he came directly to Fang Yi.

For some reason, seeing the other party like this, Wu Qiaojun breathed a sigh of relief, a little baffled.

hoohoo! !

Yan'er is also furious at this moment, although it can't speak, it is not as good as a monster with full intelligence, but it is also extremely spiritual.

Flames were steaming all over his body, and a giant palm also suddenly moved towards Fairy Chasing Moon.

Boom! !

The giant palm fell, like a five-fingered flaming mountain, and the void was annihilated.

However, Fairy Chasing Moon showed no fear on her face, instead she showed a trace of coldness, and the long sword in her hand slashed fiercely, a bright silver light reflected the sky and the earth.

The sound of a big wave also came immediately.

The galloping energy is like the water of the Nine Heavens Milky Way, a huge water dragon condenses, rolls up monstrous waves, and engulfs it directly.


Fang Yi's eyes sank, this is indeed an extremely domineering water attribute technique.

It has a great restraint effect on Yan'er.

The giant mountain of flames seemed to be drowned inch by inch.

The golden cicada demon emperor's eyes could not help but shine brightly, and without any delay, he attacked and killed in an instant. The monstrous air was wrapped in a thick black mist, covering the whole world in an instant.

When the black mist arrived, even the space and energy seemed to be corroded, and it was extremely poisonous.

He was originally a poisonous frog, and he was best at poisoning.

As long as ordinary warriors get a little bit of it, there will be no bones left.

Even if a strong person gets involved, his strength will be greatly damaged, and at that time, let him slaughter him.

Fortunately, Yan'er is the king of the flames, and the black mist was incinerated before it even approached.

But the water dragon gave him an extremely headache, water suppressed fire, suppressed everywhere, making him extremely passive.

If his flames were not too domineering, if he were replaced by an ordinary fire-type expert, he would have been defeated long ago. However, he was only slightly behind in the face of two powerful experts at the same time.

The crowd was also stunned at this moment, each one dumbfounded.

No one thought that Yan'er would be so domineering, but, if things go on like this...

"Shameless, return to the top ten sects without fear of embarrassment."

Wu Qiaojun has long been resentful.

She obviously also saw the situation on the court, and her face was anxious.

No matter how strong Yan'er is, both Jin Chan Yaohuang and Moon Chasing Fairy are top-notch powerhouses, not to mention the restraint in their skills.

The Huo Jiao Demon King and others were also in a hurry, and wanted to rush into the battlefield, but were stopped by the Giant Elephant Demon King and his party.

The battle is getting fiercer.

The void was turbulent, and the entire space seemed to be completely submerged, each piece collapsed, and the three top powerhouses clashed. The air waves rolled up could be imagined, and the entire Greedy Wolf Star seemed to be on the verge of collapse.

"Naughty animal! Why don't you tell the truth."

Fairy Chasing Moon stands proudly in the void, condescending, just like a real fairy.

It's just that the face is extremely cold, which makes people shudder.

hoohoo! !

However, what responded to her was Yan'er's roar.

"I don't know how to live or die!" Immediately, her icy face was even more frosty, and her aura became extremely fierce.

The long sword in his hand fell down, and the majestic energy poured down like a rushing wave.

At the same time, the Golden Cicada Demon Emperor also made a move at the same time.

Seeing that the two tyrannical attacks were about to fall, Yan'er couldn't help screaming up to the sky, the sea of ​​flames raged, but under the energy like a big wave, they were all destroyed one after another.

Seeing this, the Huo Jiao Demon King and his party couldn't help feeling anxious.

But at this moment, the rushing waves seemed to freeze, and blossoming ice lotuses bloomed.

(End of this chapter)

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