Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2135 36 days will be phantom

Chapter 2135 36 days will be phantom

"This, this..., he...they are all sons of heaven?"

The crowd was all terrified, their eyeballs seemed to be falling out, and their faces were pale.

"Stupid! The nine disciples of the Heavenly Dao, each of whom holds a branch, how can there be so many sons of the Heavenly Dao? They are disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect."

"Unexpectedly, the 36 veins of Tiankuixing are all disciples of Tiandaozong."

At this moment, everyone stayed on the spot, as if falling into an abyss.

Not to mention the Kyushu sect.

Especially Fang Yi.

His eyes were full of astonishment, and he looked at the 36-vein disciple in disbelief, seeing the faint golden light in their eyes, like a killing machine, without any emotional fluctuations.

It's like the shell of the soul has been taken out.

Even the elders of Tiankuixing, Zong Ling and others are the same.

Why is this happening?

Subconsciously, he thought of that prophecy, the legend about the Daotianbei, and the words left to him by the Emperor of Chaos.

The Daotian Monument was obtained through an exchange between Chaos Emperor and Tiandao.

However, no one knows what the Chaos Emperor paid.

Now, think of that prophecy, and the Emperor Chaos wants to wipe out the 36 veins by himself, and the situation in front of him.

The answer is already on the horizon.

The Chaos Emperor and the 30 Heavenly Generals already knew that the disciples of the 36 veins would become disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect. Perhaps all of this had something to do with them.

Do not!

Fang Yi shook his head desperately, he couldn't accept everything in front of him.

However, the disciples of the 36 veins have already swarmed here, all of them with murderous intent.

Elder Tiankuixing, Zong Ling, Huang Tiangang, Wang Xuantong, Dugu Shisan, etc., these 36-vein powerhouses who were born and died for him just now, are all attacking him at this moment.

The majestic attack was like a huge wave, swallowing everything, including Fang Yi's heart.

why? ?

The three of Feng Yiyi became the sons of Tiandao, and now, the entire 36 veins have turned into disciples of Tiandao Sect.

Fang Yi felt extremely sad and depressed like never before.

There is also the overwhelming strength of the Son of Heaven.

He has never been so powerless.

kill kill kill! ! !

However, the cries of killing soaring to the sky had already been heard, and the disciples of Tiandaozong were like killing machines, invincible.

They have no fear of life and death, and they have no life or death.

The crowd ran around in fright and fled in a hurry.

The shrill howling sounded endlessly, and the scene completely turned into a hell on earth.

A group of super powerhouses are also pale at this moment, as if falling into an abyss.

"What to do? What to do now?"

Even the Daoist Xiaoyao was visibly panicked at this moment, completely at a loss for what to do.

Although the top ten sects have an absolute advantage in numbers, facing an undead army, the final outcome is already doomed, and everyone's confidence has long since collapsed.

The situation can be imagined.


This is the only thought in the heart of Taoist Xiaoyao.

Immediately, the aura around him receded like a tide, and it seemed to disappear in an instant, extremely ethereal.

But it's a pity that the golden light in the eyes of Emperor Huangquan shot out, and the Great Daotian Monument was also suppressed.

It seems to be able to suppress everything in the world.

The Taoist Master Xiaoyao, who had retreated sharply, couldn't help but stagnate, as if he had been frozen.

The next moment, his expression was distorted, and he looked at the monument of the Great Daotian with despair and unwillingness.

"Do not!!"

There was a shrill howl, and the monument of the Great Dao also fell, and a generation of the most powerful and prestigious Taoist master of Xiaoyao fell.

Heaven and earth were silent.

The crowd was completely stunned, looking at this scene and that invincible figure in horror.

Even the Gorefiend Patriarch couldn't help flashing a hint of despair in his pupils.

The way of heaven is irreversible, no matter how powerful you are, you will eventually be no match for the way of heaven.


How reconciled was the blood demon patriarch, just hearing him growl, he struck like thunder from nine heavens, "Even if I die, I will make a hole in the sky."

The endless sea of ​​blood evaporated like roaring waves.

A huge phantom of the blood demon condensed, shaking the sky and the earth.

Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, and he also attacked at the same time, his heart was full of unwillingness and overwhelming anger.

Countless golden runes enveloped his body, making him seem like a rune emperor.

In this way, the two joined forces to besiege Huangquan Emperor.

But it's a pity that the Dao Tianbei is incomparable, and the rules of heaven are allowed to be used. If it weren't for this big array of Tiankui stars, the two of them would have been defeated long ago.

But even so, it's not a solution, and it won't last long at all.

Defeat, but sooner or later.

How to do?

Fang Yi was burning with anxiety, his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about a feasible method.

However, in the face of heaven, any solution seems to be futile.

wrong!The inner world, his own inner world is no accident, it should be Shi Mo's way to stay and fight against the Dao of Heaven, but his cultivation base is still too low, although this reshaping of the physical body has allowed him to reach the fifth level of integration.

However, it is obviously much worse than Emperor Huangquan, and it is still unknown whether it will work.

But, right now, there is no other choice.

After making up his mind, Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but turn cold, and a deep aura was about to sweep away.

But at this moment, the Tiankuixing formation seemed to have sensed it, and bright golden lights burst out, condensing the phantom out of thin air for 36 days.

At the same time, among the countless disciples with 36 veins, 36 figures soared into the sky.

Integrate the phantom with 36 days.

The one who took the lead was suddenly Gongsun Yu, and the rest were all disciples of different lines who had obtained the 36-day general inheritance.

The golden runes of the entire world suddenly flourished, and the 36 disciples headed by Gongsun Yu completely merged with the phantom of 36 days.

Finally, Gongsun Yu suddenly opened his eyes, the golden light in his eyes gradually dimmed, as if he had regained some consciousness.

"The way of heaven is invincible, the only way to shield them is to draw them out of the Tiankuixing formation."

The next moment, a voice came from Gongsun Yu's mouth.

But that voice did not belong to Gongsun Yu, but a male voice.

The crowd was bewildered, obviously not understanding why.

Fang Yi was also surprised, but he didn't think about it. He exchanged glances with the blood demon patriarch, and then rushed away.

Seeing that the two were like this, a group of strong men followed suit.

Immediately, the Heavenly Dao Saint Son, the Four Heavenly Dao Sons, and countless Heavenly Dao Sect disciples rushed after him.

"seal up!"

The next moment, Gongsun Yu's deep voice came again.

At the same time, the phantoms of General 36 Tian shot together, and bright rays of light burst out from their fingertips, criss-crossing, like a giant net, completely covering the entire Tiankui star.

The giant net was 36%, and the [-] disciples also woke up like a dream.

"Fang Yi, it's done! Come down quickly."

At this time, Gongsun Yu also spoke again, but this time it was her voice.

Fang Yi couldn't help being startled, although he was full of unwillingness, but knowing that he was invincible, he had no choice but to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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