Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2097 Rebirth from a Drop of Blood

Chapter 2097 Rebirth from a Drop of Blood


not real?

Pluto's eyes couldn't help but move, he really hadn't thought about this question.

Back then, he was born on the banks of the Styx River, where the two realms meet, and his knowledge of everything about the underworld was extremely limited, because he was still too weak at that time, and he might disperse if he was not careful.

The underworld is no better than the spirit world. There is no physical body, and the spirit body is very easy to dissipate.

It's simply not possible to travel long distances until it's strong enough.

It is precisely because of this that he wants to come to the spirit world, have a physical body, and take a good look at this world.

So... only today.

But, whether everything that person said is true, or even whether he was really born in the underworld, he is not sure.

Because before that, he had never seen any living beings.

"Maybe! So I should go back and see, shouldn't I?"

After thinking about it, Pluto said.

The blood demon patriarch couldn't help but glanced at him, with a smile on his face, and said after a while: "I'm not sure whether I can get the original water, but let's watch it for now! If it is possible, I don't mind Help me."

"Thank you old man!"

Hearing this, Pluto was overjoyed.

"That's right! Don't bother those people anymore, your people will come back soon, this time he is lucky."

At the end, the blood demon patriarch said another inexplicable sentence.

Pluto couldn't help but startled, obviously a little confused.

However, the blood demon ancestor didn't give him another chance to ask, so he drifted away.

Just when he couldn't figure it out.

Suddenly, a ripple appeared in the void, and a figure stumbled from within the ripple. The figure covered his heart with one hand, covered in blood, and seemed to be seriously injured.


Seeing the visitor, Pluto's expression couldn't help but change.

If Feng Shenxiu and Fang Rulong were here, their jaws would drop in shock.

Because that figure was none other than the Yasha general who had been beheaded by the two of them before.

"What's going on? Why are you hurt so badly?"

As if recalling the words of the blood demon ancestor before, he couldn't help but test: "Could it be that the blood demon ancestor did it?"

Blood Demon Patriarch?

God General Yaksha's breath was extremely weak at the moment, but he couldn't help trembling when he heard the words of the blood demon ancestor, and hurriedly said: "No...not the blood demon ancestor, I have never seen the blood demon ancestor... ..."

"It's two sons of heaven..."


As soon as these words came out, Pluto couldn't help but change his expression greatly.

The first creature he saw was the Son of Heaven, and he had a special feeling for the Son of Heaven.

Over the years, he has searched for the whereabouts of the Nine Sons of Heaven, but in the end he found nothing.

Now, two people appeared at once, how could he not be surprised.

"what happened?"

he asked hastily.

Immediately, Yasha God General didn't dare to hide anything, and told the whole story.

"Fortunately, those two people's cultivation bases are still low, and they don't know the mystery of the sixth level of fusion. Once they reach the sixth level of fusion, their physical bodies will be close to immortality, and this subordinate was lucky enough to save their lives."

God General Yaksha finally said, gnashing his teeth, but also lingering fear.

The cultivation of a martial artist in the fit state is to gather the seven souls, and when the seven souls are fully accomplished, they can reach the state of physical immortality.

Rebirth from a drop of blood.

When reaching the sixth level of fusion, the physical body has already undergone great changes, and it is no longer so easy to kill it completely.

Unless it is imprisoned, perhaps trapped in the inner world, and completely killed.

Otherwise, it will eventually escape.

This is the horror of the combined sixfold.

That's why, those above the sixth level of the combined body are the top existences in the entire spiritual world, because they are too difficult to kill.

In fact, with the strength of Fengshenmeng and Fang Rulong, as well as the two true spirit swords, it is not impossible to completely kill the general Yasha. After all, the true spirit sword is extraordinary.

But unfortunately, the two of them know too little about such a strong man, so...

"You are also lucky!"

Knowing everything, Pluto couldn't help feeling a little lucky in his heart.

God General Yasha is the second most powerful person in the entire Eternal Imperial Court, if there is any mistake, it is obviously not what he wants to see.

"Those two bastards, I will definitely crush them to ashes."

Lord Yaksha gritted his teeth, and a monstrous anger rose in his heart.

However, Pluto waved his hand, because he thought of the ancestor of the blood demon, he finally understood what that inexplicable sentence meant, it seemed that the other party knew everything at that time.

It's just that the other party has been talking to me, how could it be...

"Your Highness..."

Seeing Pluto like this, Yasha God will be obviously puzzled.

"That's the end of this matter. It's not because of good luck that you escaped, but because the blood demon ancestor didn't intend to embarrass you."

"Those two boys are probably related to the ancestor of the blood demon, and it is not appropriate to act rashly for the time being."

Pluto finally said.

The words of the blood demon patriarch were still in his ears, and the other party told him not to go to trouble with 'those people', and 'those people' were obviously referring to those two boys.

Lord Yaksha's expression changed when he heard about the blood demon patriarch, but he was obviously unwilling.

"Okay! You've saved your life, so let's recover from your wounds first!"


Although unwilling, but under the pressure of the blood demon ancestor, Yasha God General had no choice but to swallow this breath.


"Tsk tsk! Is it true or not? The army of the ancient imperial court returned in embarrassment? It's not such an exaggeration!"

"What did you lie to you? I have seen it with my own eyes. The army of the imperial court is in disarray, and the damage is not small. It looks like it has suffered a defeat."

"Yes! I also heard that there was a great battle around a certain uninhabited star. Some people saw that it was the army of the ancient imperial court and the countless star robbers of the Black Wind Group. The battle was extremely fierce and powerful. No one dares to come near."

"I believe it! But if it is said that the Black Wind Group has defeated the Eternal Royal Court, why do I think it is a bit mysterious."

"That is, the Eternal Imperial Court is one of the top ten sects, how could it be defeated by a small black wind group..."

As that battle took place, various rumors arose.

The results of the battle are also different. Some say that the Black Wind Group won a big victory, while others say that the Eternal Imperial Court won a big victory.

However, no one knows exactly what happened to the Black Wind Group. In the Eternal Imperial Court, those remnant soldiers who were defeated will be seen by many people, so there are more rumors about their defeat.

"It's ridiculous. I have witnessed it with my own eyes. Even the Yaksha generals are among them. How could the eternal imperial court be defeated."

At this time, an objection sounded.

"That's not necessarily the case. It is rumored that the Son of Heaven appeared in the Black Wind Group. It was because of his appearance that the Eternal Imperial Court was defeated."

"What? Son of Heaven?"


The whole crowd exploded in an instant, all attracted by the rumors about the Son of Heaven.

Even in the crowd, the originally expressionless Wan Mo Gongzi could not help shrinking his pupils slightly, and Tie Feiying beside him couldn't help but look at him with a flash of astonishment.

(End of this chapter)

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