Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2137 Domineering

Chapter 2137 Domineering

"Do you really think that Heavenly Dao took the initiative to kill this time?"

Fengshenmeng glanced at Fang Yi and asked casually.

This remark undoubtedly made Fang Yi startled, full of puzzlement, and asked: "Otherwise?"

"If the Dao of Heaven took the initiative to kill, no one would be spared. This time it was just an accident, because Yiyi and the others wanted to gain power, so they created all this."

"With the strength of the blood demon ancestor, it is not enough for Tiandao to take the initiative to kill him."

Fengshenmeng said directly, with absolute certainty.

Fang Yi frowned when he heard this.

There seems to be some truth in these words. The ancestor of the blood demon has reached his current strength for a long time.

Could it be that this time was really just an accident, and didn't Tiandao take the initiative?

But just like that, all the superpowers were almost wiped out, if it weren't for the formation of Tiankuixing.

"How do you know? Is the way of heaven really irreversible?"

Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"Of course you will know when you enter the Divine Mirror Space."

"As for whether the way of heaven is reversible, this is not a question you should think about, because your strength is still far behind, let's talk about it after you have the ability to surpass the Three Realms!"


Fang Yi was stunned, above the Three Realms? ?this……

He looked at Fengshenmeng in disbelief, and he didn't recognize Fengshenmeng's appearance.

However, Fengshen Meng seems to have no intention of explaining it.


"Where's Fang Yi?"

At the same time, Tiankuixing, Jiuzhou Zongyi, Gongsun Yu and others all looked anxious.

They didn't know exactly what the previous blow was.

"Look at it!!"

However, just as they were extremely anxious, two figures reappeared in the original void, which were Fang Yi and Fengshenmeng.

"He...they still dare to show up, it's simply audacious."

The crowd turned pale with shock.

Even Patriarch Gorefiend and Eternal Evergreen Emperor looked stunned.

Fortunately, as Fengshenmeng said, nothing happened and everything was calm as usual.

"Is it really all right?"

A group of superpowers looked at each other in blank dismay, and then tried to step out of the faint light, sure enough!The disciples of Tiandaozong did not appear.

Everything seemed to be really over.

But after this battle, the ten major sects suffered heavy losses, especially the Kyushu sect.

Fang Yi's eyes also became extremely cold, and the bright golden runes enveloped the world again, full of killing intent.

"You...what do you want to do?"

The ten strong sects obviously sensed this murderous intent, and all of them suddenly changed their expressions.


Fang Yi sneered, his eyes darkened, and a fierce look appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"You still have the face to ask me what you want to do? For the sake of the Water God Temple, you will use all means and caused heavy losses to my Kyushu sect. Today, I want you to be buried with me."

As he said that, Fang Yi's whole body was full of breath, as majestic as a prison.

The Tiankui star formation also instantly enveloped all directions.

"Presumptuous! Your Excellency speaks loudly..."

Fang Yi's words undoubtedly angered the ten sects, and the leader of Jinri was the first to scold.

But unfortunately, before he finished speaking, a three-color sword shadow fell from the sky, directly tearing apart the space.

This sword was so fast that it seemed to condense on the head of the leader of Jinri out of thin air.

Before he came back to his senses, the sword had fallen, and the leader of Jinri burst open in everyone's sight, turning into countless fragments.

In the end, the countless fragments turned into raging flames and were incinerated.

A combined six-fold superpower just fell away, not even a scum left.

The huge world seemed to have fallen into a deathly silence.

The crowd was terrified, as if they had seen a ghost.

It's no wonder that the dignified generation of six-fold superpowers was instantly killed by a single sword.

The real instant kill, compared to Fengshenmeng's instant kill of Yinyue leader, this sword is undoubtedly more thorough and more overbearing, how can the crowd not be shocked.

And those Sun Moon God Cult powerhouses all turned pale at this moment.

The two leaders were beheaded one after another, but they didn't dare to make any changes, yes, because the opponents were too strong.

So strong that they dare not move at all.

Otherwise, it is death.

Everyone in the top ten sects, at this moment, they have seen Fang Yi's strength before, and the death of the leader of Jinri made them deeply realize that the other party doesn't care whether the top ten sects are not the top ten sects.

Now, both Taoist Xiaoyao and Zihuang have fallen.

On my side, there is no one who is the opponent of the other party, except the Evergreen Emperor.

Involuntarily, everyone's eyes turned to the Evergreen Emperor.

The Evergreen Emperor couldn't help but frown at this moment, feeling very headache. Fang Yi's strength made him feel extremely afraid.

However, under such circumstances, he had to stand up again.

"Little friend, although the Kyushu Sect has suffered heavy losses, the top ten sects have suffered even more. Two of the seventh-level combined bodies and several sixth-level combined bodies have lost, so it's better..."

There was a tentative tone in his tone, obviously wanting to make a big deal into a small one.

At this moment, naturally no one dared to mention the water temple anymore, as long as he could get out of the body, it would be good.

However, Fang Yi's expression remained unchanged, still cold.

He turned his head slightly, looked at the Evergreen Emperor, and said, "Do you know why I asked you to finish speaking, because you just held me back for a while, otherwise..."

As he said that, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and his killing intent was awe-inspiring.

The Evergreen Emperor's complexion couldn't help but froze, and his eyes became extremely gloomy.

As a seven-layered Xeon, it was obvious that no one dared to talk to him like this.

The crowd obviously did not expect that facing the Eternal Evergreen Emperor, the other party was still domineering, and his expression could not help but become extremely nervous.

Of course, there are exceptions, such as the Wan Mo Sect, the Burning Sky Sect, and the Eternal Imperial Court, but at the moment they look like they are watching a good show.

"What does their loss have to do with me? It's their own fault."

"Even if they are all killed, it is not enough to offset my Kyushu sect disciples."

Fang Yi's cold voice sounded again, and he approached step by step.

The crowd all turned pale with fright and backed away again and again.


At this time, a long sigh came from the blood demon ancestor.

At this moment, the blood demon patriarch was tightly hugging Hua Lian'er, who was lifeless and shriveled. He turned his head to look at Pluto, who understood and took a step forward.

"Mr. Fang, Miss Lian'er and the disciples of the Nine Provinces Sect may still be saved."


Hearing this, Fang Yi suddenly turned his head, and the sharp gaze made Pluto take a step back subconsciously.

"What did you say? Is there any help?"


Looking at the extremely eager Fang Yi, Pluto was afraid that it would be too late, so he was directly overwhelmed by the other party's breath, and hurriedly said, "If other people are absolutely unable to save, but Mr. Fang has the Water Temple, which can protect their souls from crossing the Styx River." , into the underworld."

"As long as the true spirit remains, they can retain their current memories and practice in the underworld."

"With your son's strength, it is not impossible to break through the barriers between the two worlds one day and reshape their physical bodies."

(End of this chapter)

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