Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2067 King's Landing

Chapter 2067 King's Landing

Boom! !

Before the giant palm fell, the world had completely burst, and under the wind of the palm, it was like a huge vacuum.

When Supreme Shura was trapped, he only felt a great force coming from the wild, making his body almost explode.

The power of this palm is undoubtedly far beyond his imagination. If it is replaced by a normal four-fold body, I am afraid that there is only a dead end. Even with the body of Shura, the Supreme Shura will feel great pressure.

That terrifying energy can destroy almost everything.

However, he did not retreat, and he could not retreat. How could Shura Palace surrender easily if it is today.

There was a gleam of determination in his eyes.

The black cloud of the Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater rolled and swept out, turning into countless ferocious ghost kings, who angrily greeted them.

At this moment, all the ghosts were wailing so terribly that it made people feel numb all over.

However, a look of disdain flashed in Yan Luo's eyes, and he said sarcastically, "That's all! That's too much for oneself."

As he said that, that palm suddenly moved a little faster.

It's like the sky is falling.

As for Supreme Asura, his pupils were full of fear.

Although the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner is domineering, he did not pay homage to it completely. Firstly, it was because he had obtained the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner for a short time.

Secondly, he still wants to attract the Palace of Styx, so...

But at this moment, facing such a domineering palm from the prisoner Yan Luo, it was obviously not enough.

There were continuous bursts of shocking loud noises, and the sound of howling ghosts and wolves was heart-piercing.

The terrifying giant palm fell, and all the ghosts retreated, turning into flying smoke.

The huge body of Supreme Shura also flew upside down like a kite with a broken thread, blood gushing out from his mouth and splashing in the sky.

"Your Majesty..."

All the disciples of Shura Hall were in a hurry.

The same is true for the three destroying monarchs above the void.

However, their gazes were more concerned about the Ten Thousand Ghosts and Soul Eater banner, and they couldn't help but make a move, but in the end, they stopped and watched the scene closely.

At the same time, Yan Luo, the prison guard, raised his head slightly and looked in their direction.

This surprised the three of them.

"He...he found us?" The three of them looked at each other with horror in their eyes.

Below, Supreme Shura finally stabilized his figure, but his face was extremely pale, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"It's not bad to be able to take a blow from this seat, but just because of this, you dare to betray Emperor Huangquan..."

The prisoner Yan Luo's voice was cold and full of sarcasm.

After a slight pause, his tone suddenly became sharp, "It's just courting death!"

As soon as the words fell, he stepped on his foot, and a giant palm grabbed it instantly.

Terrifying energy spewed away, like billowing black clouds, turning into a huge hand, covering all directions.

The power of this claw seems to bring the world into the palm, making people unable to hide.

"Your Majesty..."

The top ten Shuras were in a hurry and wanted to welcome them quickly, but unfortunately, Vajra Rakshasa and Devouring Senluo had already blocked them one step ahead.

Moreover, based on their strength alone, it is obvious that they cannot take this blow.

Although Shura's body is domineering, it obviously won't have much effect on a superpower like Yan Luo who suppressed the prison. After all, the gap between the two is really too big.

Seeing that this claw is about to fall.

A look of panic also flashed in Supreme Shura's pupils.

At this moment, he has only one way to escape, otherwise...

However, how could he retreat with the ten great Asuras and countless disciples here.

Boom! !

The sky and the earth exploded inch by inch, seeing that palm getting closer and closer, it was as if the whole sky had collapsed.

The hearts of the crowd also seemed to fall into the abyss.

But for some reason, under the wind of the palm, a subtle, faint ripple rippled, and that palm seemed to be suspended in mid-air, unable to fall again.


Prison Yan Luo's pupils shrank sharply, revealing a trace of horror and disbelief.

As for the crowd, they didn't seem to have reacted yet, they didn't understand what happened, they just stared blankly at this scene.

Until from the ripples, a figure slowly stepped out.

The figure with white hair and blue robe is extremely majestic, like a great emperor walking in the void.

As he stepped out, every inch of the world was frozen, and time seemed to be frozen. Only that figure walked outside of time, slowly and resolutely.

"Emperor Netherworld!"

A group of Asura Hall disciples were extremely excited when they saw the visitor.

On the contrary, Vajra Rakshasa and the others were full of horror.

"I have seen the emperor!"

The top ten Shuras saluted first, one by one, with great expressions, Fang Yi's arrival seemed to let them find the backbone at once.

As for Yan Luo, the prisoner, his whole face has become extremely ugly.

There was an unbelievable light in his eyes.

"The peak of the triple fusion! Are you the so-called Nether Emperor?"

He was obviously a little skeptical, if it wasn't for the attitude of the Ten Great Shuras, I'm afraid he would definitely not associate future people with some Great Nether Emperor.

It's no wonder, who would have thought that the Nether Emperor, whom Shura Palace has always respected, only fits the triple peak.

For a long time, Fang Yi's strength has also made everyone ignore his cultivation.

As for the prisoner Yan Luo and Vajra Raksha, it was only the first time I saw it, so it was naturally hard to believe.

The same is true for the three monarchs of the Styx Palace above the void, looking at each other, seeing disbelief in each other's eyes.

"Hmph! Emperor Youming? Boy, are you here to make a joke?"

"It's just you? It's just a three-fold combination?"

Vajra Raksha was the first to bear it no longer, and let out a contemptuous laugh, his face full of sarcasm.

Looking at Fang Yi with that gaze was like looking at an idiot.

"Bold! Vajra Rakshasa, don't be presumptuous..."

Supreme Shura scolded sharply.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, didn't seem to have changed much. He still looked at Yan Luo and his party indifferently, and then raised his head to look at the void, his eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

"Boy! This seat is talking to you, are you pretending to be stupid?"

"Just because of you, you dare to call yourself the Nether Emperor. You don't know how to live or die, so let me beat you to the ground."

Saying that, Vajra Raksha couldn't bear it anymore, and his majestic body shot out like lightning.

Just kidding, how could a fit triple dare to call himself the Nether Emperor, how could he bear it.

You must know that the Youming Emperor is not just the Youming Emperor of the Shura Palace, but the Youming Emperor of the entire Nether Palace.

As the master of the Rakshasa Hall, one of the Ten Nether Halls, this is simply a shame and humiliation for him.

So...he shot without hesitation.

And extremely ferocious.

Like a vajra with angry eyes, it crushes away with overwhelming power.

The corner of his mouth could not help but evoke a cruel look, which was extremely ferocious.

Some Yan Luodian disciples who came along also looked like they were enjoying the show, as if they were all set on Fang Yi.

Only Devouring Sen Luo, staring at the field closely, seemed extremely nervous, because he was the only one present who knew best how domineering the other party was.

boom! !

The next moment, there was a loud bang.

(End of this chapter)

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