Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2093 Lore

Chapter 2093 Lore


The sword light came tearing, and a huge crack in the space extended infinitely, and it was about to tear Fang Rulong in half.

Fang Rulong's expression also changed drastically.

It seemed that he hadn't expected the opponent to attack so quickly, almost making him helpless.

In fact, if it was replaced by other combined quadruples, it would be certain to die.

However, just like Feng Shenxiu, Fang Rulong is naturally not comparable to ordinary strong men of the same level. His eyes lit up, and the blood rained all over his body suddenly, extremely fierce.

The sword of the true spirit seemed to be condensed.

But at this moment, in the distant sky, a purple lightning flashed down, like the thunder of the Nine Heavens, heading straight for the Yaksha God General.

It turned out that Feng Shenxiu had also chased after him.


God General Yasha was furious, but he didn't dare to take the sword of the true spirit, so he had to retreat.

Seeing this, Fang Rulong's eyes couldn't help but move, and the True Spirit Sword that was about to condense dissipated again, turning into an endless rain of blood.

Feng Shenxiu had also fallen at this moment, and the two looked at each other, understanding.

The person in front of him is a powerful six-layer combined body. If he wants to defeat him, he must not expose him prematurely, otherwise, it will be impossible.

"You thieves are so courageous. If I don't get rid of you today, I swear I won't be human."

General Yaksha was obviously furious to the extreme.

As a strong man of the sixth level of the body, behind him is one of the top ten sects, the Eternal Imperial Court. He has never been in such a state of embarrassment like today, especially looking at the corpses of the Eternal Imperial Court soldiers.

It made him feel as if he had been greatly humiliated, and he was furious.


There was hardly any nonsense, he was full of breath, and his originally short body seemed to become extremely tall in an instant.

As mighty as a prison!

Gives a great sense of oppression.

The disciples of the Black Wind Group in the distance were all terrified.

This battle obviously has nothing to do with them, the roaring air wave will tear them into pieces before they get close.

And they could only watch from a distance, nervous.

Same as them, Hua Lian'er and Aunt Lan, the two of them have also rushed after them, looking at this scene in horror, with worried expressions on their faces.

In contrast, Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong were not so nervous.

The two looked at each other, and they greeted each other in a tacit understanding. The purple lightning and the blood rain blended, and the power suddenly increased by an unknown amount, and the entire void was completely shrouded in the period.

It is purple and red in two colors, and circulates, which is extremely weird.

Xiao Zha's aura filled the air, turning the surroundings into a hell on earth.

Boom boom boom! ! !

There were bursts of shocking loud noises, the sky shook and the earth shook, and the void sank.

The three powerhouses are entangled together, and every collision is as shocking as stone breaking.

But in comparison, Fang Rulong is obviously a lot worse. Feng Shenxiu has the sword of the real spirit, and even the Yasha master dare not take it rashly.

And Yasha God General, after all, is a strong six-layer body, although he is afraid of the sword of the true spirit.

However, with two people combined into a quadruple, it is undoubtedly difficult to injure him.

This is still due to the True Spirit Sword, otherwise, if it was replaced by the other two combined quadruple, I am afraid that they would have died on the spot.

"Little thief! Just relying on the two of you, you dare to be presumptuous in front of me, and you are beyond your control."

"Give me death!"

Suddenly, he slashed out with a sword, straight for Feng Shenxiu.

This sword can be described as extremely domineering, with one strike, the world collapses, as if with the intention of killing.

Feng Shenxiu's expression couldn't help changing greatly, and Fang Rulong did the same, but the two of them had an extremely tacit understanding, they shot almost at the same time, one red and the other purple, two majestic energies spewed away.

Then they entangled with each other, faintly turning into a Tai Chi pattern.

A terrifying aura emanated from the pattern, making people tremble with fear.

Even the master Yaksha couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and a flash of shock flashed across his eyes.

Not to mention the other people around, they all looked at the Taiji diagram and were speechless for a long time, so did Hua Lian'er and Aunt Lan.

"I didn't expect you two little thieves to be so evil, good! Very good! It's more fun to kill like this."

Lord Yaksha suddenly laughed ferociously.

It seems to have been premeditated.

At the same time as he slashed out the sword, a majestic giant palm slapped Fang Rulong with overwhelming power.

It turned out that from beginning to end, his goal was Fang Rulong.

That sword was just a cover, a cover for the two to go all out, only in this way, he could kill Fang Rulong easily, as long as the two cut off one, the other would not be a threat to him.

He smiled happily, and the corners of his mouth were full of cruelty.

The crowd obviously also saw his intention at this moment, and their expressions changed drastically.

The same is true for Hua Lian'er, "Aunt Lan!"

She called out quickly.

But unfortunately, Aunt Lan shook her head. With her strength, she was not much different from the two of them, so she was powerless to recover.

"It's a pity!" She couldn't help sighing softly.

Boom! !

Seeing that palm was about to fall, the surrounding void instantly collapsed, and the hearts of the crowd seemed to rise to their throats.

As for Fang Rulong himself, his face also became extremely pale, but there was no fear in his eyes, and more, he was still nervous, and Feng Shenxiu was the same.

The two seem to have reached some kind of tacit understanding.


But at this time, the palm had already fallen, and Fang Rulong seemed unable to react at all. Under that palm, it burst open, turned into a cloud of blood mist, and scattered away.


The crowd was full of fear and despair.

Hua Lian'er also stared blankly at this scene, her silver teeth were clenched, and she was about to make a move, but was stopped by Aunt Lan.

But Meng Fang and the others were already murderous, and they were about to attack.

However, he was held back by Zhan Kuang. Although Zhan Kuang was careless, he still remembered the scene where Fang Rulong beheaded the black-faced man before.

At that time, Fang Rulong turned into countless blood rains and merged into the world like now.

Just how, he is not sure.

Because Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong had changed so much during this period, they both felt extremely strange.

"Hmph! A piece of trash is simply vulnerable."

With a successful blow, General Yasha sneered.

But at this time, Feng Shenxiu had already struck like lightning, "Bastard, go to hell!"

At this moment, Feng Shenxiu seemed to have lost his companion and left completely berserk. The sword of true spirit attacked and killed with unparalleled sharpness, piercing through everything between heaven and earth.

"What? Are you angry? Now it's your turn."

God General Yaksha grinned ferociously, and walked towards the sword.

Although that sword was unparalleled in sharpness and made him extremely afraid, but as a six-fold body, he was naturally not afraid.

But at this moment, an extremely dangerous feeling rose from his heart. This feeling made him a little baffled, and it also made him look at the sword with more fear.

Obviously, he thought the danger came from the sword of the true spirit.

Unfortunately, the danger did come from the True Spirit Sword, but it wasn't that one, but the other one behind him.

call out……

(End of this chapter)

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