Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2069 Evenly matched

Chapter 2069 Evenly matched

Boom! !

As Yan Luo, the prisoner, stepped forward step by step, the world seemed to be sinking inch by inch.

The surrounding void seemed to be completely covered by him, turning into his territory, and he was the absolute master of this territory, unshakable.

The figure also seemed to suddenly become more majestic, as majestic as a prison.

Like a demon god who suppresses the world.

The crowd all looked terrified.

This is especially true for the Supreme Shura, with an unbelievable gleam in his eyes, because Yama, who is now the prisoner, is much stronger than when he just fought against him.

It turned out that from the beginning to the end, the other party did not try their best in front of him.

But even so, he was still defeated, together with the Ten Thousand Ghosts and Soul Eater Banner, which showed the opponent's strength.

At this moment, he couldn't help feeling lingering fear.

"Boy! If you want to become the Nether Emperor, then let me come and see how much you are!"

"Lie him down!"

Yan Luo, the prisoner, gave a loud shout, and his aura had reached its peak.

At the same time as he spoke, terrifying energy spewed out of his body, like an erupting volcano, directly moving the situation in the nine heavens.

A huge hand also condensed in an instant, revealing the power of destroying heaven and earth, pressing down on Fang Yi inch by inch, unstoppable, like a five-fingered mountain, pressing down on everything.

The sky and the earth exploded in an instant, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

The faces of the crowd watching from a distance all changed drastically in fright, and their figures retreated violently.

That terrified look, as if the end is approaching.

too strong!

Even Supreme Shura and other extremely strong men were terrified when they saw this palm.

Fang Yi is probably the only one who can maintain his composure in the field.

He raised his eyes slightly, and looked at Yan Luo, the prisoner, in disbelief. If such an astonishing palm had been changed before, even he might not have been able to receive it.

but now……

I saw him also take a step forward.


With this step, the world trembled, and with Fang Yi as the center, a terrifying power swept out instantly.

The space that was originally shrouded by Yama, the prisoner, also seemed to be cracked inch by inch, and two terrifying energies seemed to be vying for the control of this world.

Let the surroundings explode completely, and the void sinks.

Immediately, the sound of dragon chants came, shocking Jiuxiao, and the terrifying real dragon's claws came again, facing the prisoner Yan Luo.

Boom! !

Before the two giant palms clashed, the world had already fallen.

At this moment, it seemed that it was no longer a battle between two people, but a collision between two pieces of heaven and earth.

Each of the two sides holds a piece of heaven and earth, and they are extremely powerful. Every gesture of their hands and feet exudes an aura of destroying heaven and earth.

The crowd in the distance was already stunned, their eyeballs seemed to be falling out. Such a shocking battle was undoubtedly far beyond their imagination.

The center of the battle has almost turned into a void, like a huge black hole.

Willfully destroying everything in the world.

The giant hands and the claws of the real dragon exploded inch by inch, sweeping across the entire sky.

Below, the huge Heavenly Slaughter Star was crumbling, as if it was about to burst apart completely.

Countless shrill howls were heart-piercing.

At the center of the battle, those two majestic figures also flew towards each other at the same time, and this blow was suddenly evenly divided, and no one could do anything to win the other.


The crowd all stared blankly at this scene.

It's fine that Yan Luo, the prisoner, is so tyrannical, after all, he has reached the peak of the fifth level of integration, and he is famous.

But Fang Yi, who is only at the peak of the triple body, is so domineering, on par with Yan Luo, the prisoner, how dare the powerful people who came with him believe it.

You know, Yan Luo, the prisoner, is the person who has the most contact with Emperor Huang Quan.

It was also pulled out by Emperor Huang Quan.

The strength is far superior to those of the same rank.

What's even more incredible is that the other party actually confronted him head-on. The prison-suppressing Yan Luo had cultivated the prison-suppressing magic body bestowed by the Emperor Huang Quan.

The strength of the physical body is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Almost able to crush the strong at the same level.

But now...

"You! Very good!"

Prison Yan Luo's pupils were wide open, and he looked at Fang Yi in a daze, also full of disbelief.

Once upon a time, he never paid attention to the triple combination, even the fifth level combined, it is not worth mentioning in his eyes, his goal is the higher combined sixth level, and even the strongest.

But at this moment, he had to re-examine himself.

A three-fold body is actually equal to him, and it is the body he is most proud of.

How does this not surprise him!

In fact, Fang Yi was also shocked. He had seen quite a lot of five-layer combined powerhouses, and even beheaded several of them.

But no one can give him an unshakable feeling like Yan Luo, the prisoner.

It must be known that his physical body has been transformed by the essence and blood of a real dragon, and tempered by the real fire of the sun. In the whole world, his physical body is comparable to it, not to mention unique, and I am afraid it is extremely rare.

And now, there is one.

"You are also very good!"

Fang Yi also replied lightly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"It's a pity! I wanted to have a good fight with you, but now it seems that I don't have a chance."

At this time, Yan Luo, the prison guard, suddenly said something inexplicable.

The crowd couldn't help but startled, looking at each other, obviously a little confused.

Only Fang Yi, with a flash of surprise in his eyes, but still with a faint smile on his face, said: "There will be a chance."

After the words fell, he couldn't help raising his eyes to look at the void.

"After watching for so long, it's time to come out!"

He said lightly.

It was said that everyone realized that there were other people hidden in their feelings, and it was because of this that Yan Luo, the prison guard, gave up fighting fiercely with the opponent.

Just, who would it be?

The crowd couldn't help but look up at the sky.

Supreme Asura and the others turned pale, because they knew very well that the people who came must be for the Water God Temple.

But what they didn't expect was that the next moment, three figures slowly emerged.

Suddenly, the three monarchs were destroyed.

At this moment, the expressions of the three of them were obviously a little ugly, and a bit embarrassed.

Because they still have some self-knowledge, with their strength, it is definitely not enough to make the two powerhouses give up fighting.

However, I don't know if there are other strong men hidden in the surrounding void, so they have to show up.

What's more, Yan Luo, the prisoner, had discovered them a long time ago.

"Styx Palace? Destroy the monarch?"

Everyone was stunned, obviously a little unexpected.

"Oh! It will be you who will destroy the monarch. Didn't you say that you will not participate in the Styx Palace? Why..."

Vajra Raksha was the first to sarcastically.

"I have changed my mind again now, can't I, do you want your Raksha Hall to agree?" As one of the masters of the Ten Nether Halls, although his cultivation is not as good, the Destroyer Monarch still shows no weakness.

However, the tit-for-tat confrontation between the two did not cause the slightest fluctuation in Fang Yi and Yan Luo.

The two still looked at the void with deep eyes.

"Why? Why don't you come out? If you don't come out, I will leave."

(End of this chapter)

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