Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2086 Eternal Imperial Court

Chapter 2086 Eternal Imperial Court

"Tsk tsk! No way! Even the members of the Eternal Imperial Court were killed? These star robbers are too powerful."

"Really? Isn't the Eternal Imperial Court one of the top ten sects? Why..."

"Who says it's not, but I heard that it's just a small team of the Eternal Emperor's Court. Although it's only a small team, there are also five-fold strong people sitting in it, but in the end, they still haven't been spared."

"This... is too scary!"

The crowd gasped.

"Those thieves in the starry sky are so overbearing? Can even the fifth level of the combined body be suppressed?"

"Who knows, I heard it's the Black Wind Group, but maybe it's not Star Bandit, but..."

"Exactly! Maybe someone from the top ten sects."


As the month of January approached, more and more warriors flooded into Tiankui Star, and more and more warriors died in the vast void.

At first, they were just ordinary warriors, and they were not noticed by the crowd.

Now, even the Eternal Imperial Court, one of the top ten sects, has been damaged here, how can everyone not be surprised.

But there are exceptions.

In a certain corner of the crowd, a woman with dim eyes looked very disdainful.

"Hmph! What is the eternal imperial court, so it is so vulnerable."

Needless to say, that woman is Hua Lian'er.

Beside her, a seemingly ordinary old man shook his head with a smile and said, "No! The strength of the Eternal Imperial Court is quite impressive, worthy of being one of the top ten sects."

The faint voice of the old man, and that ordinary appearance that couldn't be more ordinary.

I'm afraid that no one will be able to connect him with the famous blood demon ancestor.


However, Hua Lian'er was somewhat disapproving.

"Isn't it just a group of warriors living in the abyss of the ages! How dare they call themselves the emperor of the ages and call themselves Hades, and they are not afraid of laughing at people's big teeth."

The Eternal Imperial Court is also one of the top ten sects in the spiritual world, but it is different from ordinary sects.

They exist in the form of the royal court.

Living in an endless cosmic abyss, the place is lonely and cold, and it is not suitable for ordinary people to survive. It is called the eternal abyss.

Usually, they seldom appear in the spirit world, but they did not expect to come here this time.

"Girl! Don't lie."

The blood demon patriarch chuckled and shook his head, but there was not much reproach in his expression, but a benevolent smile on his face.

"People in the spirit world know too little about the Eternal Emperor's Court. Their strength is not weak, especially Hades. Even if he doesn't reach the seventh level of fusion, he is about the same."

When mentioning Pluto, the eyes of the blood demon patriarch couldn't help but become a little dark.

"Grandpa, what's wrong?"

Hua Lian'er seemed to be aware of it, and asked puzzledly:


The blood demon patriarch smiled lightly, his eyes softened again, and then he said: "It is rumored that this Pluto comes from the underworld, but I don't know whether it is true or not."


Hua Lian'er's gloomy eyes couldn't help but light up slightly, "Does the underworld really exist?"

"That's nature. There is the spirit world, the fairy world, and naturally there is the underworld. The three worlds coexist and are connected. If you want to enter the fairy world and reach the legendary realm, you can ascend to the fairy world."

"And to enter the underworld, the only way is to die, and the soul falls into the underworld."

The blood demon patriarch replied.

"This... people are dead, is there any point in entering the underworld?"

Hua Lian'er pouted.

"Not necessarily. It is said that when a soul falls into the underworld, it will first fall into the River of Styx, and the past will be purified by the water of the River of Styx, turning it into pure power of the soul."

"And if someone can keep the soul from being purified, they can reshape the body in the underworld."

"However, the reincarnation of heaven, I'm afraid...

The blood demon patriarch sighed slightly, this road is obviously not possible.

"Is there no other way to enter the underworld? Isn't it said that Pluto came from the underworld? Grandpa will just arrest him and ask him."

"And, even if he can't, Big Wood must have a way."

Hua Lian'er looked confident.

It seems to be done on purpose, or it seems that Fang Yi is really full of confidence, or both.

The blood demon patriarch couldn't help but smiled lightly.

"Grandpa, what about the Ten Thousand Demon Sect? Shouldn't we go and have a look? Is it true that the Ten Thousand Demon Sect is not the man of destiny of the Demon Clan? If the Heavenly Demon Lord knows about it, what will happen?"

Hua Lian'er couldn't help asking at this time.

The two directly entered the chaotic star field all the way, and did not go to the demon camp.

"Also, there are rumors that Lord Tianmo Shengzun is controlled by the Jumo Seal, so he supports Master Wanmo without hesitation. Is it true?"

Hua Lian'er looked curious, she had always been skeptical about this matter.

Because she couldn't believe that the Heavenly Demon Lord would take the initiative to give way to the Wanmo Young Master, so...

"it is true!"

The old Gorefiend looked at her benevolently, and then replied.

As soon as these words came out, Hua Lian'er's face suddenly paled.

Seeing this, the blood demon patriarch couldn't help but smiled again, and added: "But that was in the past. If Master Wanmo had the Devil's Palace in his hands, the Heavenly Demon Lord might really be a little bit afraid."

"But now, the Jumo Seal may have been erased long ago."

"Oh!" Hua Lian'er's eyes could not help but light up slightly.

Could it be that Fang Yi helped the Heavenly Demon Lord when he captured the Demonic Palace of Master Wanmo?

"Okay! Stop thinking about it, we should go and have a look, maybe many old friends have already arrived." At this time, the blood demon ancestor slightly raised his eyes and looked towards the void.

But Hua Lian'er couldn't help turning her gloomy eyes.

Hehe said: "Grandpa, why don't you go meet your old friend, and I'll go find my big log, how about it?"

She seemed a little helpless, and she was about to slip away as she spoke.


The blood demon patriarch couldn't help shouting, and said: "Have you forgotten the lesson learned by the eternal imperial court? The chaotic star field is extremely dangerous right now. Let alone you, you can't protect yourself with a five-fold fusion..."

"No, grandpa don't worry, the Black Wind Group is a big wooden person, how could they deal with me."

Hua Lian'er didn't care.

Others don't know about the Black Wind Group, but she naturally knows it clearly.

The blood demon patriarch seemed a little surprised, but he still said, "It's different now..."

However, before he finished speaking, Hua Lian'er interrupted him, "Aunt Lan is here too, just let Aunt Lan stay with me."

When the words fell, she smiled and shot away like lightning.

The blood demon patriarch was full of helplessness. If his expression was seen by outsiders, it would be difficult to associate it with his great reputation.

That's it!

In the end, he shook his head, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.

And around, the crowd didn't seem to notice, they were still discussing everything about the Water God Temple and the ten major sects.

"Look! Those are the people from the Eternal Imperial Court. They are aggressive, and they are probably going to trouble the Black Wind Group."

"Maybe, do you want to go and see?"


(End of this chapter)

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