Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2068 Nether Emperor

Chapter 2068 Nether Emperor

boom! !

With this loud noise, the huge crowd seemed to be petrified.

One by one, dumbfounded.

Because in their line of sight, Vajra Rakshasa was attacking very fast, with overwhelming power, but the next moment, it flew backwards at an even faster speed, like a boring shell.

And in the middle, they didn't even see clearly what happened.

Even Yan Luo, the prisoner, suddenly brightened his eyes, flashing an unbelievable light.

The others, even more like stone sculptures, opened their mouths enough to stuff their fists, and their expressions of astonishment were as if they had seen a ghost.

As for the people in the Asura Hall, they naturally looked very excited and their eyes showed brilliance.

They have long known and seen Fang Yi's tyranny.

However, it was not as exciting as it is at the moment.

Moreover, with one blow, just one blow, the five-layered Vajra Rakshasa was directly knocked into the air. This strength, even for them, was unbelievable.

"He... how is it possible! Vajra Rakshasa was blown away by one blow?"

The crowd also seemed to have recovered from the shock at this moment, staring at this scene in a daze, with a storm in their hearts.

No wonder, no one would have thought that a three-layered body would knock the majestic Rakshasa Hall Master into the air.

And just one hit.

They would never believe it if they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

Even if they saw it with their own eyes at this moment, they couldn't help wondering if they were wrong.

But the facts do not allow them to doubt.

"! Impossible!"

In the field, the most difficult to accept this result is undoubtedly Vajra Raksha himself.

Just now he had treated the other party as nothing, but in the blink of an eye, he was knocked into the air, which was equivalent to slapping him hard in the face, how could he accept it.

And so clean and crisp.


The ferocious light in his eyes was fierce, and suddenly violent, like an ancient beast that had completely run amok, the terrifying energy came out wantonly, like a tornado, and the surrounding world was torn to pieces, with a hissing sound.

With such power, it is obvious that he has made a move without reservation, vowing to restore the situation just now.

Prison Yan Luo also shrank his pupils sharply, staring at this scene closely.

The blow just now had already made him feel extremely frightened, and it was only at this moment that he seemed so cautious.

Boom! !

There was a thunderstorm between heaven and earth.

It has to be said that Vajra Rakshasa is extremely powerful. Although he has only just entered the fifth level of the combined body, his real combat power is not weaker than those who have already broken through.

Especially his majestic body, soaring to the sky, giving people a great sense of oppression.

If this were replaced by a normal combined triple, let alone a fight, I'm afraid it would be similar to the Heavenly Killing Shura, only being beaten.

However, Fang Yi is naturally not comparable to ordinary people.

Before reaching the peak of the triple body, he was already able to kill the fifth layer of the body.

During this period of time, he has been practicing in closed doors. Although he failed to break through to the fourth level of integration, he has reached the peak of the third level of integration, and his strength is much stronger than before.

Dealing with a Vajra Rakshasa who has just entered the fifth level of body integration is naturally no problem.

Therefore, facing the menacing Vajra Rakshasa, he naturally would not react too much, but raised his eyes slightly.

Then lightly shook his head.

His contemptuous expression undoubtedly enraged Vajra Rakshasa even more, causing the latter to explode completely.

Terrifying energy erupted like a volcano.

The whole world is crumbling.

The crowd watched this scene nervously, not even daring to breathe.

His eyes also slowly fell following the palm slapped by Vajra Raksha.

Seeing that the palm was about to slap the opponent to pieces.

At this time, Fang Yi, who had been silent for a long time, finally took a step slowly, unhurriedly, like an old man, walking through the years.

The footsteps seemed extremely light, but as soon as they landed, the whole world seemed to sink.

The surrounding space also seemed to be frozen.

Vajra Rakshasa's palm, which was originally extremely domineering, also became extremely slow.


The next moment, a dragon chant faintly fell from the Nine Heavens.

A huge real dragon's claw covered with cyan scales seemed to come through the void and greeted it directly.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The huge claws of the real dragon have the power of picking up stars and falling into the moon.

Under the palm of the hand, everything is turned into powder, even the blow of Vajra Rakshasa is no exception.


Vajra Rakshasa was full of fear, as if he had seen a ghost. Before he could react, a huge power swept out and made him fly out again.

A mouthful of blood could not help but spit out from the mouth, like a sudden rain of blood.


The crowd couldn't help but gasp, each one stunned.

If they didn't see the blow clearly before, then at this moment, it was very real.

The majestic power contained in the terrifying claws of the real dragon seems to be able to suppress everything in the world.

It's just that such a powerful blow came from a combined triple, how could they accept it.

Even Yan Luo, the prisoner, has an extremely gloomy and terrifying face at this moment.

As for Vajra Raksha, his mouth was full of blood, his eyes were about to split open, and he seemed to rush forward, but he was stopped by Yan Luo, the prison guard.

"Emperor Nether! Good! Very good!"

Prison Yan Luo said two good things in a row, and stepped forward,

The originally riotous space trembled, as if it was instantly suppressed by him, turned into his territory, and used by him.

With such a method, Fang Yi couldn't help but look slightly sideways.

In fact, Fang Yi had already arrived at the Heavenly Slaughter Star, he knew all about the previous battle, and the reason why he didn't rush to take action was because he wanted to see how the Asura Hall was progressing.

It has to be said that the progress of Shura Palace has indeed exceeded his expectations.

Supreme Shura even broke through to the fourth level of integration before him.

Relying on the Ten Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner, the general combined five-layer may not be the opponent.

However, it was also like this that made him feel the power of Yama, the prisoner, and even the Thousand Ghosts Soul Eater Banner didn't have much effect on him.

As you can imagine!

You know, the Ghost Eater Banner is extremely domineering. Fang Yi was almost stunned at the beginning, if it wasn't for the karmic fire red lotus, I don't know what would have happened.

Of course, Fang Yi's cultivation was still far behind at that time.

But this does not prevent proving the strength of the prisoner Yan Luo.

In fact, similar to the feeling of Supreme Shura, the feeling given to him by Suppressing Hell is indeed stronger than that of other five-fold combined bodies he has seen.

The opponent's figure is not tall, but his aura is extremely strong, standing there, it seems as if he is suppressing a whole world.

Like a real demon.

"You surprised me very much. No wonder the Hall of Shura wants to recommend you to become the Emperor of the Netherworld. If you are given more time, maybe you can really succeed."

"Unfortunately, your cultivation base is too low, maybe you are too anxious."

Yan Luo, the jailer, continued, his eyes were slightly cold, and his breath suddenly became fierce.


Fang Yi smiled lightly, but didn't care.

Although Yan Luo, the prisoner, is powerful, it is only compared to other people, and compared to him...

(End of this chapter)

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