Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2079

Chapter 2079


The crowd watched this scene in horror, with disbelief on their faces.

This was especially true for Daoist Daoist, whose eyes were staring like copper bells, full of disbelief. The tyranny of the white-haired old man was clearly beyond his expectations.

The same is true for the Heavenly Demon Lord and the Deadwood Monk, and their eyes became a little dignified.

"Who is your Excellency? Could it be that you also came here for the Water God Temple?"

Daoist Shattered's face was extremely gloomy at this moment, he looked at the white-haired old man coldly and asked.

"Water Temple?"

The old man chuckled, then turned his head to look at Fang Yi, his eyes were a bit thought-provoking, as if he didn't expect Fang Yi to be hooked up with the Water God Temple again.

I thought that the chaotic star field could finally calm down for a while, but I didn't want to...

"The old man Wuxin Water God Temple, but this is the chaotic star field, and you will not be allowed to act recklessly here."

The old man's voice sounded again.

Although indifferent, it gives people a sense of irrebellion.

"How courageous! So, your Excellency wants to keep this kid!"

Hearing this, Daoist Daoist Shattering couldn't help but his face sank. As one of the three Daoist Masters of Zizaiguan, how could anyone dare to be so presumptuous in front of him, even if the other party is also a six-fold body.

In the vast spiritual world, although there are not many combined sixfolds, there are still some.

In his eyes, the other party is at best a reclusive powerhouse, casual cultivator, and naturally cannot be compared with the top ten sects.

It's just that the blow just now...


The old man didn't care and said lightly.

Fang Yi's expression couldn't help changing when he heard the words. He never expected that the other party would come forward to help him at this time.

Speaking of which, because my chaotic star field is already in a mess, the 36 veins will inevitably be affected, but now...

"Oh! It's ridiculous. Do you think you can keep him? The Water God Palace has a lot to do with it. Not to mention him, even your Excellency can't keep it."

"If you really want to survive the disaster, I can give you a clear way to hand over the Water God Palace obediently."

"Otherwise, there is only one dead end."

Daoist Daoist Shattered sneered again and again, but he had to say that what he said was the truth.

The impact of the Water God Temple completely exceeded Fang Yi's expectations. Countless powerful people poured into the chaotic starfield, causing the entire chaotic starfield to be in chaos.

The top ten sects may even take a little care of their own identities.

But other sects may not be.

Once they can't find Fang Yi, Shura Hall and Kyushu Sect will definitely become the target of public criticism and be attacked by groups.

Until then……

"Okay! Don't you want the Water God Temple! I can give it to you."

After thinking this through, Fang Yi couldn't help but take a big step forward.

Qiqi couldn't help but look at everyone's eyes.

"However! It depends on whether you have the ability." He continued, with sarcasm, and his eyes became extremely sharp.

"Boy! Don't be too tight-lipped, what do you want, come quickly."

Daoist Master Shattered couldn't help scolding.

The white-haired old man also took a deep look at Fang Yi.

"Simple, it's not difficult for me to hand over the Water God Temple, but I have to hand it over in front of everyone, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles, so I will announce it, and I will hand it over a month later. Water Temple..."

After a month?

Hearing this, Daoist Disruption couldn't help but sneered, and shouted: "Boy! Could it be that you treat me as a three-year-old child? You have to hand it in now, so why so much nonsense, don't delay."

"Yes! Now hand in..."

The crowd also shouted.

"Hand it in now? Then who should I hand it over to?"

"Or are you afraid that there will be too many people and you won't be able to grab it?" Fang Yi sneered, sarcastically.

"You bastard, don't be arrogant!" Daoist Shattered was furious.

But at this moment, with the addition of the white-haired old man, this battle can no longer be fought, and even if they continue to entangle, there will be no results.

More importantly, as the other party said, to whom?

Once the opponent really surrenders the Water Temple, no one is sure to defeat so many opponents, and then...

Several strong men couldn't help but looked at each other.

There was also a strange gleam in the white-haired old man's old eyes.

"Boy! One month, we'll give you one month to see what tricks you can pull off. Don't forget that both the Kyushu Sect and the Shura Palace are still here."

Threat, the threat of red fruit.

This was clearly a warning to Fang Yi not to attempt to escape, otherwise, the Kyushu Sect and the Asura Hall would surely be destroyed.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help turning cold, and a murderous intent appeared in his heart, but he still said: "Don't worry! I keep my promises. After a month, it depends on whether you have the ability to get the Water God Temple."

"Location, tentatively..."

Fang Yi was thinking about the right place. The so-called one month later was naturally his plan to delay the attack.

In order to ensure the safety of Kyushu Sect and Asura Hall, he had no choice but to do so.

The reason why the time is set in one month is because he is sure to break through to the quadruple body within a month, although this cultivation level is still too weak compared to those of the strongest.

However, if the time is too long, these people will definitely not agree.

So...he had no choice but to take one step at a time.

"The location will be on Tiankui Star!"

Just as Fang Yi was thinking, the white-haired old man suddenly spoke.


Hearing this, Fang Yi couldn't help but startled, Tiankuixing?The other party was obviously trying to help him on purpose. In Tiankuixing, Fang Yi was almost unrivaled with the help of the Daotianbei.

Of course, at that time he hadn't broken through to the body-fit state, so no one knows what will happen now.

And the Great Daotian Monument...

"Okay! One month later, Tian Kuixing, boy, I hope you don't play tricks."

Daoist Shattered snorted coldly, took another deep look at the white-haired old man, and then walked away.

"Amitabha!" The dead tree monk put his hands together, and the bright golden Buddha slowly disappeared, and finally disappeared.

Both the two combined body and six layers have withdrawn, and the others, needless to say, have left one after another.

At this point, a great battle has come to an end.

The people in Shura Palace were all relieved and exhausted, but they didn't care about their exhaustion at all, and looked at Fang Yi closely one by one.

"Great Emperor..." Supreme Asura obviously wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fang Yi.

"Okay! Go down and rest!"


When Supreme Asura heard the words, he had no choice but to agree, waved his hand, and retreated.

"What about you? Do you still want to compete with me?" At this time, Fang Yi couldn't help but glanced at Yan Luo, the prisoner, and asked.

"There is a chance!"

Prison Yan Luo's face was gloomy, but he waved his hand and drifted away.

In the huge sky, only Fang Yi, the white-haired old man, and the Heavenly Demon Lord were left.

"Tell me! Why did the Shimo Heavenly Book fall into your hands, and Mr. Wanmo, what is his origin?"

Finally, the Heavenly Demon Lord couldn't help asking, his eyes fixed on Fang Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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