Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2077 Deadwood Monk

Chapter 2077 Deadwood Monk

brush! !

A shocking sword tore through the sky, the void sank, and a huge crack extended infinitely, heading towards the two giant peaks.

Under the shadow of the sword, everything is extinguished, carrying the power of opening up the world.

The crowd in the distance all changed their expressions drastically with fright, their backs felt chills, and each of them closed their mouths from ear to ear in horror, as if they had seen a ghost.

How can it be?

The two arhats were also full of panic.

Because under this sword, they seemed to feel the approach of death.

The two giant peaks trembled violently, as if they couldn't bear the coercion, they roared endlessly, and finally burst apart inch by inch.

The whole world exploded completely as if countless shells had been thrown into it.

The billowing air waves raged, flattening all directions.

The world seems to be distorted for a moment, everything has become so unreal, and the crowd has long been scared and retreated.

The two arhats spurted several mouthfuls of blood again and again, blasting out like shells.

At this moment, there was no sound from the huge crowd, and everyone was stunned on the spot, one by one, not even daring to breathe, looking at the domineering figure in horror.

"you you……"

The two arhats finally stabilized their figures, but their faces were already pale and bloodless, and their breath was weak.

Obviously, that blow caused them great damage.

If it weren't for the two bells of the dragon and the tiger, even if the two of them survived, the difference might not be much different.

" can't be that strong, you're only a triple body, what kind of sword is that?"

The two arhats seemed unable to accept such a reality, and why not the crowd, they all stared blankly at Fang Yi, as if they wanted to see through Fang Yi.

However, there are a few people who can really see through.

I'm afraid that among those present, only Xuanhuo Zhenjun, Lihuo Zhenjun, and Wu Qiaojun understand a little bit.

Because those two completely different energies, one cold and one hot, one still and one moving, all coincide with the two temples of water and fire.

However, whether it is true or not, they are not sure.

"Sword? Concentric Sword!"

Fang Yi looked at the long sword in his hand lightly, and the light in his eyes became a little softer.

But the next moment, he suddenly became fierce again, and the corners of his mouth could not help but slightly raised, revealing a hint of evil.


As soon as the word "dead" came out, the Tongxin sword had already slashed down again.

The azure sword shadow tore through everything, slashing everything, streaks of blood splattered, the entire void seemed to turn into a Shura battlefield, and countless strong men fell like raindrops.

"Run away!"

The crowd panicked and panicked.

At this moment, they no longer cared about the water temple, they just wanted to save their lives.

Fortunately, Fang Yi's inner world doesn't cover much space, otherwise, none of these people would be able to escape.

But even so, in a short period of time, there were already countless casualties.

Prison Yan Luo and the others were already stunned, and no one thought that this battle would turn into what it is now.

The two great arhats have also reached a precarious situation.

"Demon Sect thief, you are courting death!"

The two looked at each other, and then sealed at the same time.

The two big bells roared again, with a golden light, and countless Sanskrit characters seemed to fall from the nine heavens.

"Hmph! Overestimate yourself!" Fang Yi sneered, he had seen the power of two bells of dragon and tiger before, and he could stop others, but he couldn't stop him.

Originally, he was not a bloodthirsty person, but how could he be lenient when these people wanted his life.

With a flick of his eyes, the Concentric Sword in his hand was about to chop off again.

But right now.

From the source of the golden light bursting from the dragon and tiger bells, an incomparably terrifying power descends, like the Milky Way pouring down from nine heavens.

The golden light is shining brightly, and a huge golden Buddha is condensed out of thin air, hanging above the nine heavens.

Boom! !

With the agglomeration of this golden Buddha, large areas of the entire space collapsed, with the golden Buddha as the center, the inner world has collapsed.

Outside, countless Shura Hall disciples and onlookers all saw a golden light appear in the endless dark void at this moment, and then slowly flourished, turning into a golden Buddha.

The Heavenly Demon Holy Venerable and Daoist Disillusionment, who were fighting nine days ago, also seemed to sense it, and looked at the golden Buddha at the same time.

"The dead wood monk!"

Both of them were startled, and they came towards the golden Buddha at the same time.

At this time, the entire inner world space has almost completely collapsed, only the space covered by Fang Yi is still stable.

However, the huge coercion also made him feel a sharp increase in pressure.

In particular, the golden Buddha gave him an unrivaled feeling that he was definitely an existence with a combined body of six or more layers, and compared to the feeling given to him by Daoist Shattering, it seemed to be a little more tyrannical.

"It's the dead wood monk!"

The crowd of onlookers couldn't help but turn pale with shock, having already recognized the golden Buddha.

The dead wood monk is one of the three great monks of the Great Buddha Temple. It turns out that he also came to the chaotic star field.

"I've seen the divine monk!" The two arhats put their hands together and saluted quickly.

The crowd around couldn't help but stop at this moment, looking at the golden Buddha in horror.

Combined with six layers, there is nothing like a rare existence, but today, three people came here at once, how could they not be surprised.

"My Buddha is merciful, and the sin of benefactor is too heavy. It is better to take refuge in my Buddha and follow the old monk back to the Great Buddha Temple to wash away all the sins." The sound of the Golden Buddha is like the sound of heaven, ethereal and distant, as if it has the effect of washing the soul.

Even Fang Yi seemed to have an irrepressible impulse in his heart.

As for the surrounding crowd, more than half of them already showed piety, as if they were influenced by the Buddha's voice.

The end is miraculous.

"Old bald donkey, don't be fooled by the rumors here. What I don't like the most are you pious people who have committed murder and arson, but are full of benevolence and morality, and are extremely hypocritical."

At this time, the resonant voice of the Heavenly Demon Lord exploded suddenly.

Like a heavy hammer, those who were in a trance couldn't help but wake up.

Following these words, he and Daoist Shattered also separated at the same time, corresponding to each other from afar.

"Hmph! Heavenly demon, this boy is actually a thief of your demon clan, that's okay! Today, I will get rid of you all together." The dead wood monk also looked furious.

At the same time, he did not forget to look at each other with Daoist Shattered, as if they had reached some kind of tacit understanding.

"Just you?"

The Heavenly Demon Lord sneered, his face full of sarcasm.

At the same time as he was speaking, his whole body had already struck like a thunderbolt, extremely fast, as if he wanted to strike first.

"Good come!"

Daoist Daoist Shattered and Deadwood Monk, as if they had expected it, came up at the same time.

However, the goal of destroying the Taoist master was Fang Yi.

The fierce and greedy look in his eyes was like a hungry wolf, and his attack was extremely domineering, as if he wanted to take Fang Yi down with one blow.

One can imagine the power of the six-fold fusion, even Fang Yi's pupils can't help shrinking at this moment.

However, the matter has come to this point, he will naturally not back down.

His face turned pale, and the monstrous aura erupted from his body, and the radiant sword shadow was cut away again.

(End of this chapter)

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