Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2065

Chapter 2065

Originally, the top ten Shuras had been suppressed, but with the infusion of the bloody river, the scene changed instantly.

The top ten Shuras were all extremely arrogant.

Those disciples of Shura Palace were also like killing gods, extremely terrifying.

The whole world seemed to be shrouded in that evil spirit of blood, and being trapped in it was like falling into Abi Hell, and that disciple of the Shura Palace was like the invincible peerless Shura in this hell.

Devouring Sen Luo and others, the pressure increased sharply.

The originally good situation turned around at this moment.

Involuntarily, his expression also became extremely ugly, livid.

The prisoner Yan Luo, who had been silent for a long time, also faintly flashed a look of surprise in his deep eyes.

His eyes also became sharper.

Obviously, this bloody river was far beyond his expectation.

From the beginning of the Heavenly Killing Shura, the inconspicuous body of Shura made him feel disdainful, to the top ten Shuras, the bloody aura made him take a look.

However, that's all.

Although the bloody aura was domineering, it was still too weak compared to him.

But at this moment, looking at the endless blood and evil spirit converging into a river, it seems that some kind of transformation has taken place.

It made him feel extremely shocked.

The legendary Shura's body is really extraordinary.

Even the strength of everyone has risen with the tide.

kill kill kill! !

There was a shout of killing from the sky, and the bloody river rushed, and everything it passed turned into the domain of the disciples of the Asura Hall.

During the time when the top ten Shuras were fighting, their bodies exuded a strange red light, as if they had merged with this blood-colored river, invincible, invincible, and extremely overbearing.

"Hahaha!! Devour Sen Luo, weren't you still rampant just now, how dare you fight me!"

Yuming Shura took a big step, his arrogance was overwhelming.

Compared to before, he seemed to be a completely different person, as mighty as a prison.

That breath, even compared to the four-folded Devouring Senluo, is not bad at all.

Even the evil spirit is even more frightening and frightening.

"You bastard! It's just a three-fold combination. It's not your turn to be arrogant in front of me. Take my life!"

Devouring Sen Luo was already furious.

Once upon a time, how could the triple combination be seen by him, but now that Yuming Shura dared to be so rampant in front of him, openly provoking him, how could he not be angry.

However, when he saw the bloody river, fear flashed in the depths of his eyes.

At the same time, Supreme Asura was blessed by the blood-colored river, and his arrogance was also greatly increased, which was no worse than Vajra Rakshasa.

Every time the two confronted each other, it was astonishing.

The world trembled.

"Is this the body of Shura?"

Above the endless void, the three monarchs of the Styx Palace are also dumbfounded at this moment, looking at everything below in disbelief.

The dominance of the Asura Palace had already shocked them extremely.

Unexpectedly, the strongest part of this Shura's body is not the individual, but the army.

Ten people become a tiger, a hundred people become a dragon, and ten thousand people can slaughter the sky.

The real body of the god of war can only show its true power in the battlefield of gods and demons, just like this moment.

"It's too strong! I'm afraid that even Yan Luodian, except for those super strong, those ordinary disciples can't compete with it?" The three of them looked at each other, shocked for a while and didn't know what to say.

The face of Yan Luo, the prisoner, also gradually became gloomy, extremely ugly.

He ignored Shura Palace because he had absolute confidence to suppress Shura Palace.

But at this moment, the performance of Shura Palace undoubtedly made him feel threatened.

However, he still didn't make a move, perhaps he wanted to see how far Shura Hall had grown.

Fortunately, Supreme Shura did not disappoint him either.

"Vajra Rakshasa, this is your strength, and the five-fold combined body is nothing more than that. If it's just like this, then you will defeat me!"

Only the Supreme Shura roared, like rolling thunder.

While speaking, he stretched out his giant palm, and a pitch-black Soul Devouring Banner appeared in his hand out of thin air.

"That's—the Banner of the Thousand Ghosts and Soul Eaters? Sure enough, it's in his hands!"

Seeing the soul-eating banner, the pupils of the Destroyer Monarch suddenly dilated, full of longing.

The other two monarchs are similar, with bright eyes.

The Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul-eating Banner is an extremely rare three-soul magic weapon to control all ghosts, and the Palace of Styx, the Seven Monarchs also mainly control ghosts. If you can get this Soul-eating Banner, your strength will undoubtedly increase greatly .

It was for this reason that they took the risk.

Seeing it now, it is natural to be extremely eager and ready to move.

"Presumptuous! Sovereign Asura, don't be so arrogant, do you really think that I can't take you down!"

Vajra Rakshasa looked furious.

How could he not be angry if he was a strong fifth-layer body-fit person who was told that he would definitely lose?

The arrogance all over his body also burst out, without a trace of reservation, like an ancient beast that completely ran away, extremely tyrannical.

"Take your life!"

He let out an angry shout, and his huge body crushed away, and even the entire sky seemed to be crushed with him, unstoppable.

It has to be said that his attack was extremely domineering.

Even Supreme Shura didn't dare to take it hard.

Of course, there is no need to force it, the Ghost Soul Eater banner has already been sacrificed, with the Supreme Asura as the center, the surrounding space seems to have instantly turned into an endless hell, and countless evil spirits and ghosts attacked, extremely eerie and terrifying.

Every three-soul magic weapon is a rare treasure, and the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner may not be as good as the Shimo Heavenly Book and the Great Dream Astrolabe.

However, it is also not to be underestimated.

Moreover, it is also the more evil one among the three-spirit magic weapon. It sacrifices thousands of souls, and its lethality is astonishing, much stronger than the general three-soul magic weapon.

Although Vajra Rakshasa is extremely strong.

But at this moment, among the countless evil spirits and fierce ghosts, he also seemed helpless and extremely embarrassed.

It should be noted that those ghosts are not so easy to deal with.

When Fang Yi was almost buried, if it wasn't for the karmic fire red lotus, even if he didn't die, he would have been seriously injured.

Vajra Rakshasa doesn't have karmic fire red lotus, and he can't restrain these ghosts, so he can only be beaten passively.

Moreover, his attack did not have much effect on these ghosts at all.

In a moment, his face was already pale, like a frightened bird.

"You... how come you have the three-spirit magic weapon!"

There was a look of horror in his eyes, and his face was full of disbelief. The difference in strength between the two was not that big, but now with the addition of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater banner, the result can be imagined.

"It's surprising! This seat said that with this strength, you will definitely lose today."

Supreme Shura sneered.

The countless evil spirits and fierce ghosts became more and more terrifying, and the eerie ghostly aura made the surroundings feel as if they had fallen into a bottomless abyss, which made people feel chills down their spines.

And the countless shrill howls made people feel scalp numb.

As powerful as a Vajra Rakshasa, his entire face was bloodless at this moment.

On the other hand, Yan Luo, the prisoner, also had a gloomy face that dripped water, and his breath began to rise.

It seemed that he finally couldn't help but want to make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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