Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2070 The strong gather

Chapter 2070 The strong gather

The faint voice seemed to have some kind of magical power, resounding through the whole world.

It seems that this has worked.

Above the endless void, several figures began to condense, each one as majestic as a prison, like a real demon god of heaven and earth.


The expressions of the crowd all changed drastically, full of panic.

Rao even though they already knew that there was a strong man hidden in the dark, they didn't expect that there was more than one person, and each of them was an existence they needed to look up to.

The terrifying breath almost exploded the entire void.

"Look! Those are the two strongest Arhats among the eighteen Arhats of the Great Buddha Temple, Arhat Subduing the Dragon and Arhat Subduing the Tiger."

Among these figures.

The two golden figures, like two golden Buddhas, are undoubtedly the most eye-catching.

Around them, there are Sanskrit words faintly circulating, which is extremely magical.

In addition, there are several other extremely strong men, all from the top ten sects.

There were two other people among them, and Jun Wu Qiao, who was in the crowd, couldn't help but change his expression, because those two were the superpowers from the Burning Heaven Sect.

One of them was her father, True Monarch Lihuo.

It has just broken through to the fifth level of the combined body.

And the other one is Xuanhuo Zhenjun who is several times stronger than his father, controls the Nine Heavens Xuanhuo, and is one of the best existences in the entire Burning Heaven Sect.

At this moment, the gazes of the two couldn't help but look at Fang Yi, which was a little weird.

As for Master Li Huo, his eyes only stayed on Fang Yi for a moment, then he turned to Lord Wu Qiao in the crowd below.

There was a faint sense of reproach.

Wu Qiaojun's eyes dodged, obviously a little guilty.

It seemed that he still wanted to cover Yan'er in his arms, but the little guy didn't care, instead he growled twice.

This roar undoubtedly brightened Zhenjun Lihuo's eyes, as if he had discovered a new continent.

True Monarch Xuanhuo at the side also shrank his pupils sharply.

That day, Yan'er's mother assisted Fang Yi to merge with the Fire God Temple and made a big fuss in the Burning Heaven Sect. Naturally, they were not unfamiliar with Yan'er's image.

Even, they have long suspected.

It's just that, under such circumstances, they didn't believe that anyone could escape from Burning Heaven Sect, so they gave up the pursuit, but as time went by, they became more and more suspicious.

Seeing Yan'er again at this moment, he was already convinced.

The gaze that looked at Fang Yi also became extremely sharp.

If it weren't for the public, I'm afraid they have already made a move.

Fang Yi also understood at this moment, once the water temple was exposed, he knew that the matter of the fire temple would also be hidden from Fentianzong.

However, he wasn't worried that the Burning Heaven Sect would reveal the Fire God Temple.

Moreover, it doesn't make any difference to him whether to leak it or not.

"The top ten sects in the spiritual world, I didn't expect you to really think highly of me, almost all of them are here!"

Fang Yi smiled lightly.

His expression didn't seem to have changed much.

"Boy! Don't be complacent. No matter how tyrannical you are, you will not be able to escape today. If you are sensible, immediately hand over the water temple, otherwise, you will die on the spot."

Above the void, a thunderous voice sounded like Hong Zhong Da Lu.

The person who spoke was a burly man like an iron tower.

"My Buddha is merciful. As long as the benefactor is willing to hand over the water temple, my Great Buddha Temple will protect the benefactor well."

Crouching Tiger Arhat also spoke.

"Really!" Fang Yi couldn't help sneering, shook his head, and said, "It's just you, I'm afraid it's still far away."

What he said was not arrogant.

Although these people in front of them are domineering, their cultivations are all at the fifth level of the combined body. Although they are the powerhouses of the top ten sects, they are far beyond the average fifth level of the combined body.

But, that's all.

Not to mention far away, I am afraid that they are not able to contend with the suppression of Yama.

As for taking it down, it's even more impossible.

In fact, everyone in the Void was extremely shocked at the moment. It was the first time they heard about the Water God Temple, and they just came to find out.

Originally thought that with his own strength, if he really met the owner of the Water Temple, he could easily win it.

But just now, the blow from the opponent and Yan Luo, the prisoner, had already made them extremely frightened.

Although they don't want to admit it, they have to accept the fact that they are inferior to the two of them.

"Boy! This seat admits that your strength is out of expectation, but you can't keep the water temple, so why bother to seek death and hand over the water temple obediently, you still have a chance, otherwise..."

"This statement is very good, the benefactor should think twice. My Buddhist sect is the most concerned about the relationship with the Buddha. The benefactor has a relationship with my Buddha. Don't go astray."


Above the void, those big sects are arguing, it's so funny.

Only the two powerful members of Fen Tianzong remained silent from the beginning to the end.

The Burning Sky Sect mainly uses fire-type exercises, and to be honest, the Water God Temple is really not of much use to them.

So at this moment, the two of them remained silent, which seemed normal to others.

However, they didn't know that the two were actually more eager than any of them, but they didn't show it.

Looking at this scene, Fang Yi still smiled lightly, Gujing was silent.

However, Yan Luo, the prisoner, seemed a little impatient, and said with a sneer: "The so-called top ten sects are originally a group of people who don't know the so-called people. It's really disappointing."

As soon as these words came out, the huge crowd couldn't help being startled.

Apparently, they didn't expect that Yan Luo, the prison guard, seemed to be fighting on the same front as Fang Yi.

The two of them were fighting fiercely before, but now...

The crowd undoubtedly thought too much. The reason why Yan Luo, the prison guard, made sarcastic remarks was completely dismissive and had nothing to do with Fang Yi.

Because these people don't even understand the current situation.

"You! Presumptuous!"

The words of Yan Luo, the prisoner, undoubtedly angered some people, making them all angry.

But it's a pity that Yan Luo, the prisoner, didn't even bother to look at them. Instead, he looked at the void and said, "I've seen enough of the show! Don't be afraid that he will run away suddenly."

The "he" in his mouth naturally refers to Fang Yi.

As for whom to tell, the crowd looked at each other in blank dismay.

Even those people above the void are no exception, with an unbelievable light in their eyes.

Could it be that there are still people hiding in the dark?

Everyone looked at the void in horror. If there were any exceptions, it would undoubtedly be Fang Yi. He also looked at the void, but he was not surprised.

Apparently it had been noticed long ago.

Even he knew who it was.

"Holy Lord Tianmo, haven't you shown up yet? There is another friend, who should be from the concept of freedom!"

A faint voice sounded, causing the crowd to turn pale with fright.

It's nothing more than a self-contained view. It is not yet known who the visitor is, but the name of the Heavenly Demon Lord is like a thunderbolt. In the vast spiritual world, everyone knows who doesn't know.

The former master of the Wanmo sect, the peak powerhouse of the six-fold fusion.

There were even rumors that he gave up his position as the suzerain of the Ten Thousand Demons Sect in order to attack the seventh-level superpower of the body.

In the combined six-fold, few people are his opponents.

But now, according to Fang Yi's words, he is actually around, so everyone is not surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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