Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2088 The King in the Darkness

Chapter 2088 The King in the Darkness

"Really? If not, I'll rush to help too?"

Zhan Kuang was obviously still a little worried, and asked for instructions.


However, Fang Rulong denied it immediately, "You still have more important tasks, and the army of the Eternal Imperial Court will arrive in a while, your target is them, kill them to your heart's content!"


Zhan Kuang seemed to want to say something.

But Fang Rulong didn't give him another chance to speak.

Continued: "I know your worries, don't worry! Their purpose is not to defeat the incoming people, but to delay time and buy time for us. Within this limited time, we must try our best to defeat the army of the ancient imperial court. "

"Only in this way can we have a chance of winning."

When Zhan Kuang heard the words, two rays of light shot out from his pupils like copper bells.

Killing intent!

"Now I know why you are kept, let Meng Fang go! Because Meng Fang's sword formation is easier to confuse the opponent."

"On the contrary, your sword formation is more lethal."

Fang Rulong continued.

That's it!

Zhan Kuang was stunned, and then said: "Okay! Then kill his mother, these bastards, they will never return, what kind of bullshit is the imperial court, I want to see what they are capable of."

Zhan Kuang's voice was like thunder, full of fighting spirit.

Fang Rulong couldn't help but smile, with a cold light in his eyes.


"It's near here, and the previous news came from here."

In the vast void, countless soldiers of the Eternal Imperial Court began to gather, leading by two middle-aged men.

A dark complexion and a burly figure.

The other one was much thinner, and his eyes looked even colder.

But without exception, both of them are five-fold strong.

"Look! There is an uninhabited star there." At this time, someone in the crowd shouted.


At the end of the line of sight, a huge planet is looming. The planet is extremely dark and blends with the void. If you are not careful, it is really difficult to find.

"That must be the base camp of the Black Wind Group. We finally found them and uprooted them."

"Yes! Kill them!"

All the soldiers seemed impatient and ready to move.

But there was no order, and they didn't act rashly.

"My lords, what should we do now? Why hasn't Lord Yasha arrived yet?" someone asked.

The two middle-aged men couldn't help frowning slightly when they heard the words.

"Maybe Yasha-sama is very far away from here, or maybe there are other things that are delayed."

The cold middle-aged man said.

However, despite what he said, there was some doubt in his expression. It stands to reason that no matter how far he was afraid, with Lord Yasha's cultivation, he should have arrived by now.

As for delays in other matters, this is the chaotic star field, and the Eternal Royal Court has hardly set foot there.

How could something happen.

And at this moment.

"Then what should we do? Should we wait until Master Yasha arrives?"

Someone continued to ask.

"It's not too late. We've already arrived here. The Black Wind Group must be alert. If it's too late, it's not worth the loss if they run away."

The black-faced man was obviously eager to attack, and his murderous intent was bursting.

"Yes! I also agree. Master Yasha believes that he will arrive soon. We will wait while we take down these black wind groups."


Several generals agreed one after another, apparently impatient.

Perhaps it can be said that they didn't pay attention to the Black Wind Tuan at all, they were just a group of star robbers, how could they fall into their eyes.

"Okay! Then take down these little thieves first."

The cold middle-aged final decision.

When everyone heard the words, their murderous intentions immediately surged, and each of them galloped towards the uninhabited star as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

In the breath, the unmanned star is already in sight.


The cold middle-aged man suddenly stopped at this moment, and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "It really is a good place, densely covered with space storms, but unfortunately...compared with the Eternal Abyss, it is nothing worth mentioning."

He sneered, showing disdain.

Immediately shouted: "Everyone be careful, there are space storms all around."

With that said, he left first.

There was clearly a void in front of him, and nothing unusual could be seen, but he turned around, as if he was avoiding something.

"Damn it, these people are really smart, and they are more familiar than me."

In a certain unknown space, Zhan Kuang's eyeballs seemed to be falling out, his eyes were full of disbelief, and Fang Rulong beside him was not much better.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of being in the abyss of the ages. If so, let's do it directly!"

Fang Rulong's eyes lit up.

Instead of letting the opponent slowly figure out the surrounding situation, it is better to make a move as soon as possible.

"Okay! Kill the motherfucker!"

Zhan Kuang's eyes suddenly brightened, like a wolf.

In the endless void, thousands of sword shadows suddenly fell from the sky, and the sword light overflowed.

A huge rune sword, carrying the momentum of opening up the world, fell with a bang, like thunder rushing from the nine heavens.


All the soldiers of the Eternal Imperial Court reacted instantly, and their expressions changed drastically.

Although they had prepared for a long time, they still didn't expect this sword to be so overbearing. The Heaven Killing Sword Formation was already known for its attacks, and the strongest attack among the four major sword formations was far beyond the comparison of ordinary sword formations.

The sky-killing sword energy tore apart the space.


The rune sword fell and was cutting towards the rear of the team, which was also the weakest part of the army.

No one can compete with it.

boom! !

Not surprisingly, the majestic power instantly wiped out several people, and exploded like a blood mist, which was extremely tragic.

Zhan Kuang's burly body also appeared.

"Bastard! You are courting death!"

The cold middle-aged man was furious and was about to attack.


Suddenly, a cold voice sounded, and with this voice, countless strong men from the black wind group came from all directions, like a tide.

In recent years, under the leadership of Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong, the Black Wind Group has changed from what it used to be.

Not only conquered most of the star robbers in the chaotic star field.

Even the general large sects are far inferior.

The number of people is especially large, at least not comparable to the soldiers of the eternal imperial court in front of them.

The Eternal Emperor's Court came from afar, so it is naturally impossible for the entire sect to mobilize at once. Fortunately, all the strong ones came. Facing such a situation at this moment, they are not panicked, but rather disdainful.

"Just relying on these wastes? Do you think that there are too many people? You can't overestimate yourself!"


The black-faced man also shouted.

All the soldiers of the Eternal Imperial Court suddenly became murderous, sweeping the world like a storm.

kill kill kill! !

The entire arena was instantly drowned out by the sky-shattering shouts of killing.

The powerhouses of the two sides fought together with all their strength, and it was bloody and extremely tragic.

"Quadruple combined? Is it just such a one who can barely take it out?"

The black-faced man glanced at the disciples of the Black Wind Group, and he recognized Fang Rulong at a glance, with disdain on his lips.

"Forget it! You're unlucky, let's talk about it after you end up..."

(End of this chapter)

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