Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2155 Xuan Juxing

Chapter 2155 Xuan Juxing

So, Fengshenmeng has gone to the depths of the mountain and sea world?

Fang Yi couldn't help frowning.

In this way, it seems that there is no need for the fantasy world, but the soul race...

"By the way! How much do you know about the Soul Race? Tell me."

Fang Yi's knowledge of the Divine Mirror Space is extremely limited, and it is limited to the World of Demons and the World of Fantasy, and he has only been to these two places.

As for the vaster mountain and sea world, he just heard about it.

It is rumored that there is a vast expanse, hundreds of clans contend for hegemony, and various forces are intricate and extremely dangerous.

Of course, he only heard about it.

"I don't know much, but..."

Lan Ling paused, but still spoke slowly.

According to her words, this soul clan is a force relatively deep in the mountain and sea realm, and it is extremely tyrannical.

The star domain he governs is not adjacent to the Dream Realm. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any major conflicts between the two.

Even if there is, it is only an individual, and such a big battle will not happen.

However, 20 years ago, the soul clan Tianzun Jun Wudang suddenly launched an attack on the fantasy world.

And it is coming in a menacing manner, clearly intending to completely take down the fantasy world.

Therefore, the war was triggered.

As for the reason, she didn't know anything about it, and she knew very little about the strength of the soul clan. She only knew that the soul clan, Tianzun Wudang, was powerful and famous among the seven layers of fusion.

"You don't know, Jun Wudang was beheaded on the spot, causing a sensation in the whole world, Fairy Shenmeng..."

Lan Ling said, with a look of admiration on his face.

But then, as if thinking of something, he hurriedly said: "That's right! This matter has spread all over the world, and you don't even know it? When you said you left last time, where did you go?"

Lan Ling looked at Fang Yi strangely.

Anyway, in name, Fang Yi is still Fairy Shenmeng's fiancé.

The other party didn't even know about such a big event, so she wasn't surprised.

Of course, she doesn't know anything about the world outside the mirror space, so it's no wonder that she asked this question.

Fang Yi also felt a little ashamed, and smiled self-deprecatingly.

The Kyushu sect was in trouble, and she was in trouble. Fengshenmeng never left, and she didn't return to the fantasy world until all the dust settled.

But he, when Fengshen's dream was in trouble, failed to appear by her side.

Now, Fengshen Meng has been forced to leave, but the troubles of Dameng Tianzong have not been resolved.

"Soul Race!"

He muttered in his mouth, and his eyes became extremely cold.

"For the sake of what you told me, if there's anything wrong, tell me!"

After clearing his mind, Fang Yi looked at Lan Ling again.

In fact, he can still feel the kindness towards him from the Ten Thousand Monster Realm, but with the improvement of strength, people's state of mind will also undergo some changes.

For example, when an adult sees two children fighting, he will laugh it off and won't intervene.

In Fang Yi's eyes, the Ten Thousand Monsters Realm and the Sky Shadow Sect were almost like this.

Of course, it's an exaggeration to say that Wan Yaojie and Tianying Sect are two children, but after all, they don't have a deep relationship with Fang Yi, so... Fang Yi has no idea.

It's just that when he thinks back to the beginning at this moment, he can't help feeling a little bit emotional.


Lan Ling was overjoyed when he heard the words, but he still asked first, "Then how strong are you?"

After all, what Xuan Juxing was facing was the two major coalition forces of the Sky Shadow Sect and the Three-Eyed Clan.

If she hadn't had to, she didn't want Fang Yi to take risks.

Although Fang Yi killed Zhenjun Snake Shadow in seconds before, she felt that Fang Yi might be stronger than she imagined, but there was Zhenjun Xuanying and Zhenyan Ghost Eye on the opposite side.

and so……

Fang Yi naturally saw her concerns, and said with a light smile, "It's enough to solve your problem, let's go!"

With that said, Fang Yi left first.

In the same place, Lan Ling couldn't help being startled, and hurriedly shouted: "Hey! Where are you going? I haven't said anything yet!"


Xuan Jupiter!

A main star in the northern starfield of the Ten Thousand Monster Realm is adjacent to the Sky Shadow Sect, which occupies part of the outer starfield of the Mountain Sea Realm.

There is often friction between the two forces.

But in the past, it was limited to friction, and no large-scale battle broke out.

One reason is that the Sky Shadow Sect has too much time to attend to all kinds of battles in the Mountain and Sea Realm, so they don't have time to fight against the Ten Thousand Monster Realm.

Secondly, it was because of the existence of the Demon King Yuan Qitian.

It is rumored that he is extremely domineering, and a force in the mountain and sea world once provoked him, but he was slaughtered abruptly.

During this period, Shen Cangye, the patriarch of the ancient god clan, was invited to be a peacemaker, but was beaten back by Yuan Qitian.

One must know that the Ancient God Clan's status in the Divine Mirror Dimension is extraordinary, their strength is tyrannical, and they are the overlord of one party, not only ruling the huge star field of the Ancient God Realm.

Even in the depths of the mountain and sea world, there are huge forces.

In the entire Shenjing space, there will never be more than one hand who dare not betray his face.

Yuan Qitian happened to be one of them.

It's not that Yuan Qitian is much stronger than him, but that Yuan Qitian has no scruples. If he gets angry, he would even dare to kill the king of heaven, so why would he care about you.

In the end, Shen Cangye also held the idea that one thing more is worse than one thing less, and he didn't bother to provoke him.

After all, if a strong man at that level really went mad, it would be extremely terrifying. Shen Cangye may not be afraid, but he is not the only one among the ancient gods.

and so……

But it's different now. A hundred years ago, the shadow patriarch almost destroyed the tree of life, and Yuan Qitian never showed up.

Rumors of his demise gradually spread.

The major forces are eyeing each other.

However, rumors are rumors after all, and it is not impossible for a cultivator to retreat for hundreds of years, so for the time being, no one dares to attack the Ten Thousand Demon Realm.

The only exception is Sky Shadow Sect.

Regarding the matter of the Shadow Patriarch, they and the Ten Thousand Monsters Realm were completely torn apart, and there was no room for maneuver.

In addition, they also lost a lot in that battle, and the struggle in the mountains and seas gradually fell, and they urgently needed to expand to the periphery.

The three-eyed people are in a similar situation to them.

That's why there was this joint siege.

"Master Shaking Heaven, the Tianying Sect and the Three-Eyed Clan army are approaching, and they will arrive in half an hour at most."

In a huge stone palace on Xuanmuxing, a monster disciple quickly reported.

Above, is a middle-aged man with a deep breath and a pair of huge horns. A pair of eyes reveals an extremely fierce light, which makes people shudder.

"These bastards are finally here, let's fight with them!"

"Yes! Kill them!"

Inside the stone hall, there are still many powerful monsters, all of whom are vicious.

"Besides, the Sky Shadow Cult has dispatched a powerful force, which has already headed towards other planets."


Hearing what the disciple below said next, the big man above couldn't help but shrink his pupils, revealing his killing intent.

A group of monster clan powerhouses were also furious.

"Bastards! These bastards from the Sky Shadow Sect are trying to disperse our power, what should we do?"

"What else can I do? I will bring some people to kill them all."

"Yes! Count me in!"


(End of this chapter)

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