Fortune Shrine

2096 The Underworld

2096 The Underworld

"This old man is about to break through to the God Transformation Realm."

The voice of the blood demon patriarch was indifferent, as if he was talking about an ordinary thing.

But listening to Pluto's ears, his expression couldn't help but change.

Although there have long been rumors in the spirit world that the blood demon patriarch is so powerful that he may step into the state of transforming gods at any time, but the meaning of actually confirming this from the other party is naturally different.

At the same time, he also understood the meaning of the blood demon ancestor.

As one of the top existences in the spiritual world, he is naturally no stranger to Tiandaozong.

The situation of the blood demon ancestor is also clear.

"Could it be that the ancestor wants to enter the underworld?"

After a pause, he couldn't help asking.

His eyes looked closely at the blood demon ancestor, which was a bit intriguing.

"Not necessarily, but if there is really no other way, you might as well try." The blood demon patriarch replied with a light smile, as if he didn't take this matter to heart at all, calm and composed.

Pluto was a little surprised.

However, he pondered for a moment, and still said: "If this is the case, then I advise the ancestor to give up this idea as soon as possible."

"No one can enter the underworld safely, only the soul."

"Moreover, the purified soul is no longer the original you, and the original you has been completely wiped out."

Pluto said for sure.

Seems to know all about it.

Hearing this, the smile on the face of the blood demon ancestor grew stronger, "It seems that the rumors are true, His Royal Highness Pluto knows the underworld very well, could it be that he really came from the underworld?"

There was a gleam in his cloudy eyes.

It seems to be able to penetrate people's hearts and make people invisible.

Even Pluto couldn't help trembling all over at this moment, with a feeling of transparency.

Although he controls the Eternal Imperial Court, claims to be the Pluto, and can be said to be the top group of existences in the spirit world, but in front of the blood demon ancestor, he is still not enough.

And his cultivation base, the seven-layer Xeon of the Clutch Body, is still a thin line away.

The ancestor of the blood demon can step into the realm of transforming gods at any time, and the gap between the two can be imagined.

How dare he make a mistake.

"Since the ancestor is interested in knowing, I have no intention of hiding it."

"That's right! Strictly speaking, this seat is indeed from the underworld."

Pluto pondered for a moment, then generously admitted.

These words made the eyes of the blood demon patriarch's eyes light up.

Rumors are rumors after all, no one knows where the underworld is and what it looks like, but now, Pluto admitted that he came from the underworld, which undoubtedly aroused the interest of the blood demon ancestor.

"This seat was originally born in the underworld, but..."

Pluto began to speak slowly.

According to his words, he was born on the banks of the River Styx and has been wandering in it.

Until one day, a creature appeared in the Styx River, coming from the upper reaches, and the creature was surprised to see him, so it tried to communicate with him.

Later, he learned that the creature came from the spirit world.

After that, with the help of that creature, he came to the spirit world.

What he said was extremely vague, obviously deliberately concealing something, and the blood demon patriarch had no intention of asking, he just wanted to find out the whereabouts of the underworld and the method to enter the underworld.

Everything else is irrelevant.

"You mean, you were born on the banks of the Styx River? Without a physical body, you are erratic?"

The blood demon patriarch looked at Pluto in surprise and asked.

"That's right! The underworld is not like the spirit world. There is no physical body, only spirit bodies, which are conceived and born from heaven and earth." Pluto replied truthfully, with a bit of pride in his words.

"Then how did you come to the spirit world? And that creature? Who is he?"

The blood demon patriarch hurriedly asked.

"Naturally, it comes along the River Styx."

"As for that creature, I don't know his name, but I know his other identity. He is one of the nine sons of heaven, the son of water."

Pluto's astonishing words made the face of the blood demon ancestor change involuntarily.

"Son of Water? Are you sure? Why did he appear in the River Styx?"

"Of course!"

Pluto nodded, "As for the reason, I have no way of knowing, but according to his own statement, he discovered the existence of Styx by accident and was determined to explore, so he went deep into it."

"What about the others?"

"Countless years have passed, I'm afraid he has already entered reincarnation."

Pluto smiled and said.

"What do you mean?" The blood demon patriarch was a little puzzled.

"It's very simple! Because he can't resist the purification of the water of the Styx."

"He tried to enter the Underworld along the Styx River to find out. At first, he was able to resist the water of the Styx River by relying on the nine series of true spirits, but when he passed through the wall of the two worlds and met me, he was powerless."

"The conflict between the laws of the two worlds made the nine series of true spirits disappear, and they can no longer protect him, and he can no longer go back."


A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Gorefiend Patriarch.

The Son of Water of the Heavenly Dao, the true spirit who controls the water system, even one of the water systems, is unable to resist the water of the Styx River.

Wouldn't it be even more impossible for other people?

According to the other party's words, the true spirit of the water system seems to be only useful within the scope of the spirit world. When entering the underworld, it is rejected by the laws of the underworld and disappears without a trace.

"What about you? Why are you able to pass through the barrier between the two realms, and even live well?"

The blood demon patriarch's eyes froze, and there was a hint of questioning.

"I..., this seat is just an exception, and I came to the spirit world from the underworld, and will not be purified by the water of the Styx."

Pluto seems to be a little out of line.

However, the ancestor of the Gorefiend seemed to have no intention of pursuing it, so he just said lightly: "What about your physical body? Didn't it mean that there is no physical body in the underworld, only a spiritual body? Without a physical body, how do you survive in the spiritual world?"

"Let the old man guess, your physical body should belong to that person!"

As soon as these words came out, Pluto's face couldn't help but change.

Seeing this, the blood demon patriarch couldn't help but smiled lightly, and said, "I'm not interested in this, and you don't have to worry about it. The last question, where is Styx?"

Hearing the words, Pluto's expression softened a lot, and he replied, "The abyss of the ages..."

That's it!

The blood demon patriarch nodded and smiled, "Thank you for your answer, I would like to advise you, this time, it is best not to make a move regarding the Water God Temple, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, the blood demon patriarch did not continue, but the meaning could not be more obvious.

After that, he turned around and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

At this time, Pluto spoke again. He looked at the blood demon ancestor and said: "Since the ancestor also came for the water temple, I naturally dare not compete with the ancestor. Why don't we cooperate? I don't want the water temple. All I need is a drop of the source of water."


Surprised, the blood demon patriarch turned around and asked.

"Because that person said that even the nine series of true spirits cannot resist the water of the Styx River, so in this world, I am afraid that only the original water in the Water God Temple can resist it."

"Oh?" The eyes of the blood demon patriarch couldn't help but brighten, "Do you want to return to the underworld?"

"Naturally, I come from the underworld after all."

Pluto replied.

"That's not necessarily the case." The blood demon patriarch smiled lightly, which was a little thought-provoking.

"Everything you know comes from that person. Have you ever thought that this may not be true."

(End of this chapter)

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