Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2136 The Dust Settles

Chapter 2136 The Dust Settles

"Withdraw Tiankui star!"

Fang Yi shouted hastily, and everyone retreated quickly.

Although they didn't know what was different on Tiankui Star, they shot phantoms at the same time in the previous 36 days, and now the entire Tiankui Star was shrouded in a faint light, which was incomparably miraculous.

They also had to be dead horses as living horse doctors.

Especially those strong men, because Tiandaozong's target is them, but those ordinary warriors are not affected.

Strange to say!

When that strong man entered the faint light, he disappeared out of thin air.

And the disciples of Tiandaozong who were chasing after him seemed to have lost their target in an instant, and turned to attack other people.

"It's really useful, hurry up, everyone!"

The crowd was excited, one by one shot at Tiankui star like lightning.

Fang Yi, however, did not retreat, instead he chased and beat him fiercely, his strikes were like a violent storm, like an ancient beast that had completely run amok.

"The suzerain can't do it! Go back!!"

The Kyushu sect is in a hurry.

Emperor Huang Quan is so domineering, no matter how strong his suzerain is, he is definitely not an opponent.

However, Fang Yi didn't intend to retreat at all, his figure was like lightning, and he directly rushed towards Feng Yiyi and the others.

Although the three of them have become the Sons of Heaven, how could Fang Yi have the heart to leave them behind.

The blood demon patriarch obviously saw Fang Yi's intentions, and shouted anxiously: "Stinky boy, you are looking for death. They have become the sons of heaven, and it is impossible to recover."

"Come back soon!"

The blood demon patriarch scolded angrily.

But unfortunately, Fang Yi turned a deaf ear to it.

Maybe what the other party said is true, becoming the Son of Heaven is irreversible.

However, how could Fang Yi just watch the three of them become puppets of the Heavenly Dao without doing anything?

The answer is obviously no, so...

"Old tree demon, don't come to help me yet!" The blood demon patriarch knew he couldn't dissuade Fang Yi, so he couldn't help shouting anxiously.

His old tree demon made some people bewildered.

But at this time, naturally no one paid any attention to this, and they all just ran away in a hurry.

Only Emperor Evergreen, the corner of his mouth twitched, angrily said: "Bastard! What time is it, you still have to accompany this kid to die."

"Stop talking nonsense, you still don't show your real body."

The blood demon patriarch shouted angrily.

The Eternal Evergreen Great Emperor gritted his teeth, and finally his eyes widened, and a bright blue light shot up from his body.

Countless branches stretched out from his body, climbing steadily.

In an instant, it turned into a huge eternal green pine.

The green pine soared straight to the sky, as if it pierced the sky, it was extremely huge, and it was extremely shocking.

The crowd was full of dissatisfaction and horror. The body of the Evergreen Emperor has always been a mystery. No one thought that his body turned out to be an eternal green pine.

And that aura is incomparable, comparable to that of the blood demon ancestor.

"Boy, hurry up! We won't last long."

With a howl, the Evergreen Emperor and the Blood Demon Patriarch attacked Huangquan Emperor again.

Originally, he was here to seize the Water God Temple, but now that he has arrived, he actually...

As for Fang Yi, he couldn't help being a little startled at this moment. No wonder the other party was as famous as the blood demon patriarch. Sure enough... But right now he didn't have the heart to understand this, so he went straight to Feng Yiyi.

Fengshenmeng also struck at the same time, obviously seeing his intentions.

The two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, blocked Feng Yiyi's escape route.

"Yiyi, it's me!!"

Fang Yi tried to awaken Feng Yiyi's consciousness, but unfortunately, what responded to him was the True Spirit Sword, without any mercy.

Feng Yiyi is no longer the original Feng Yiyi.

"Idiot! She has already turned into the incarnation of heaven, take it away first."

At this moment, Fengshenmeng let out a rare shout, and the big dream astrolabe was instantly pressed down, and countless bright stars fell, completely covering Feng Yiyi in it.

Fang Yi also shot at the same time, what Fengshenmeng said was undoubtedly correct.

In the current situation, the only way to talk about it is to take the three of them away first.

But it's a pity, how can the Son of Heaven be taken away so easily, the two of them couldn't attack for a long time, and there was nothing they could do.


On the other side, the Gorefiend Patriarch and the Eternal Evergreen Emperor had run out of money and were retreating steadily.

In the end, there was a loud bang, and the Wangu Qingsong was severely injured, and turned into the figure in the green robe again, and fell straight into the Tiankuixing formation.

"Brat, let's go!!"

The blood demon patriarch shouted anxiously, and the next moment, he also fell into the Tiankui star formation.

Both of the two Xeons were blown away. Fortunately, after the two fell into the formation, Emperor Huangquan seemed to have lost his target.

Finally saved a life.

However, after losing his target, Emperor Huang Quan's bright eyes swept towards Fang Yi, and the huge Dao Tian Bei also fell down directly.

not good! !

Fang Yi's heart sank, and Feng Shenmeng's face became extremely pale.

groan! ! !

And at this time, the claws of the real dragon had already reached out, directly covering this space, and then disappeared.

Fang Yi, Fengshen Meng, and Feng Yiyi also disappeared together.

That's right!At the last moment, Fang Yi directly included this space into the Water Temple.

Boom! !

The Great Dao Tianbei fell, thousands of miles of space turned into nothingness, and the air waves surged into the sky.

Wait until all the dust settles.

I saw that Emperor Huangquan stood proudly in the sky, like an invincible god of war. Behind him, the three sons of the heavenly way lined up, and there were countless disciples of the heavenly way sect.

The surrounding crowd all stared blankly at this scene, not even daring to breathe.

Fortunately, Emperor Huang Quan didn't seem to have any intention of dealing with these people. He poked his giant palm, and the Dao Tian Bei appeared out of thin air.

Afterwards, from within the avenue and sky monument, countless regular thin lines invisible to the naked eye extended to the surrounding world, and time stopped completely at this moment.

The crowd seems to have turned into stone sculptures, only those thin lines are not restrained.

After a while, everything in the world seemed to be back to before.

The stele of the Great Dao and Tiandao also slowly disappeared, along with Emperor Huangquan and countless disciples of the Heavenly Dao Sect.

As if it never appeared.

Time also seemed to return to normal, and the crowd woke up like a dream.

"Where is this? Why am I here? Yes! Water Temple? Inside the Water Temple? Who got it?"

The same question filled everyone's mind.

They faintly felt as if they had lost something, but they couldn't remember it at all.

yes!What they lost was that memory.

However, everyone on Tiankui Star was not like this. They looked at each other in blank dismay, their eyes full of horror.

"This..., no wonder there are so few rumors about Tiandaozong. It turns out that Tiandao will erase the memory of the whole incident afterwards."

The Evergreen Emperor looked at everything in the outside world with shocking eyes.

The same is true for the blood demon ancestor, his face is extremely gloomy.

Like them, there were Fang Yi and Fengshen Meng in the Temple of Water, and Feng Yiyi, who had passed out by now.

"Leaving?" Fang Yi asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes! Go out! It's all right now." Fengshen Meng replied.


Fang Yi couldn't help being startled, his face was full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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