Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2092

Chapter 2092 Vulnerable

"Hahaha!! Killing these wastes, what kind of bullshit is the eternal imperial court, the top ten sects, it turns out that it is nothing more than that!"

The morale of the Black Wind Group is high, and the more they fight, the more courageous they become.

Under the powerful environment of the surrounding space storm, the army of the eternal imperial court has already been killed and injured.

Zhan Kuang is even more like a humanoid King Kong, relying on the Heaven Slaying Sword Formation, criss-crossing the army, almost invincible, full of arrogance, laughing wildly.

In fact, relatively speaking, there is little difference in strength between the two parties.

To be honest, the Eternal Imperial Court is even stronger.

Although the number of people is relatively small, all of them are first-class powerhouses. On the contrary, the Black Wind Group is a bit uneven, but the victory lies in the large number of people, and it is under this favorable environment.

If the two sides fight for their lives, it is still unknown who will win the battle.

However, there are many factors that affect combat.

The Ten Thousand Shares Imperial Court is an army of tigers and wolves, and under normal circumstances, it is enough to suppress Heifeng.

But the fall of the black-faced man undoubtedly dealt a blow to the head of these people, causing them to panic, so that they retreated in a row, and finally were torn apart a lot by the space storm.

Under the vicious circle.

On the contrary, the morale of the Black Wind Group was high, and they lost the fear they had at the beginning. As a result...

This is the scene in front of me.

If outsiders were to know that the Eternal Imperial Court, one of the top ten sects, was beaten to death by a group of star robbers, they would surely be surprised from ear to ear.

Of course, this is naturally not the full strength of the Eternal Imperial Court.

But just this is enough to make the Black Wind Group famous all over the world.

"Bold bandits, you will surely die."

Looking at this scene, the cold middle-aged man was trembling with anger, his expression was ferocious like a ghost.

The majestic imperial court has never experienced such shame.

I saw him poking out his giant palm, and a messenger jade Jianjian appeared in his hand.

"Want to ask for help?" Fang Rulong's eyes couldn't help but turn cold. Yecha had already been blocked by Fengshenxiu. The message jade slip should not have informed him, so...


Whoever he is, Fang Rulong's breath bursts out suddenly.

The endless rain of blood gathered again and turned into the blood-red sword of the true spirit, whizzing away with the intention of killing.

call out! !

The air was instantly pierced and collapsed one by one.


The cold middle-aged man's expression changed drastically, his figure receded violently, and his face was full of panic.

At the same time, he did not forget to chop a sword angrily.

But unfortunately, although his sword was domineering, it seemed a bit vulnerable compared to the bloody long sword, and it burst open in an instant, and his huge figure was blasted out like a boring cannonball.

puff puff! !

The blood in the mouth was like a pillar, like a sudden rain of blood.

However, the communication jade slip also exploded almost at the same time.

And the crowd couldn't help but stay on the spot at this moment. If the fall of the black-faced man was just an accident, then you now?

The two combined five weights were actually broken in each other's hands one after another.

At this moment, the eyes of the people in the eternal imperial court looked at Fang Yi, and they became extremely terrified.

On the contrary, the morale of the black wind group was even higher, and they shouted to the sky.

"you you……"

Although the cold middle-aged man was seriously injured, he didn't die, but he was almost there. At this moment, his face was pale and bloodless, and his eyes were full of fear. He pointed at Fang Rulong, speechless in horror.


He said hurriedly.

At this moment, if we continue to fight, it will undoubtedly mean death, so...

"I want to go! Leave your life to me."

However, Fang Rulong naturally refused to agree, and the disciples of the Black Wind Group naturally did not agree either.

Everyone flocked away, like a flood that opened the gate, swallowing everything.

The morale of the members of the Eternal Imperial Court had plummeted, and the cold middle-aged people were wounded, which made them leaderless. The word 'retire' completely made them lose their will to fight.

The scene can be imagined.

He was beaten to pieces, and fled in a hurry, like a bereaved dog.

Countless casualties!

On the other hand, the Black Wind Group was like killing gods. If Fang Rulong hadn't stopped them, these people might have chased the Eternal Royal Court to the ends of the earth.

However, if you continue to chase, the consequences will be unpredictable.

The biggest reason why the Black Wind Group won this battle is the surrounding environment.

Get out of here, I'm afraid...

Moreover, all the members of the Eternal Imperial Court are strong, and it is difficult for them to catch up if they want to escape.

"Win! Hahaha!! We won! It's so fucking happy..."

Zhan Kuang laughed wildly, incomparably carefree.

Everyone was also cheering, defeating the eternal imperial court, this was something they never dared to imagine in their dreams, but now, it really happened.

Fang Rulong couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But when he thought of another battle, his breath became fierce again.

Just when he was about to rush to support.

Suddenly, the void in the distance trembled endlessly, and a majestic figure galloped like thunder, wrapped in monstrous power, causing all the disciples of the Black Wind Group to change their faces in shock.

It's really that this power is too majestic, like huge mountains pressing down horizontally.

"Go back!"

Fang Rulong made a decisive decision, but stepped forward.

finally come!

He had no fear on his face, obviously he had expected it long ago, how can he be so easy to stop with a six-fold body.

However, enough is enough. The army of the eternal imperial court suffered numerous casualties and returned in a complete defeat. This battle has achieved its goal. As for the people who came...

"Bastards! You brave bandits, all of you will die to me!"

Needless to say, the person who came from him was the short man called Lord Yasha, the second strongest man in the eternal imperial court, the number one general under Pluto, the god general Yasha.

Looking at the messy battlefield all around, and the corpses of countless ancient royal troops.

God Yasha's eyes are tearing open, wishing he could swallow the people before him alive.

When he raised his hand, he suddenly slapped it with a giant palm.

Terrifying power poured out, like the Nine Heavens Milky Way tilting, swallowing everything.

Fortunately, Fang Rulong had already given the order, and most of the disciples had retreated, but there were still a few disciples who had no time to evacuate. Under this power, they exploded one after another, turning into blood mist, which was extremely tragic.

Seeing this, Fang Rulong gritted his teeth, and the endless rain of blood swept away in an instant.

"Overestimate yourself, die!"

God General Yaksha was furious and murderous, so how could he take Fang Rulong's mere quadruple in his eyes.

A giant palm suddenly pressed down, like the sky collapsed and the ground fell, and it came towards Fang Rulong.

Fang Rulong's expression changed drastically.

Faced with this blow, he didn't dare to take it head-on, and retreated violently, and at the same time he slashed with a sword.

Unsurprisingly, the sword collapsed in an instant, as if hitting a mountain of ice, and his figure flew out like a fallen leaf.


God General Yaksha sneered, feeling like looking down on the world, like a high-ranking king, and also like the god of death coming in person.


The voice was icy cold, and a sword light immediately fell from the sky, like thunder falling from the nine heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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