Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2158 Come out together!

Chapter 2158 Come out together!

"Yes! Fight them!"

Countless monster clan powerhouses have also turned red-eyed and furious.

Even Chi Zhanpeng didn't say anything at the moment, because he didn't know what to say, let everyone retreat?That would undoubtedly hit everyone's morale.

Moreover, deep in his heart, there was also a hint of impulse.

The determination of Shaking Demon King and all the monsters to defend to the death undoubtedly infected him.

The scene fell into a brief stalemate.

Naturally, the two major coalition forces are not monolithic. Under the desperate resistance of the Yaozu, no one wants to suffer too many casualties.

Because if it is not done well, it will be beyond redemption.

And this situation seems to have given the Yaozu a little hope. The more they fight, the more courageous they become, and their morale is like a rainbow.

"Shaking the sky, this seat has underestimated you."

At this time, above the endless void, a cold voice came.

The sound was not loud, but it seemed to overwhelm everything in the world, and it reached everyone's ears like a thunderbolt, shaking people's minds.

Some of the weaker ones suffered severe pain in their eardrums and ooze blood.

The Shaking Demon King's expression couldn't help changing drastically, he looked up at the void, where a figure like an abyss slowly condensed.

That figure is extremely majestic, with cold eyes, like a great emperor who surpasses all living beings.

The terrifying breath spread from his whole body, giving people an irresistible feeling, and giving people a feeling of incomparable insignificance in their hearts.

Even Shaking Demon King and Chi Zhanpeng are no exception.

"Sky Shadow Hierarch!"

Someone blurted out, and the tone was full of horror and fear.

A touch of despair flashed in the eyes of the Shaking Demon King.

Facing True Monarch Xuanying, although he was invincible, he still had the strength to fight. Even if he couldn't defeat him, he could fight him to death.

But facing the leader of Tianying, he was helpless.

Although the master of the Tianying Sect is also a six-layered body, he is the best among them, far from being able to compare with True Monarch Xuanying.

In the opponent's hands, he wants to fight to the death, there is no possibility at all.

Defeat is already doomed!

"I have seen Master Tianying!"

With the appearance of the Sky Shadow Sect Master, the morale of the Sky Shadow Sect members increased greatly.

On the other hand, the Yaozu were all ashen. Even though they knew the determination of the Sky Shadow Sect, they never thought that even the Sky Shadow Sect Master would be personally mobilized.

This battle is over for them.

"The sect of the Ten Thousand Monster Realm is determined to win, no matter whether you can't get out of the Holy Land of the Monster Race, the result will be the same."

"Now, defeat this sect!"

A thunderous voice, full of majesty, resounded through the heavens and the earth.

A majestic giant palm also fell immediately, covering the sky and the sun.

The entire Xuan Juxing, as if the end is approaching, the earth is shaking, the mountains are shaking, and the void is turbulent.

Before the giant palm approached, everything between the heaven and the earth had already been reduced to ashes, and under the wind of the palm, a huge vacuum zone was almost formed.

Such a palm is definitely a blow from a six-fold peak powerhouse.

Even the Shaking Demon King could only let out a helpless and unwilling roar under this palm.

All the strong monster clans showed despair on their faces.


Chi Zhanpeng couldn't care less about anything else, and hurriedly shouted.

But it's a pity that the palm has already fallen, and it directly hit the Shaking Demon King.

And the counterattack of the Shaking Demon King, under that palm, seemed so fragile, vulnerable to a single blow, and directly turned into nothing.

"Do not……"

All the Yaozu people turned pale with shock, and some even closed their eyes in despair.

Waiting for the shocking blow.

However, the loud noise of landslides and ground cracks as imagined did not appear, and the surroundings became quiet instead, as if time had stopped.

what happened?

The crowd was dazed and slowly opened their eyes.

A scene that they never imagined in their dreams is presenting before their eyes.

From under the majestic giant palm, a huge black hole appeared out of thin air, wantonly devouring the energy of this palm.

In an instant, that terrifying power was swallowed up, as if it had never appeared before.

Only the huge black hole was already slowly rotating.

There is also the leader of Tianying, with a look of astonishment on his face, as if he has seen a ghost.

"Who? Look at the tree old man?"

His pupils narrowed sharply, full of shock.

All the monster races were also dumbfounded.

Shaking Demon King and Chi Zhanpeng were no exception, they couldn't help but looked at each other, as if they both wanted to know from each other who it was.

However, both of them were at a loss.

Fortunately, they didn't make them wait for long. The next moment, two figures stepped out of the black hole.

The leading man, with white hair and blue robe, is extremely majestic, like a great emperor roaming the starry sky.

The next person's eyes were wandering, and his pretty face was pale. It seemed that he couldn't believe that Fang Yi really did it with such a powerful means.

That's right!The visitors were naturally Fang Yi and Lan Ling.

"Little sister!"

Lan Zhengxuan saw his younger sister at a glance, and his expression changed drastically.

Then, he also recognized Fang Yi, and his pupils shrank suddenly, because Fang Yi had changed too much, not his appearance, but his aura, which already made him feel unattainable.

The same was true for Chi Zhanpeng, who naturally recognized Fang Yi.

When the tree of life was on the verge of withering, it was Fang Yi who saved it, how could he forget it.

Also recognized, there are people from the Sky Shadow Sect.

"It's him! Master Tianying, it was he who took away the Prisoner's Mirror and killed many of our disciples."

Hearing this, the pupils of the leader of Tianying suddenly turned cold.

All the disciples of the Sky Shadow Sect were also very murderous.

Fang Yi naturally didn't care, he just raised his eyes slightly, glanced at the leader of Tianying, and then looked at something in the void, his expression was calm.

As for Lan Ling, as if he had just seen the situation in front of him clearly at this moment, there was horror in his eyes.

In fact, she really didn't know everything here. One moment ago, she was not close to Xuan Juxing, but the next moment, Fang Yi directly tore the space and brought her here.

"Boy! Is that you?"

"It's kind of cool to even dare to show up after stealing my Tianying Teaching Prisoner Tian Changing Mirror."

True Monarch Xuanying was the first to shout, with a cold light in his eyes, revealing his killing intent.

However, Fang Yi didn't even bother to look him straight.

He said lightly: "I don't have much time to waste, let's come out together!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd couldn't help but looked at each other in blank dismay.

What's the meaning?Is there anyone in the dark?

Especially the Yaozu people are full of puzzlement, the leader of Tianying has shown up, why are there still people?Could it be...

Compared to the astonished expressions of everyone, the face of the leader of Tianying has become extremely gloomy.

"What? Do you still want me to invite you out?"

Fang Yi shouted, and the three-color light burst out from his eyes. Wherever he went, the void collapsed, everything died, and a majestic figure was also revealed under the three-color light.

It's just that the figure's face is full of horror, and his eyes are full of disbelief.

It seems that he didn't expect his hiding place to be seen through.

"Phantom Eye Master!"

Shaking Demon King blurted out that he had already recognized the person who came, it was the patriarch of the Three-Eyed Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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