Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2064

Chapter 2064

The whole world fell into a chaotic battle, the sky shook and the ground shook, and the void collapsed.

The huge Heavenly Slaughter Star was on the verge of collapse.

It's all for the practitioners to arrive, those ordinary humans have already been frightened out of their wits, and some even knelt down and begged for mercy, bowing down again and again.

Boom! !

Loud noises filled the world, as if countless bombs had been dropped into the entire world, exploding inch by inch.

Prisoner Yan Luo stood proudly in the void, watching all this calmly, as if he had no intention of making a move. Perhaps in his eyes, these people in front of him were not worth mentioning.

As a five-fold peak powerhouse, he has his own pride.

"Hahaha!! Supreme Shura, is this what you call the body of Shura? It's nothing more than that."

The Vajra Rakshasa's arrogance soared into the sky, and its sound was like muffled thunder.

Like a real angry-eyed King Kong.

However, despite what he said, there was a deep shock in his eyes.

Because after this fight, he just didn't get the slightest benefit from the other party.

It should be noted that he is a five-layer body-fitting, although he has just stepped into it not long ago, he is far from being able to compare with a four-layer body-fitting, but the Supreme Shura is just as good as him in the battle.

And the reason for all this is the bloody and terrifying evil spirit.

Pervasive in it, as if trapped in a river of darkness, unable to extricate itself.


Supreme Shura also couldn't help sneering.

Sarcastically said: "It's useless to just talk big. You have been following up with Yan Luo in the prison all these years. I thought you should have some ability. I don't want to... still be so unbearable, and you still have a five-fold body, hmph!!"

This disdainful voice, in the ears of Vajra Rakshasa, almost made him explode.

Anyway, he is also a five-fold fit, and he has never been ridiculed like this before.

"Bastard! You are courting death!"

He was furious, and his whole body was bursting with rage, like an erupting volcano.

It is like a tornado, raging the world.

Obviously, he has gone completely berserk, and his attacks have become unscrupulous. It can be seen that he is full of destructive aura.

Really domineering.

On the other side, the Ten Great Asuras and Mie Mie Sen Luo and the others were already in a fierce battle.

This time, although there were not many people brought by Suppression Yama, all of them were extremely powerful. If it weren't for the large number of disciples in the Shura Hall, it would be difficult for the top ten Shuras alone to compete.

As for now, it is extremely fierce and evenly matched.

However, if things go on like this, these ordinary disciples will obviously not be able to hold on, and by then...

"What a pity! The Ten Great Asuras are probably no match for them."

Above the endless void, three figures were overlooking all of this, suddenly they were the three monarchs of the Styx Palace.

The Destroyer Sovereign frowned at this moment, and looked down lightly, feeling a little regretful.

"That's right! But having said that, the Asura Palace has long since fallen. I never expected it to be so powerful in such a short period of time."

"I'm afraid that among the ten halls of the Netherworld, except for the Hall of Yama, there is no one who is really sure to overwhelm them."

This evaluation is not too high.

The former Asura Hall, among the Ten Nether Halls, was not the bottom one, but it was almost the same.

But now, it has leapt to become the only existence in Yan Luodian.

Even though there is Vajra Rakshasa in Rakshasa Palace, its overall strength still cannot be compared with the top ten Shuras. This can be seen from the inextricable battle between Vajra Rakshasa and Supreme Asura at this moment.

"It seems that the so-called Nether Emperor really has some tricks."

Several people couldn't help but secretly startled.

"Brother, what shall we do? Just watch like this?"

one of them asked.

"Otherwise? The prisoner Yan Luo didn't even make a move, and the top ten Shuras will definitely lose, unless..."

As the Destroyer Monarch said, there was a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Hearing this, the eyes of the other two monarchs couldn't help but brighten, obviously they understood the meaning of the words of the destroying monarch.

"Will he come?"

Several people couldn't help asking questions.

In fact, they also had the same idea as the prisoner Yan Luo and the Emperor Youming. In his opinion, it was just a joke.

But at this moment, seeing the power of the Ten Great Asuras and the domineering bloody aura, he couldn't help feeling a little curious about the so-called Nether Emperor.

There are also various legends about each other.

This matter was obviously not as simple as he had imagined.

It was also because of this that he wanted to see whether the legendary Emperor Nether was really so domineering.

There is also the water temple, which also filled him with a trace of fantasy.

The battle is getting more and more fierce, and the Supreme Shura and the Vajra Rakshasa are still inseparable. Although the Vajra Rakshasa occupies the upper hand, it seems impossible to win the Supreme Shura.

On the other side, as expected, those ordinary disciples were slowly running out.

The top ten Asuras can't stand alone, and they are gradually showing signs of decline.

"Hmph! Ten Asuras, aren't you crazy! Defeat me!"

Devouring Sen Luo let out a loud shout, and his whole body's aura surged, as mighty as a prison, and majestic energy swept out like a big wave.

The top ten Asuras can still support it, but those ordinary disciples have already suffered countless injuries.

One by one, like falling stars, they fell straight down.

"Hahaha!!! Today you are sure to lose, die for me!" Devouring Senluo became more and more courageous in the battle, besides him, there were many other strong men accompanying him, how could the top ten Shuras survive.

kill kill kill! ! !

Seeing that the defeat was decided, suddenly, there was a sound of shouting and killing.

In the void ahead, there was a strange red light, reflecting the whole world, and the thick bloody aura was connected together like a cloud of blood.

That is……

Everyone couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

In the next scene, majestic figures galloped forward, like an army of gods and demons battling the starry sky.

That suddenly was the army of the Shura Palace who came in a hurry.

The Heavenly Defeat Star is quite far away from the Heavenly Slaughter Star, the top ten Shuras arrived first, and these ordinary disciples were a little later.

However, even though he was an ordinary disciple, he was much stronger than the disciples on the Heavenly Slaughter Planet.

These are the first batch of Shura Hall disciples who cultivated the body of Shura, the first to come to the chaotic star field, and they are also the backbone of the entire Shura Hall.

Its strength is vastly different from those who joined later.

The strong bloody aura gathered in one place, like a rushing bloody long river, and in that long river, red lotus flowers bloomed faintly.

Gives an incomparable feeling.

The reason why Shura's body is strong is not because of the individual, but the whole.

Countless blood baleful qi condensed by Shura's body, connected together, is the real domineering place, just like at this moment.

"how is this possible!"

Devouring Sen Luo's pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply, flashing a flash of shock.

Because of the bloody river, he felt an extremely dangerous aura, as if his soul was trembling.

His induction was naturally correct. After merging the red lotus karma fire, the blood evil spirit not only had the same oppressive effect on the body, but also on the soul.

Especially some evil things, ghosts and gods must not invade.

"Good job! Kill!!"

Yuming Shura's face was overjoyed, and he gave a loud shout, and suddenly, the bloody river swept over and washed away everything.

(End of this chapter)

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