Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2134

Chapter 2134

The bright sword shadow is like a galaxy, traversing the sky for thousands of miles.

Compared with the sword that beheaded the Zihuang before, it was even more terrifying, and its sharpness was peerless.

The crowd all closed their mouths from ear to ear in astonishment, their expressions were as if they had seen a ghost, even Emperor Eternal Green and Taoist Xiaoyao were the same.

Because of this sword, they all felt an extremely dangerous aura.

Although they are both Xeons of the seventh level combined, they are undoubtedly much stronger than the Zihuang.

Moreover, the sword that killed Zihuang before was more or less unexpected. Although Fang Yi was powerful, in the hearts of the two, he was not strong enough to make them afraid.

After all, even if he condenses his physical body again, Fang Yi's cultivation at this moment is only fivefold.

It is already a miracle that a five-fold body can kill Zihuang by surprise.

Impossible without limits.

That sword, in their view, was Fang Yi's limit.

But at this moment, this sword undoubtedly broke their cognition again, making them tremble with fear and chills down their backs.

Everyone stared blankly at the sword, and their hearts seemed to be slowly lifted into their throats following the sword.

Only Emperor Huang Quan's expression remained calm, but the golden light in his eyes became even brighter.

boom! !

He stepped out, and the world fell for it.

The Great Dao Tianbei also soared in an instant, like a towering mountain, directly pressing down on the three-color sword shadow.

Boom! !

Immediately, the sky and the earth exploded inch by inch, the void was turbulent, and the roaring air waves swept across the four directions like a space storm, smashing everything.

The surrounding area is tens of thousands of miles, almost instantly turning into a void.

It is like a huge black hole, swallowing everything wantonly.

The three-color sword shadow also burst open for it.

Obviously, in comparison, the three-color sword shadow is still much inferior, and the Dao Tianbei upholds the will of heaven, so how can it be so easy to deal with.

Even the ancestor of the Gorefiend is invincible, let alone Fang Yi, who has a five-fold body.

However, the aura around Fang Yi is like an abyss, endless, and the golden runes are surging, making him seem to be the master of this world, and he can shuttle between the world at will, which is extremely weird.

There are endless ways to save.

For a moment, there was a sense of being evenly matched, and Emperor Huang Quan was helpless.

This? ?

Is the five-fold combination so powerful?

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay, their eyes were full of shock, and their hearts were no less than a turbulent wave.

Before that, even Emperor Evergreen suffered repeated setbacks in the hands of Emperor Huangquan, and suffered severe injuries.

Now, Fang Yi, who has a five-fold body, is indistinguishable from the other party. You must know that the Evergreen Emperor is not an ordinary seven-fold body.

In the entire spirit world, apart from the blood demon patriarch, there is probably no one who is stronger than him.

But right now, the performance of a combined five-fold far surpassed him.

Even the ancestor of the blood demon is almost the same.

Of course, the crowd didn't know that after Fang Yi reunited his body and soul, his strength was no longer the same.

Enough to compete against the Seventh Form of Fusion.

Borrowing the power of Tiankuixing's large array, the scene in front of him appeared.

If he relied on his own strength alone, he might have already been defeated. Just kidding, the Son of Heaven symbolizes the way of heaven, so how could he be easily defeated by Fang Yi.

On the contrary, Fang Yi was gradually suppressed and was in danger.


Just at this time, the ancestor of the blood demon attacked quickly, and the monstrous sea of ​​blood filled the sky.

Together with Fang Yi on the left and on the right, they joined forces to besiege the Emperor Huangquan.


At this time, the Evergreen Emperor couldn't help shouting loudly, and slapped his giant palm directly, taking the four sons of heaven.

Daoist Xiaoyao and countless strong men also made trouble at the same time.

Although the four sons of heaven are strong, they can't stand the siege of so many strong men, especially the Evergreen Emperor and the Taoist Xiaoyao.

Two bright sword shadows fell, directly tearing the son of Tiandaojin, that is, the son of Wanmo, into two halves.

"One died?"

The crowd was all excited.

The faces of the members of the Kyushu Sect became extremely ugly, because the remaining three sons of heaven were all from the Kyushu Sect, how could they watch the three being besieged and killed.

However, their worries are obviously unnecessary.

At this moment, above the thunderclouds of the nine heavens, a bright golden beam of light projected down, just falling on the body of the Wanmo boy who had been split into two.

A weird scene happened.

The body of Master Wanmo unexpectedly re-condensed, and his aura was stronger than before.

" is this possible? Can't you kill him?"

Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

There were so few rumors about the Son of Heaven that they didn't know what was going on and why the Son of Heaven couldn't be killed.

If this is the case, how can this battle be fought?

"Stupid! The Dao of Heaven belongs to the Three Realms, the Three Realms are not destroyed, and the Dao of Heaven is indestructible."

An icy-cold voice suddenly sounded from the mouth of Master Wan Mo, and then, the resplendent Sword of True Spirit slashed out again.

The crowd, however, was reminiscing about that sentence. "The three realms are not destroyed, and the way of heaven is not destroyed?"

Doesn't that mean that everything is in vain?

How to destroy the Three Realms?All living beings are in the Three Realms, and if the Three Realms are destroyed, where will the living beings come from?

Fang Yi couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he heard it, and the blood demon ancestor did the same. The two couldn't help but look at each other. If this is the case, then they will definitely lose.

No wonder even Shimo died tragically under the Dao of Heaven in the end.

There are also those who have been strong in the spiritual world for countless years, but none of them can escape the obliteration of heaven.

The way of heaven is irreversible!

At this moment, Fang Yi really understood the meaning of this sentence.

The crowd was also completely in panic, even the Evergreen Emperor and the others. It was not scary to have a strong opponent, but an unkillable opponent was not just scary.

But despair, yes!Just despair.

At this moment, the Evergreen Emperor felt a sense of despair.

He wanted to escape, but under the heavens, where did he escape?

Moreover, Emperor Huang Quan did not give him another chance.


The next moment, a cold voice came from the mouth of the Emperor Huang Quan, like the sound of heaven.

The surrounding space suddenly roared.

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay, completely confused.

Fang Yi did the same, but then, he felt the whole Tiankuixing tremble violently.

Do not!Strictly speaking, it was the Great Dao Tianbei that suppressed Tiankuixing that was shaking violently, as if it had been summoned by some kind of call, and it roared endlessly.

what happened?

Fang Yi's expression changed drastically. Could it be that Tian Dao wants to take back the Dao Tian Bei?Wouldn't the whole Tiankuixing be destroyed?

wrong!Isn't the Great Dao Tianbei exchanged between Chaos Emperor and Heavenly Dao?

Could it be that the way of heaven is going back on its word?

However, the way of heaven is not a human being, but a rule, so how could it be possible to backtrack?

Just when Fang Yi was in doubt.

All the disciples of the 36 veins hugged their heads and howled, appearing to be in extreme pain. At the same time, their aura also rose steadily.

After a moment, they stood up again, expressionless and without emotion.

The golden light burst out in the pupil.

(End of this chapter)

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