Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2066 Fierce Battle

Chapter 2066 Fierce Battle

Seeing countless evil spirits and fierce ghosts attacking, Vajra Rakshasa was already in a panic and was under the enemy's back.

On the other side, the top ten Shuras were also like ten demon gods, fighting in and out in the blood-colored river, together with the disciples of the Shura Palace, they forced Mie Mie Senluo and others to jump up and down.

How embarrassing!

Seeing this, Yan Luo, the jailer, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Originally, he thought that with these people, it would be more than enough to suppress Shura Hall.

But the truth undoubtedly far exceeded his expectations.

This made him feel extremely displeased, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

boom! !

The next moment, he took a step forward, and the sky and the earth shook, and the roaring air waves rolled out like a tsunami, flattening all directions.

Even the rich blood-colored river seemed to be affected and washed away a lot.

Supreme Shura couldn't help shrinking his pupils, staring closely at Yama, the prisoner.

The others obviously also felt the wave of rage, and they couldn't help but stop, looking at him in horror.

"good very good!"

"Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, the Asura Palace was so powerful, it really made me look at it with admiration, the body of Asura, the ghosts and soul-eating banners, is this the trump card for you to dare to betray Emperor Huangquan?"

The tone of Yan Luo, the prison guard, was cold and questioning.

Although the voice is not loud, it gives people a great sense of oppression, like a high-ranking monarch, making people irreversible.

He stepped forward step by step, and the whole world seemed to sink step by step following his steps.

The surrounding space moves with him, as if he is the master of this space.

Obviously his aura doesn't seem to be strong, but his every move affects the changes of the world, giving people an unparalleled feeling.

Even Supreme Asura, there is a deep shock in his eyes at this moment.

Not to mention the others, the pressure increased dramatically.

Although they already knew that Yan Luo, the prisoner, was extremely domineering, and he was the strongest in the entire Nether Palace, except for the Emperor Huang Quan.

But what you know is what you know, and true knowledge is a completely different feeling.

At this moment, in the hearts of everyone, he is like a peerless god and demon who suppressed through the ages, making everyone breathless.

"Betrayed the Emperor of the Underworld?"

"What does Yan Luo, the prisoner, mean by these words? From the top to the bottom of my Shura Palace, I am extremely respectful to the Emperor Huang Quan. When it comes to betrayal, where does it come from?"

Emperor Huang Quan has made great contributions to the reconstruction of Nether Palace.

The survival of the Nether Ten Temples is entirely due to his efforts to turn the tide.

Therefore, even though the Ten Nether Halls are independent, they are all extremely respectful to the Emperor Huang Quan, and the Shura Hall is no exception.

However, Emperor Huang Quan seldom cares about common matters, everything is done by Yan Luodian.

The meaning is naturally different.

Although the ten halls of the Nether world respected the Emperor of Huangquan, the ten halls were always equal. The Yan Luo hall was the largest and suppressed the Shura hall. This was the fundamental.

"Oh! What? Now that things are going on, do you still want to quibble?"

Prison Yan Luo sneered, his face extremely gloomy.

A faint killing intent also permeated the air.

The top ten Shuras are all as good as facing a big enemy, and their expressions are tense.

The eyes of Supreme Shura couldn't help flashing fear, but he still said: "This statement is wrong. Since ancient times, there have been two great emperors in the Nether Palace, the Nether Emperor and the Huangquan Emperor."

"Now that Emperor Huangquan has returned to his throne, Emperor Youming should also return to his throne, so why betrayal?"

What he said was just and righteous, and it was impossible to refute it.

However, this was obviously not the answer Yan Luo, the prisoner, wanted, and his eyes sank sharply.

He shouted: "Bold! Who is the Great Emperor of the Netherworld, and whether or not he is qualified to be the Great Emperor of the Netherworld? How can it be up to your Shura Palace?"

He sternly shouted, revealing anger.

However, Supreme Asura didn't care about it, instead he said sarcastically, "Really! Is it up to you Yan Luodian to decide?"


Hearing this, Yan Luo, the prisoner, was furious, and two fierce lights shot out from his eyes.

"It seems that your Asura Hall has swelled to such an extent that you dare to act presumptuously in front of me."

"Very good! The Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater banner is very powerful, and I really want to learn it, I hope I won't be disappointed."

As Yan Luo, the prison guard, said, the aura in his body suddenly became extremely fierce, as majestic as a prison.

A giant palm was also grabbed instantly.

This palm seemed ordinary, but everything around him seemed to be extremely slow, and time seemed to have stopped. Only this palm wandered outside of time.

Although slow, it still fell with an unstoppable momentum.

The surrounding world seems to be under this palm.

The faces of the crowd all changed drastically.

Supreme Shura was no exception, at this moment he only felt as if he was being fixed.

The power of that palm was completely beyond his imagination.

During this period of time, he has gone through countless battles with Fang Yi, and it is not uncommon to see a strong five-fold body. But at this moment, the impression that Yan Luo, the prisoner, is stronger than all the five-fold body he has ever seen.

Even the honor of Wanhou is far inferior.

Legend has it that Yan Luo, the prisoner, was cultivated by the Emperor Huang Quan. In the past, he didn't think so.

He only thought that the other party was no different from other five-layer combined bodies, and at this moment, he suddenly realized that his thinking was too simple.

The Emperor Huang Quan is invincible, and the strong people he cultivated are not comparable to ordinary people.

"Break it for me!"

Supreme Shura didn't dare to hold back even the slightest bit, and shot with all his strength.

The Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater banner was sacrificed, and the surrounding world instantly turned into an endless hell, and countless evil spirits and fierce ghosts greeted that palm.

kill! ! !

At the same time, Vajra Raksha also gave a loud shout, and instantly charged at the top ten Shuras.

Devouring Senluo is no exception.

The arrogance was a bit stronger than before. Obviously, the addition of Yan Luo, the prisoner, gave them great confidence.

For a moment, the two sides fought together again.

What was different from before was that with the joining of Yan Luo, the prisoner, the situation turned sharply down again. Even though Supreme Shura was relying on the ghosts and souls, he was forced to retreat again and again.

On the other side, Vajra Rakshasa overwhelmed a group of Shuras with a strength far beyond the crowd.

If it weren't for that Scarlet Changhe being too domineering, the top ten Shuras would have already been defeated.

As for now, even if it can support it, I am afraid it will suffer heavy losses.

And this, of course, is not what Supreme Shura wants to see.

Of course, he has no time to take care of these at the moment. Under the attack of Yan Luo, he is restrained everywhere, and danger is everywhere.

"This is the power of the Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner!"

Prison Yan Luo faintly revealed a hint of disappointment, as if he had no patience to continue entanglement, he took a step forward, and his aura rose again, like a real god and demon.

"It's a pity, it's still a bit worse, let me lose!"

At the same time as he spoke, he slapped out a huge palm, and the billowing energy instantly condensed and turned into a huge hand that fell from the sky.

At this moment, as if the end is coming, the whole sky seems to have collapsed.

The crowd all stared blankly at this scene, full of horror.

Supreme Shura was no exception, his pupils suddenly dilated, and the giant palm that was slowly falling was reflected in it.

(End of this chapter)

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