Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2087 Blocking

Chapter 2087 Blocking

"Sir Yasha, Lord Yelang's team was attacked near here."

In the vast void, a huge team walked in it.

The leader was a man who was short in stature but had unusually sharp eyes. He was covered in black mist and exuded a strong smell of blood, making it hard to see clearly, adding a mysterious and powerful atmosphere.

Only the pair of eyes projected from the black mist seemed to be able to penetrate everything.

Incomparably fierce!

Behind him, in the permeating black mist, there is a pair of black wings faintly, like the wings of a devil.

"Hmph! It's a piece of trash, and it was actually beheaded by a group of star robbers."

The short man called Lord Yasha snorted coldly, and then said: "How did the investigation go? Is it really the Star Thief's work, or is it another sect?"

As he said that, his eyes suddenly turned cold and became more and more fierce.

It seems that he doesn't believe in Star Thief.

In fact, it's no wonder that a strong man who can suppress the five-fold body will be reduced to a star robber.

Such a strong person is not the overlord of one side, so how could he do such a thing.

"Report to Master Yasha, the subordinates don't know the details."

"However, it is said that a large number of people in black robes appeared at that time. According to the chaotic star field, it should be the Black Wind Group. As for whether it is another sect pretending to be, the subordinates cannot confirm."

The man replied truthfully.

"Black Wind Tuan! Hmph! That's fine, don't care if he is or not, let's kill it first."

"I haven't shown up in the Eternal Imperial Court for a long time. I'm afraid the warriors in the spirit world have forgotten our existence. If that's the case, let's show them some color and make an example of them."

The short man said coldly, exuding a strong killing intent all over his body.


Everyone responded in unison, and the momentum shook the sky.

"Scatter, find the base camp of the Black Wind Group, and uproot them before His Majesty arrives."

"Dare to be an enemy of my Eternal Royal Court in this void, and you are simply seeking your own death."

The Eternal Imperial Court has always occupied the Eternal Abyss, living in the endless abyss, and the environment is much worse than that of the Chaotic Starfield.

In terms of understanding of space storms and various situations in the void, no one can compare with them.

This is not difficult to see from their deep and sharp eyes.

"As ordered!"

The soldiers of the eternal imperial court, like a well-trained army, were divided into groups and scattered into the void.

until everyone disappears.

In the same place, a ripple swayed, and two figures emerged, suddenly it was Hua Lian'er, and Aunt Lan she was talking about.

"Aunt Lan, how strong are these people from the Eternal Imperial Court?"

Hua Lian'er spoke first, with a hint of apprehension on her face.

The reason why she is afraid is because of the strength of the soldiers of the eternal imperial court, one by one, the aura is majestic, and when united, they are like an army of gods and demons.

And what she asked was naturally the person ahead.

Because with her strength, it is not enough to see through the cultivation of the leading person.

But what she didn't expect was that Aunt Lan's expression became extremely dignified when she heard the question.

"Overtake me!"

In just three words, Hua Lian'er's expression couldn't help but change.

Because she knows Aunt Lan's cultivation best, she has already reached the peak of the fifth level of the body, and surpassed Aunt Lan, what does that mean?

Combined with six weights?

Unexpectedly, the other party turned out to be a six-fold body, how could she not be surprised.


Hua Lian'er couldn't help feeling a little anxious, her face turned slightly pale.

"What's the matter? Aren't you going to find that kid? Why are you following the people from the Eternal Imperial Court?"

Aunt Lan was a little puzzled at first, but seeing Hua Lianer's appearance now, she couldn't help asking.

"Aunt Lan, you don't know that Heifengtuan is a big wooden person."

"As far as I know, among the big wood people, there is no one else who can suppress the five-fold body, except for the big wood himself, or the second sister."

Hua Lian'er replied truthfully.

"Second sister?" Aunt Lan looked at Hua Lian'er strangely, with a rather profound look.

" suspect that kid is around here?"

Immediately, she added another sentence.

"Yes!" Hua Lian'er nodded, "The big wood is likely to be nearby, and now the people of the Eternal Imperial Court want to take revenge, and they are still in six layers, I'm afraid..."

Hua Lian'er said, her face was anxious and worried.

Aunt Lan didn't react too much, instead she glanced at her, then shook her head.

"I'm afraid you have forgotten what he will face in a few days, right? That is one of the top ten sects in the spiritual world, with countless powerful people."

"If he can't deal with just an Eternal Royal Court, then..."

Speaking of this, Aunt Lan didn't say any more, but the meaning was already obvious.

No, if you want to keep the Water God Palace, if you can't even deal with an Eternal Royal Court, there is no doubt that there is only a dead end.

Hua Lian'er couldn't help but be dazed, a little dazed.

"Okay! Let's take a look first, the Eternal Imperial Court powerhouse must have just broken through, so he may not be able to take down that kid." Seeing this, Aunt Lan couldn't help comforting her.

Her words were not all to reassure Hua Lian'er.

The Eternal Royal Court powerhouse just now had indeed broken through not long ago, and he was still unable to compare with those old-fashioned combined six-fold.

As for Fang Yi, he showed great strength in the battle against the Demon Race and the battle against the Heavenly Killing Star.

There are almost no opponents below the six-fold combination.

Such a confrontation between the two, even if Fang Yi loses, it won't be too embarrassing.


Hua Lian'er nodded, her complexion also looked better.

Immediately, the figures of the two disappeared into the void.


"Master Whirlwind, people from the Eternal Imperial Court have appeared around. Although they were beheaded by us, I believe the news has already spread. I'm afraid they will arrive soon."

In the void, there was still the uninhabited star, and a group of people stood in it.

The leader was Fang Rulong, he nodded lightly, and there was no surprise in his expression.

"It came so fast! As expected of the eternal royal court, the king in the dark."

"However! This is the chaotic star field, and I, the Black Wind Group, are the real kings."

"Pass down the order and let everyone prepare. This is the first super sect that the Black Wind Group will face. Winning is not allowed to lose."

His voice was loud and full of confidence.


A group of people shouted in unison, and left quickly.

"Master Whirlwind, Lord Hei Mo and Meng Fang, are they really going to stop that powerful man from the ancient imperial court? I heard that that man is a strong man of the sixth level of fusion, will he..."

In the original place, only Fang Rulong and Zhan Kuang were left.

At this moment, Zhan Kuang couldn't help asking, with a look of horror in his eyes.

It's no wonder that blocking a sixth-level combined powerhouse is no different from courting death. Although Lord Hei Mo and Mr. Whirlwind have improved by leaps and bounds, facing a sixth-level combined powerhouse...

What's more, only Lord Dark Demon.

"Don't worry! They'll be fine."

However, Fang Rulong didn't care, and showed strong self-confidence.

(End of this chapter)

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