Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2154 Soul Clan

Chapter 2154 Soul Clan

As soon as these words came out, Lan Ling's pretty face flushed immediately.

It's no wonder that, as a daughter's family, being able to say this in public has already made her extremely ashamed.

And it's still a fake, and was caught by the real master again.

However, Explosive Wolf didn't realize it, and clasped his fists at Fang Yi and said, "Brother, you were so offended just now. I thought you were a spy of the Sky Shadow Sect, but I didn't expect you to be my uncle from the Ten Thousand Demon Realm. Misunderstanding!"

He looked carefree and smiled awkwardly.

At first glance, it is the type with few tendons.

On the other hand, Lan Ling's face was already red as if it could bleed.

At this moment, she just wanted to find a crack in the ground and drill down.

"Good talk!"

Fang Yi also smiled lightly, he naturally wouldn't have any experience with Bao Lang. ,

As for Lan Ling, he couldn't help but glanced at it.

Sensing this gaze, the latter immediately lowered his head, looking a little afraid.

That's right!Just fear, and shame.

Fortunately, at this moment, True Monarch Polang said, "It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Fang. The Holy Land has already explained that Fellow Daoist Fang is the most honored guest of my Ten Thousand Demon Realm."

"This time, I am grateful to Fellow Daoist Fang for helping me!"

True Monarch Polang said sincerely, with an extremely respectful attitude.

But in his heart, there are some whispers.

Because he vaguely remembered that when Tianmeng Tianzong was recruiting a son-in-law for the general election, the other party was only a child of nine changes.

But now, he can't see through the opponent's cultivation, in other words, at least surpass him, reaching the fourth level of fusion.

Reminiscent of the blow just now, the four-folded Snake Shadow True Monarch is no more than a one-stroke enemy in the opponent's hands.

How can this be done by combining four layers?

So... the opponent's cultivation?

Thinking of this, he was shocked in his heart. It's only been a hundred years, and the other party...

"You're welcome, but it's easy."

Fang Yi smiled faintly, and had no intention of entangled with the crowd any longer, so he immediately asked a few words and wanted to leave.

He just happened to be at the right time, and in view of the tree of life seeds, he took a shot to help.

As for the future, he can't arouse any interest.

However, True Monarch Polang was extremely enthusiastic, and hurriedly asked to stay: "Fang Daoyou is leaving now? Why don't you let the wolf fulfill the friendship of the landlord?"

"No! There will be opportunities in the future."

Fang Yi said with a smile.

Although True Monarch Polang wanted to stay, but the other party had already said so, he couldn't force it anymore.

He just looked at Lan Ling anxiously, as if hoping that Lan Ling could speak.

In fact, he still has some selfish intentions. Fang Yi's strength is so powerful that he can instantly kill True Monarch Snake Shadow and a group of powerful people with one blow.

Xuan Juxing is in danger, if there is someone to help, then...

Lan Ling obviously thought of this too, and when he saw Fang Yi leaving, he stamped his feet anxiously.

But what happened just now made her feel ashamed at this moment, how could she speak.


Finally, she called out.

But at this time, Fang Yi had already turned and left.

" this a conflict between the couple?" Burst Wolf at the side looked bewildered.

Hearing this, Lan Ling glared at him fiercely, as if he was about to kill someone, then stomped his feet, and quickly chased after him.

"Am I wrong?"

In the same place, only the innocent-looking Explosive Wolf remained.


"Hey! You wait!!"

Staying away from the crowd, Lan Ling couldn't care less and shouted loudly.

Fang Yi curled his lips helplessly. Anyway, the Ten Thousand Demon Realm treated him well, so he immediately said, "Say it! What's the matter?"

"You...where are you going?"

Lan Ling didn't seem to expect Fang Yi to stop suddenly.

She had made up her mind at first, even if she stalked her to death, she would keep him.

The other party imprisoned himself in the prison sky changing mirror. Although it was hateful, it was not too bad, at least it would not kill him.

As long as life is still alive, and the crisis of Xuan Juxing can be rescued, no matter how much effort is made, it will be worthwhile.

But Fang Yi's sudden opening made her prepared lines come out like this.

"Fantasy World!"

Fang Yi said casually.

There is no rush to go to the depths of the Mountain Sea Realm. Before that, he plans to go to the Dream Realm first, after all, Fengshenmeng is there.

Moreover, he reckoned that with the strength of Fengshenmeng, it might be time to go to the depths of the mountain and sea world.

So I wanted to go on the road together and cultivate more relationships by the way.

Of course, this is just his wishful thinking, he has no certainty whether Fengshenmeng will talk to him or not.

"Are you going to find Fairy Shenmeng?"

For some reason, upon hearing this, Lan Ling felt a little lost in his heart.

But in just a split second, she hurriedly said: "Don't you know that Fairy Shenmeng is no longer in the Dream Realm."

"Huh? Where did it go?"

Fang Yi hurriedly asked.

"I don't know exactly!"

Lan Ling shook his head, and said again: "Twenty years ago, the Soul Clan invaded the Fantasy Realm on a large scale. A generation of Soul Clan Tianzun Jun Wudang personally led the army and turned the Fantasy Realm upside down."

"The lords of the Great Dream Heaven Sect were all severely injured, and the Fantasy World was almost lost..."

"At the last moment of crisis, Fairy Shenmeng broke through and came out. With her own strength, she pacified the army of the soul clan and killed Jun Wudang on the spot. You must know that Jun Wudang is the strongest in the seventh level."

Mentioning this matter, Lan Ling still seemed to be agitated, his eyes full of longing.

Fang Yi's eyes darkened.

It wasn't until he heard that Fengshenmeng had defeated his opponent that his face looked better.

"What then?"

he asked hastily.

"Later... I don't know either. I just heard from the First Elder and the others that Fairy Shenmeng was too strong and almost brought punishment from heaven, so she had to leave."

"From now on, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back."

There was confusion in the blue spirit eyes, and with his strength, it was normal not to know these things.

Fang Yi knew it in his heart, but he didn't expect that Fengshenmeng's progress would be so fast.

But it's right to think about it, for the past hundred years, I have devoted myself to comprehending that great formation, and this is still the case.

Fengshenmeng's talent is excellent, he is no worse than him in all aspects, and he has an incomparably wonderful dreamland. It is normal to be able to reach such a level.

"Afterwards, as the Great Elder and the others said, Fairy Shenmeng never appeared again."

"Even if the Soul Race has invaded the Dream Realm many times, it's still the same."

Lan Ling continued to add another sentence.

Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, and he asked, "The soul race is still invading the fantasy world?"

"Of course! The Soul Clan Tianzun Jun Wudang has been beheaded, how can the Soul Clan swallow this breath?"

"But don't worry, the soul clan suffered heavy losses in that battle. Now the strength of the two sides is almost the same, and neither can do anything to the other. It's just that the hatred has been forged, and neither side will give up easily."

As if sensing the chill in Fang Yi's eyes, Lan Ling quickly added.

It's just that at that moment, she faintly felt that the Soul Race might be in trouble.

This feeling is inexplicable, but it is very real.

(End of this chapter)

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