Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2080 Fire Temple

Chapter 2080 Fire Temple

"It's not just Shimo Heavenly Book!"

Fang Yi smiled lightly, opened his big hand, and the Shimo Heavenly Book was condensed out of thin air. Not only that, but a square stone tablet also emerged, which was the top ten demon clan sacred monuments.

"It's really you!"

The pupils of Tianmo Shengzun couldn't help but shrunk, revealing a bright light, and a strong sense of disbelief.

He didn't ask any more questions because it was unnecessary.

If the Shimo Heavenly Manual is not enough to explain the problem, then the ten sacred monuments of the demon race have already explained everything.

Although it was far beyond his expectations.

"As for the identity of Master Wan Mo, he is one of the nine sons of heaven, the son of gold!"


Hearing this, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly Demon Lord, full of disbelief.

"Are you sure?" He looked at Fang Yi directly and asked.

"Naturally! Tie Feiying also knows."

"However, I guess that he is probably controlled by the Demon Seal. Among the top ten demon clans, there should be quite a few controlled by the Demon Seal, right?"

Jumo Palace fell into the hands of Master Wanmo early in the morning.

The magic thoughts sealed by the ancestor of the demons inside have been imprisoned all the time.

Although Fang Yi took back the Jumo Palace during the battle against Shi Moxing and handed it over to Bai Yingying, but the magic thoughts in it had already been taken away by Master Wanmo, so those strong men were still controlled by Master Wanmo.

Heavenly Demon Lord didn't seem to be surprised by this, but his eyes became colder.

There were even rumors that he was also controlled by the Demon Seal, otherwise, the suzerain position would not have been passed on.

Of course, this is just a rumor, and there is no way of knowing whether it is true or not.

Fang Yi also has no idea, he has no interest in the infighting of the demons, let alone the current situation, he can't take care of himself, how can he care about it.

The Heavenly Demon Lord didn't say anything else, he took a deep look at Fang Yi, and then left through the air.

The white-haired old man also had surprise in his eyes at the moment.

It seems to be surprised by the appearance of Tiandao Jiuzi.

The Nine Sons of Heaven and Dao, each with one branch, have always been legends in the spirit world, but unexpectedly, they actually appeared.

"Thank you, Great Elder, for your help."

Sending away the Heavenly Demon Lord, Fang Yi finally bowed slightly to the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man nodded lightly, not seeing much abnormality, "What are your plans in a month's time?" He asked.

Fang Yi shook his head with a wry smile. What could he have planned? At the same time, he was facing countless strong men, including the top ten sects in the spiritual world.

But even now, he can't back down.

Because behind him are the Kyushu Sect, the Asura Hall, and even the Red Demon Star.

Only take one step at a time.

The white-haired old man couldn't help but let out a long sigh. He took a deep look at Fang Yi, with some doubts in his eyes.

Maybe he didn't understand why the prophesied Emperor of Kyushu had so many disasters. At the same time, he was also a little unsure whether he was right or wrong in setting the location on Tiankui Star.

What will it look like after 36 pulses are learned.

"This month, you must be careful yourself. Although those people agree on the surface, they may not be behind the scenes."

In the end, the white-haired old man reminded me lightly.

"Thank you!"

Fang Yi nodded, he naturally understood.

The so-called one month later is nothing more than an excuse for a temporary compromise between the two sides at a stalemate.

No one really takes this month to heart.

Once there is an opportunity, regardless of your time, these people will definitely not miss it.

Of course, with this month's agreement, at least they won't blatantly trouble Kyushu Sect and Shura Palace, and this is exactly what Fang Yi wants.

He didn't want to implicate Kyushu Sect and Shura Palace.

As for the people who come to trouble him behind the scenes, he is not afraid at all.

"Then you can do it yourself!"

The old man finally sighed and drifted away.

Obviously, he is also extremely pessimistic about the predicament that Fang Yi is currently facing. After all, those are the top ten sects in the spiritual world.

Do not!

Far more than that, once the news spreads, there must be countless strong people pouring in, and then...


"Father! What Fire Temple, my daughter doesn't know what you're talking about."

At the same time, somewhere in the Heavenly Killing Star, Wu Qiaojun dodged his eyes and replied insincerely.

It turned out that Xuanhuo Zhenjun and Lihuo Zhenjun did not leave, but landed on the Heavenly Slaughter Star. The two did not join the battle before, so they did not attract too much attention.

Of course, with their strength, ordinary people can't notice it.

"Hmph! Still talking nonsense with your eyes open, what's the matter with that little beast?"

True Monarch Lihuo scolded, obviously a little angry.

But it looks more like a faux pas.

"My daughter really doesn't know why Fang Yi didn't die when he entered the Nine Flames Pagoda, and why the little beast escaped. My daughter doesn't know at all."

"These are also things my daughter came across by chance when she came to the chaotic star field recently."

Wu Qiaojun knew that he couldn't hide it, so he had to be perfunctory.

Anyway, no one knows about the Fire God Temple, whether it is true or not, even if she is guessing, she has never seen it.

As for the Nine Flame Pagoda, so many people in the Zongmen couldn't find Fang Yi's whereabouts, so it was reasonable for her not to know.


True Monarch Li Huo choked, not knowing what to say.

However, there was a hint of shrewdness in his eyes, so it was not a big mistake.

"Then why don't you report it? Even if you didn't know it before, you should know it now! Why didn't you report it to the sect immediately, instead you followed him and became very close."

True Monarch Xuanhuo finally spoke, with a half-smile, and a deep look in his eyes.

Hearing this, Wu Qiaojun couldn't help but blushed slightly.

But he still said: "This disciple is alone, how to separate himself, and this matter is so important, how can he just find someone to pass the news on, not to mention, once the news of the Water God Temple spreads, the sect's strong will definitely come. There's no need for that."

"As for the disciples following him, don't you just want to find out!"

Wu Qiaojun opened his eyes and spoke nonsense.

However, it is also reasonable, so that True Monarch Xuanhuo has no way to refute.

But Zhenjun Lihuo couldn't help flashing a look of relief in his eyes.

"Then what did you inquire about? Is the Fire God Temple on him?" True Monarch Xuanhuo couldn't help asking.

"This... I haven't got anything yet." Wu Qiaojun curled her lips, and replied with a nonchalant expression.

"Hmph! I think you were stunned by that kid!"

True Monarch Xuanhuo couldn't help snorting coldly.

When Wu Qiaojun heard this, her pretty face blushed.

"There's no need to inquire, the Fire God Temple is in my hands."

At this time, a faint voice sounded, and with the voice, a figure slowly emerged, with white hair and blue robe, extremely majestic, needless to say, it was Fang Yi.

The three of them couldn't help being startled, apparently they didn't expect Fang Yi to appear suddenly, let alone that the other party would admit it directly.

Involuntarily, the three looked at Fang Yi together.

Especially the two true monarchs, with a fiery light in their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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