Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2095 Pluto

Chapter 2095 Pluto

"that's it?"

In the void, there is no star somewhere, after hearing what the two said, Hua Lian'er was stunned.

The same is true for Aunt Lan.

Because according to the two, there is nothing special about them. Since they inherited the inheritance of Zidian Zhenjun and Xueyu Zhenjun, they are not much different from ordinary people.

If I had to say yes, it would be after the Yin Ghost Star battle.

With the help of the so-called power of heaven, their cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, as if there is no barrier.

As long as you have enough energy, you can always break through.

"Then what about the two true spirit swords?"

Aunt Lan couldn't help asking.

"Is this called the Sword of the True Spirit?" Feng Shenxiu looked at her, obviously still a little unclear about what he was holding.

In fact, the two of them had been retreating in the water temple before.

After they came out, they were busy developing the Black Wind Group. In addition, they were not very strong at the time, and they knew very little about Tiandaozong and the rumors of the Nine Sons of Tiandao.

I have never heard of the Nine Elements of True Spirit.

Aunt Lan couldn't help but looked at the two of them strangely, and explained: "The sword of the true spirit is formed by the nine elements of the true spirit. It controls the elements of the nine elements, and it is not limited to the sword, and can be changed at will."

"You two are usually good at using swords, so..."


so amazing?

When the two heard the words, they couldn't help but look at each other, and at the same time drew out the sword of the true spirit.

While the mind was turning, one was red and the other was purple. The two swords of the true spirit, like countless bright stars, were split again, and then reunited, turning into a long knife and a curved bow.


The eyes of the two people brightened.

Hua Lian'er's gloomy eyes seemed to be full of light.

"It's amazing, is this the Nine Elements True Spirit? I'm afraid it's far behind even the three-spirit magic weapon?"

Hua Lian'er was astonished.


Aunt Lan shook her head, "It can't be compared like this. The three-spirit magic weapon is a real magic weapon, but the nine-element true spirit is not a real magic weapon, but the root of the nine-element, more like the nine-element element itself. It can't be defeated, and it can't be controlled."

"Only the son of heaven can be chosen."

"They are infinitely powerful, far more than what we have seen. The two of you must not have fully controlled it, or maybe you haven't really been selected yet?"

Aunt Lan also seemed a little puzzled.

The son of heaven, the true spirit of the nine lines, these legends are too vague, and her knowledge is extremely limited.

So not sure.

But Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong couldn't help but become a little weird when they heard the words.

Because since inheriting these two swords, they have felt the call from within the sword body all the time, as if as long as they respond to that call, they can gain infinite power and control the world.

However, during that process, the soul seemed to be eroded.

They have been sticking to it.

In fact, before inheriting the sword, they had already felt it.

"What if it is really selected? What will happen?"

The two couldn't help but glanced at each other, then asked Aunt Lan.


Aunt Lan couldn't help but shook her head, and took a deep look at the two of them, as if she knew they had something to hide, but she didn't ask.

Instead, he said: "I'm afraid no one knows about the rest, except for the strength of the sky, but..."

Speaking of this, she paused for a moment, and continued after pondering for a moment: "However, every time the Nine Sons of Heavenly Dao appear, there will be a bloody storm."

"But after that, they all disappeared."


The eyes of the two moved slightly. How could such a good person disappear?

If it is said that the origin of the Nine Sons of Heaven was not known before, then the existence of the two of them can prove that the Nine Sons of Heaven were only selected from among warriors.

That being the case, why did it disappear?where did they go

The atmosphere seemed a little depressing, and none of them spoke, falling into silence.

"By the way! Where's the big log? How's he doing?"


While the few people were talking, they didn't realize that a crisis passed them by.

Not far from the previous battlefield, a mountain-like figure stood proudly in the void. He was dressed in a black dragon robe and a crown on his head.

A pair of huge black wings on the back flashed thunderously.

At his feet, a huge three-headed hellhound, with three huge heads and six green eyes, was staring at an octogenarian opposite, looking extremely fearful.

Because the old man is none other than the blood demon patriarch.

And the man in the dragon robe is the king of the Eternal Imperial Court, who calls himself His Highness Pluto.

God General Yaksha led the soldiers of the eternal imperial court to open the way ahead, and he followed.

But just now, he received a distress signal.

This made him very dissatisfied,

Just as he was about to go, a figure appeared out of thin air, blocking his way.

"Old Blood Demon Patriarch, it's you!? I never imagined that a water temple would even attract you." Pluto's eyes were deep, full of incredulity and fear.

"The old man didn't expect that Pluto, who has never been out of the eternal abyss, would come."

The blood demon patriarch smiled faintly.

He seemed to be an ordinary old man who couldn't be more ordinary.

However, from the expressions of Pluto and the three-headed hell dog, no one dared to regard him as an ordinary old man.

"Patriarch Gorefiend was joking, the water god temple came out, such a big event, I... how can I not come and see it?"

Even Pluto, in front of the blood demon patriarch, had to change his address.

"Oh, really?"

The blood demon patriarch was surprised, with a faint smile on his face all the time.

"I don't know why the ancestor of the blood demon came suddenly, what's the matter?" After a slight pause, Pluto couldn't help asking, he asked himself that he had no entanglement with the other party, and he had no intention of entanglement.

At this moment, the situation ahead is unclear, so he continued: "If it's all right, let's talk about it later."

With that said, he was about to leave.

Of course, if it wasn't the blood demon ancestor who blocked the way, then the consequences would not be like this.

"Not urgent!"

However, at this time, the blood demon patriarch spoke lightly.

"The old man happens to have something to ask His Highness Pluto for advice." His voice was so calm that Pluto couldn't refuse.

Just kidding, that's the ancestor of the blood demon.

"I don't dare to ask for advice. The ancestor of the blood demon can't help but speak up." Hades could only reply patiently, but he was extremely upset in his heart, but he still had a smile on his face.

"Since that's the case, the old man will not be polite."

"The old man heard that His Royal Highness Pluto came from the underworld. I wonder if it is true?"

The blood demon patriarch spoke directly, and his eyes couldn't help but become a little dark.


When Pluto heard the words, his expression became a little weird, "It's just some rumors, why? The blood demon ancestor also believed these?"

"Also, is it important whether it is from the underworld?"

Pluto was obviously a little surprised. He took a deep look at the blood demon ancestor and asked.

"Perhaps! But..."

(End of this chapter)

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