Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2052

Chapter 2052

Ice lotus?

Seeing the ice lotus, Wu Qiaojun couldn't help but froze, and subconsciously looked to his side.

However, Fang Yi was nowhere to be found.


The rushing waves were frozen inch by inch, and the blossoming ice lotuses bloomed like sculptures, exquisite and gorgeous, quietly floating in the air.

Time seemed to have been frozen at this moment, only the blossoming ice lotus bloomed in everyone's sight.

Imprison the world!

The beautiful face of Fairy Chasing the Moon couldn't help but also change, showing a touch of inconceivability.

The same is true of the Golden Cicada Demon Emperor, because the black mist that swept away from him also solidified and turned into black ice lotuses, in stark contrast to the crystal clear ice lotus of Fairy Chasing the Moon.

"what happened?"

The crowd was also stunned, staring at this scene in a daze, completely confused.

Only the Huo Jiao Demon King's pupils suddenly dilated, revealing a trace of brilliance.

As the general beside Fang Yi, he has fought against the enemy with Fang Yi several times. He is naturally very familiar with Fang Yi's breath and the ice lotus, and his expression is a little excited.

"Who is playing tricks here, get out of here!"

The Demon Emperor Jin Chan couldn't help shouting, and his expression became extremely solemn.

Because apart from this ice lotus, at this moment, he didn't even sense the aura of the person coming, which made him dare to be careless.

The same is true for Moon Chasing Fairy.

However, there seemed to be something strange in her eyes.

"Aren't you guys looking for me? Now that I'm here, why? Don't you know me?"

An indifferent voice sounded, erratic.

Let the crowd can not help but be surprised.

Jin Chan Yaohuang and Moon Chasing Fairy were no exception, their expressions fluctuated, as if they didn't expect Fang Yi to come, let alone such a strange person.

Among the ice lotuses all over the sky, a ripple rippled slightly, and then a faint figure emerged.

That figure with white hair and blue robe is extremely majestic, standing among thousands of ice lotuses, giving people a piercing feeling, making people dare not look at it, as if their souls have been frozen.

If it's not Fang Yi, who else is it?

"It's really the suzerain of the Kyushu sect!! How dare he show up?"

"That's not true! Now all the strong people are looking for him. I heard that he is pregnant with the water temple, but I don't know if it's true or not."

"In my opinion, it's probably true. Otherwise, why would the Kyushu sect completely defeat the sect alliance in a short period of time, and..."

With the appearance of Fang Yi, the crowd was completely boiling, and there were many discussions.

Even, Fang Yi could feel those fiery gazes, like hungry wolves.

The temptation of the Water God Temple undoubtedly exceeded his expectations.

"I have seen the emperor!"

The Huo Jiao Demon King and his party hurriedly saluted at this moment, their confidence seemed to have skyrocketed a lot, and they were full of fighting spirit.

"You are the suzerain of the Kyushu sect? How courageous!!"

The Jin Chan Yaohuang's eyes became a little sharp at the moment, and he looked straight at Fang Yi, "Boy! I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I heard that you own the Water God Temple. Seriously?"

He was straight to the point and asked.

The eyes of the crowd couldn't help but look at it in unison. Although the rumors are so, no one knows whether it is true or not.

Therefore, they seem extremely looking forward to it at this moment.

How could Fang Yi disappoint them? He smiled lightly and said, "That's right! Then?"

He asked rhetorically.

This rhetorical question made Jin Chan Yaohuang choke, and the crowd did the same, it seemed that they hadn't reacted yet.

No one expected that Fang Yi would admit it so generously.

This made them feel at a loss for a while.

But after a short period of shock, the crowd exploded completely, and everyone was about to move.

"It's really the Temple of Water, no wonder he is so tyrannical. I heard that he has risen up to now, but it has been more than two hundred years, and the Temple of Water is really amazing. If..."

"Who said it wasn't! However, I didn't expect him to admit it generously, and now he has some."

Various voices of discussion came.

Wu Qiaojun's face was dull, she didn't understand why Fang Yi had to admit it, and guessed whether the other party had any plans.

However, once admitted, the troubles will continue, and no plan will work!

The facts are undoubtedly as she thought, once the matter of the Water God Temple is confirmed, Fang Yi will face a steady stream of troubles, but he still chooses to stand up.

Because only in this way can we avoid implicating the Kyushu Sect, Shura Palace and Yaozu as much as possible.

Otherwise, these people can't find themselves, and forces such as Kyushu Sect will undoubtedly become their targets. Just like at this moment, this is obviously not what he wants to see.

Moreover, today, even if the Water God Temple is made public, he has nothing to fear.

"Okay! Boy! You really have a bit of guts."

" still need me to tell you, hand over the Water God Temple, and from now on, I, the Demon God League, will be your friend."

The Golden Cicada Demon Emperor was so unceremonious, his eyes were burning.

"Oh? And hers?"

Fang Yi looked at Fairy Chasing Moon, and said with some amusement.


The Golden Cicada Demon Emperor couldn't help but choke.

Fairy Chasing Moon's eyes also became extremely sharp, and she glanced at the two of them coldly.

"What? Is it hard to make a choice? Why don't I give you a suggestion..." Fang Yi's light voice sounded again.

"Bastard! Could it be that your Excellency wants the two of us to fight and reap the benefits? Do you really think they are three-year-old children? Hand over the Water Temple quickly."

Before Fang Yi could finish speaking, Fairy Chasing Moon took the lead in shouting.

It seemed as if he had seen through Fang Yi's tricks.

The Golden Cicada Demon Emperor also nodded approvingly, and said coldly: "Boy! You are insulting our IQ, which is an unforgivable crime."

The crowd also sighed, this little trick, used to deal with the two strong men, is indeed...


However, facing the reprimand of the two, Fang Yi didn't care.

He said lightly: "How can I insult your IQ, and why have you ever had an IQ? My suggestion to you is: go back where you came from, otherwise, you won't be able to leave."

The voice was playful before, but the last sentence was extremely cold.


In the crowd, there was a sound of gasping for air, and the huge world seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

The crowd even wondered if they heard it wrong.

However, when they saw the distorted expression of the Demon Emperor Jin Chan and the extremely gloomy face of Fairy Chasing the Moon, they had no choice but to believe that they had heard correctly.

However, facing two such powerful people at the same time, especially the forces behind them.

How many dare to say such wild words?

"Presumptuous! Arrogant child, you are looking for death."

The Demon Emperor Jin Chan couldn't hold back any longer and jumped into a rage. Once upon a time, as a demon emperor of a generation, no one dared to play tricks on him like this.

Now it's good, although the other party looks weird, but his cultivation is only at the third level of the body, he dares to tease him in such a way in front of the public, how can he not be angry.

The monstrous aura all over his body also burst out, as majestic as a prison.

The war is about to start.

(End of this chapter)

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