Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2094 Miracle

Chapter 2094 Miracle

Just as Master Yasha was looking at Feng Shenxiu's sword with great fear, endless blood rain gathered in an instant.

It turned into another brilliant sword of the true spirit.

call out……

The sword of the true spirit whizzed out, piercing through the void with the intention of killing.

No matter how powerful Yasha God General was, he never expected that Fang Rulong would come back from the dead, was blown into a blood mist, and could still condense again.

However, after all, he is a powerful sixth-level body fitter, even if he wholeheartedly fights against Feng Shenxiu, any fluctuations in everything around him cannot escape his eyes and ears.

Fang Rulong is no exception.

Almost at the moment when the bloody long sword was struck, General Yaksha had already reacted.

"court death!"

He shouted loudly, turned around suddenly, and raised his hand to slap.

Although this palm is majestic, but in a hurry, its power is slightly insufficient.

Moreover, all his attention was focused on Feng Shenxiu's sword, because it was the sword of the true spirit, with peerless sharpness, even he did not dare to be careless, so...

However, the moment he turned his head, he saw Fang Rulong and the bloody long sword, and he was stunned.

That incomparable breath made him fall into an abyss.

A feeling of approaching death followed.

The bloody long sword directly pierced that palm, piercing through everything with the momentum of thunder falling from the nine heavens.

"Do not……"

God Yasha suddenly enlarged his pupils, and the two true spirit swords struck at the front and back at the same time, which caused a great shock to his mind, so that he was panicked at the moment.

In fact, two true spirit swords had arrived, and even though he was extremely powerful, he could only take one of them.

And the other...


There was a sound of a long sword entering his body, and the bloody long sword passed through his heart.

God General Yaksha's face froze, as if he was stunned on the spot, he lowered his head, staring blankly at the bloody long sword in his heart, the corners of his mouth twitched, his expression extremely painful.

And the huge crowd seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

Although all of this seems to be extremely long, in fact, it all happened between lightning and flint.

A moment ago, Fang Rulong was killed by bombardment and turned into a cloud of blood mist, but the next moment, the bloody long sword appeared out of thin air, piercing directly through the heart of God General Yasha.

So that everyone has not reacted at all.

She was dazed, as if she didn't even know what happened.

If there is anyone in the crowd who knows everything on the field best, it is naturally Aunt Lan.

As a five-fold body, apart from the three people in the field, I am afraid that no one knows everything just now better than her.

But also because of this, she seemed to be petrified at this moment, and she couldn't keep her mouth shut in astonishment.

Because what did she see?

Another sword of true spirit, another son of heaven.

The Nine Sons of Heaven and Dao is one of the most mysterious legends in the spiritual world, but now, two of them appeared at once, how could she not be surprised?

Hua Lian'er also looked dull, staring at the two bright swords in a daze.

There seemed to be light in the dim eyes.


General Yasha's expression was distorted, and he seemed extremely unwilling, as if he still wanted to do something.

But another long purple sword had pierced through it, and his expression also froze, and then exploded, turning into blood mist and dissipating between the sky and the earth.

"Win? Was the combined six-folder killed?"

The crowd was in a trance, still in a dream, and everyone was shocked and speechless.

After the confirmation was correct, there were cheers like a mountain torrent.

"Dead? Just like that?"

Aunt Lan, who was in the distance, was also completely stunned, as if she couldn't believe her eyes, a dignified six-fold body, died like this.

And she died in the hands of two combined quadruples. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it even if she was killed.

As a peak powerhouse at the fifth level of the body, her understanding of the sixth level of the body is naturally not comparable to those ordinary disciples of the Black Wind Group.

She knows what that means.

Although there is a great chance in this.

One reason is that Yasha God General has only just broken through the sixth level of combined body, and cannot be compared with other sixth level of combined body.

Furthermore, Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong are extremely domineering and have a perfect understanding.

What's more important is that both of them are actually one of the Nine Sons of Heaven.

Coupled with the carelessness of General Yaksha, all this was created, and this miracle was created.

If this is known to outsiders, the prestige of the two...

"Aunt Lan, he... is he also one of the Nine Sons of Heaven?"

Hua Lian'er's heart seemed to be unable to calm down for a long time, and she was so horrified that she couldn't speak. Isn't the Nine Sons of Heaven always extremely mysterious, elusive, why...

Although she was not very sure, the two swords seemed to be withdrawn.

"Not bad!"

Aunt Lan glanced at her, finally nodded and said: "Who is your big wood? Why are there two sons of heaven by his side."

The voice seemed to be asking Hua Lian'er, but also seemed to be asking himself, with a dignified expression.

Hua Lian'er was also confused, but there was a hint of splendor in her dim eyes.

"Aunt Lan, you said they are the Nine Sons of the Heavenly Dao, so what are their responsibilities? The Nine Sons of the Heavenly Dao, aren't they in charge of the Dao of Heaven and acting on behalf of the heavens? Will they deal with Grandpa?"

"But why did they become Da Mu's subordinates, helping Da Mu deal with people from the top ten sects?"

Hua Lian'er was completely puzzled.

She has heard many legends about the Nine Sons of Heaven.

The most common saying is that the nine sons of the way of heaven act on behalf of the heavens and maintain the operation of the way of heaven. Anyone who violates the laws of the way of heaven will be killed.

And above the body, the realm of transforming gods is no longer allowed to exist.

Because of the existence of the God Transformation Realm, the damage is too great. In the history of the spirit world, there are not many strong people who have been wiped out by Tiandaozong.

It is precisely because of this that the blood demon patriarch did not dare to break through.

But now, two of the Nine Sons of Heaven are actually used by Fang Yi. Hua Lian'er is not surprised, and even fantasizes in her heart whether she can tide over the difficulties for her grandfather.

When Aunt Lan asked, she couldn't help showing a trace of suspicion in her eyes.

Then he shook his head and said, "The Nine Sons of Heaven and Dao have always been extremely mysterious. As for what happened, I'm afraid no one knows."


Hua Lian'er looked quite playful, "If that's the case, then ask them directly."

As she said that, she ignored Aunt Lan, moved directly towards Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong.

"Miss Hua?"

Fengshenxiu and Fengshenxiu recognized Hua Lian'er at a glance, both of them were a little surprised.

Hua Lian'er didn't talk nonsense, she looked straight at the two of them, and asked, "Why did you become one of the Nine Sons of Heaven?"


The two looked at each other, but they were actually a little puzzled.

However, now is obviously not the time to say this.

"It's a long story, Ms. Hua, just now the warriors of the Eternal Imperial Court have sent out a distress signal, let's get out of here first!" Fang Rulong said at this time.

"Alright!" Hua Lian'er nodded.

"Clean up the battlefield and evacuate quickly!" Immediately, Feng Shenxiu gave an order.

(End of this chapter)

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