Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2076 Fudo Ming Wang Bell

Chapter 2076 Fudo Ming Wang Bell

At this moment, Fang Yi was like a god of death, unrivaled.

The powerhouses of the top ten sects were all terrified.

As for the top ten Shuras, hidden in the four great sword formations, their expressions were high and their arrogance was overwhelming. In the four great sword formations, their lack of cultivation was completely covered up.

Each of them is like a peerless Shura who walked out of hell.

The faces of the crowd were all pale.

Everything in front of him is undoubtedly very different from what was expected. In the eyes of everyone, Fang Yi is bound to lose.

But it turns out... just the opposite.

This makes them dare to believe, as if in a dream.

"He really only has the triple body? Monster, peerless monster!"

True Monarch Xuanhuo's cloudy eyes were full of disbelief.

Subconsciously, he looked at Mr. Wu Qiao, seeing the excited face on the latter's face, he couldn't help looking at Mr. Lihuo.

True Monarch Lihuo seemed to sense his gaze, and the two couldn't help but glance at each other, seeing the deep shock in each other's eyes.

In addition, there is a touch of dignity.

It seemed to be saying: Can Burning Heaven Sect really take back the Fire God Temple?

No one can answer their questions, at least with the strength of the two of them, it is absolutely impossible.

" are a devil! Run away!!"

Some weak and timid ones were already scared out of their wits and fled in haste.

The Water God Temple is precious, so you have to live to enjoy it. At this moment, Fang Yi is like a god of death wandering around the world, how dare they have any unreasonable thoughts.

Even the two big arhats and several other superpowers are all terrified at this moment.

The few people who arrived were also extremely tacit, and they were already in a group.

"You... who are you? Why is your inner world so weird, and there are ten sacred monuments of the demon clan."

It was the burly man from before who spoke.

The difference is that he has long since lost his former arrogance, his face is as white as paper, and his eyes are full of fear when he looks at Fang Yi, dripping with cold sweat.

"What? Are you scared?"

Fang Yi grinned.

After the reorganization of the inner world, even he was extremely shocked. Although he had already noticed that the inner world had undergone earth-shaking changes, it is still unknown what exactly happened.

And today, it is also the first time it has been used after the reorganization of the inner world.

Unexpectedly, its power far exceeded expectations.

The four great sword formations, the Shimo Heavenly Book and the Ten Demon Race Sacred Tablets are all enough to suppress any strong person present.

And these are all in one, as you can imagine.

Even at this moment, he has the urge to compete with the combined sixfold.

Of course, it is limited to the inner world, and it is absolutely impossible in the outside world. The previous blow with Daoist Shattered made him clearly aware of the gap between the two.

"The benefactor is very lucky, and the trio is combined, so... it will be even more difficult to keep you."

In the arena, the best performers are probably only two Arhats left.

At this moment, the two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding, and their ten fingers pinched the formula at the same time, and the two big bells seemed to be in touch again, and the roar continued.

Hanging above their heads, a golden light burst out.

Numerous Sanskrit words circulated, as if a Buddha was singing loudly and vastly.

Om Mani Padme Hum...

Following the mysterious Buddha's voice, the lingering magic voice seemed to fade away a lot, and the originally lost crowd seemed to react instantly.

"The six-character mantra of the Great Buddha Temple!"

Vajra Raksha blurted out, his eyes full of shock.

The six-character mantra is so famous that everyone in the spiritual world knows it. Legend has it that the three great monks of the Great Buddha Temple once used this to defeat a seven-fold superpower.

Of course, this is just a legend, and no one knows whether it is true or not.

However, it is almost universally recognized that the three great monks of the Great Buddha Temple are as strong as the strongest.

And these six-character mantras are the treasures of the Great Buddha Temple, so it can be imagined.

Fang Yi was also extremely shocked. He had only heard of the six-character mantra, but had never seen it. Now that he saw it, he felt a sharp increase in pressure.

The magic sound also seemed to be covered up, and it seemed to have a great suppressing effect.

"The thief of the Demon Sect, before my Great Buddha Temple, he will be captured without a fight."

The two arhats succeeded in one blow, and they were immediately excited.

The two big bells are also like two giant mountains, pressing away sideways.

The void burst instantly, and the smoke and dust billowed.

This blow was really extremely domineering and extremely fierce. If it was an ordinary strongman of the same level, he would definitely not dare to take it head-on.

But Fang Yi was obviously different from ordinary people. The corner of his mouth curled up with a hint of coldness, and he snorted, "It's just you two bald donkeys who can't control themselves."

groan! !

As soon as the words fell, a shocking dragon chant followed.

The huge real dragon's claws appeared out of thin air, as if falling from the nine heavens, and shot directly at the two giant peaks.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, there was a violent tremor between the sky and the earth, the void collapsed, and the sound of roaring was endless, and the billowing air waves completely enveloped the surroundings, making it hard to see clearly.

When all the dust settled, the two giant bells reappeared in everyone's sight.

"Huh?" Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking suddenly, and a flash of disbelief flashed.

It turned out that his palm didn't have much effect.

The two big bells are still pressing forward.

And around it, there is stellar energy condensed, forming eight sides, circulating in circles, and countless Sanskrit characters are looming, giving people a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

" this the Fudo Mingwang Bell of the Great Buddha Temple?"

Someone in the crowd blurted out.

The Fudo Mingwang Bell is the most precious treasure of the Great Buddha Temple. It is said that in terms of defense, nothing can surpass it.

It is precisely because of this, coupled with the three great monks, that even the most powerful dare not provoke the Great Buddha Temple.

However, someone quickly denied this statement, "No! That's not the Fudo Mingwang bell. How could there be two real Fudo Mingwang bells, and they were owned by two Arhats? They are imitations."

"That's right! It should be an imitation, but I didn't expect that even the imitation is so tyrannical."

The crowd was amazed.

If the imitation is like this, then what will the real Fudo Mingwang Bell look like.

"The thief of the Demon Sect, it doesn't matter how tyrannical you are, if you want to break through my dragon and tiger, you are daydreaming."

The arrogance of the two arhats was high, and the two bells of the dragon and the tiger undoubtedly gave them great confidence.

Just as everyone expected, these two big bells were imitated from the Fudo Mingwang Bell. Although they were far inferior to the Fudo Mingwang Bell, their defensive power was equally astonishing.

Especially the combination of dragon and tiger, no one can break it under the combined six layers.

Even if it is a six-layered body, it is not so easy to break it open.

"That's right! I just don't believe it."

Fang Yi's face darkened, his eyes overflowed with a cold light, and his aura suddenly became fierce.

With a giant palm in his hand, a blue long sword appeared out of thin air.

The sound of the sword was loud, and the yin and yang energies penetrated the heaven and the earth. The two completely different energies intertwined instantly, one was icy cold and the other burned like a flame.

When the two intersect, a faint Tai Chi pattern also condenses.


Accompanied by an angry shout, the bright sword shadow crashed down, and the world seemed to be split into two in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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