Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2159 The Shocking Sword

Chapter 2159 The Shocking Sword

On the field, the atmosphere became a little weird.

The head of the Three-Eyed Clan, Master Phantom Eyes, still had a frightened expression on his face, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

The reason why he is called the True Lord of Illusory Eyes is precisely because the vertical pupil on his forehead can not only create illusions, but also allow himself to hide between the heaven and the earth, silently.

No matter how powerful a warrior is, his strength far surpasses him, as long as he lurks silently, no one will be able to find out.

At least that's how it used to be.

Even if the seven-fold Xeon is the strongest, there are quite a few people who have been deceived by him.

This is also a supernatural power that he has always been proud of.

But now, this supernatural power is not only easily seen through by the other party, but also directly broken, how can he not be surprised?

The same is true for the leader of Tianying, with cold eyes, looking directly at Fang Yi.

The huge crowd seemed extremely silent.

" are Fang Yi? The winner of the election for a son-in-law that day?"

True Lord Illusory Eyes finally opened his mouth, his expression was as if he had seen a ghost.

It's no wonder that the election of recruiting a son-in-law was a sensation, and Fang Yi, as the final winner, naturally became famous far and wide.

But it was also because of this that he was so shocked, because that day, Fang Yi was only a child of the Nine Transformations, but in a short period of time, he had already reached the sixth level of the combined body.

The breath emanating from his body made him feel even more frightened.

"It's all here, so don't waste your time."

Fang Yi naturally didn't bother to pay attention to him, his voice was indifferent, as if he was talking about a very ordinary thing.

At the same time, a giant palm was also shot out.

groan! !

Immediately, a shocking dragon chant fell from the nine heavens, shocking the mountains and rivers.

"Ignorant child, you are so shameless, let me come first to see you."

At this time, True Monarch Xuanying was the first to scold him angrily. He was also a sixth-layer body fit. Fang Yi's arrogance undoubtedly enraged him completely. With a flash of his figure, he went up to meet him like lightning.

The monstrous power also swept out, flattening all directions.

The momentum was not small, and the faces of the Yaozu people couldn't help but change drastically.

Especially Lan Ling, with her strength, it is impossible to see how strong Fang Yi is, but the name of Xuanying Zhenjun is like thunder.

Seeing it now, how not to panic.

In contrast, Shaking Demon King and Chi Zhanpeng's group of extremely strong men should be much calmer.

Because the huge black hole before and Fang Yi's aura made them feel extremely unusual.

However, they are not sure how unusual it is.

So at the moment they all seem extremely tense.

Fortunately, this kind of tension did not last long, a giant slowly emerged from the claws of the real dragon, as if probing from the endless void, crossing layers of space, and directly grabbed True Monarch Xuanying.

The claws of the real dragon are so huge that they can traverse thousands of miles of sky, picking up stars and falling into the moon.

Under this claw, everything seems so insignificant.

Under the claw wind, the space froze like a monolith.

True Monarch Xuanying, who was originally extremely domineering, seemed to be fixed at this moment, like fish on a chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

"Do not……"

His pupils were wide open, full of horror and disbelief.

Obviously, he didn't understand what happened, he just felt bound by a mighty force and couldn't move.

Want to call for help.

However, before the sound happened, the palm had already fallen.

Boom! !

There was a loud bang, and in everyone's sight, the sixth-layer combined powerhouse, True Monarch Xuanying, burst open and turned into a thick cloud of blood mist.

In the end, even the blood mist was swallowed up.

True Monarch Xuanying was completely wiped out between heaven and earth like this, as if he had never appeared before.


A generation of six-fold powerhouses, just died like this?

Just one blow, instantly killed on the spot?

The huge crowd seemed to be completely petrified at this moment, and time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

All that was left was the astonished expression of the crowd, as if they had seen a ghost.

The six-layer combined powerhouse was instantly killed. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, I'm afraid everyone present would not believe it even if they were killed. However, the facts are right in front of them, so they can't help but believe it.

At this moment, the world was dead silent.

Even the Sky Shadow Sect Leader and the Phantom Eye True Monarch turned extremely pale.

Although the two of them are overbearing in strength, their cultivation bases are only at the sixth level combined. Although they are far from comparable to True Monarch Xuanying, they obviously cannot kill True Monarch Xuanying in one blow like Fang Yi.

What a domineering strength this is.

"Win! Fang Yi, you are too good."

Lan Ling on the side was already cheering, his pretty face was full of excitement.

The beautiful eyes look forward, revealing a strange light.

The crowd also seemed to be awakened by her voice, and all of them looked at Fang Yi with fear.

Stepped back involuntarily.

On the other hand, everyone in the Monster Race, although equally fearful, also had a touch of excitement and excitement.

Shaking Demon King and others also looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do, but their eyes were extremely bright.

"You... boy, you..."

The leader of Tianying was completely speechless at the moment.

It was because the blow just now had such an impact on him that he was extremely terrified in his heart at the moment, because he was not sure whether he could take that blow.

Fortunately, he is not fighting alone, there is also Master Phantom Eye.

The two powerhouses couldn't help but glanced at each other, apparently reaching some kind of tacit agreement.

"Give me my life!"

Hearing a shout of anger, the two powerful men attacked at the same time, like two bolts of thunder, extremely swift and violent.

The two majestic attacks pierced through the galaxy, as if they could penetrate everything.


Lan Ling couldn't help screaming and stomping his feet angrily.

Everyone in the Monster Clan was also gnashing their teeth. Who would have thought that the dignified leader of the Tianying Sect and the patriarch of the Three-Eyed Clan would strike together, which is simply shameless.

But it's a pity that they can't intervene in such a battle.

Even the Shaking Demon King is far behind.

If he hadn't been injured, he might still be able to do something about it, but most likely it wouldn't have any effect, let alone now, he could only watch helplessly.

Chi Zhanpeng is no exception.

Strictly speaking, everyone's eyes were on the three of them at this moment, and their nerves were tied to the extreme.

Especially watching those two incomparably majestic attacks coming through.

Their hearts also rose to their throats.

Lan Ling was even worse, his whole body was like a tight bowstring, as if it would collapse at any moment.

And at this moment, those two incomparably majestic attacks had already landed.

It seemed that Fang Yi was about to be completely smashed into scum.

However, Fang Yi remained unmoved, not even a slight change could be seen on his face, only the corners of his mouth showed a hint of mockery.

The next moment, two completely different auras burst out from the body and rushed straight to the sky.

An incomparable azure blue, extremely cold, as if it can blend into everything in the world.

A scorching sun was like a fire, shining so brightly that it seemed to be able to incinerate everything in the world.

In the end, the two breaths turned into two shocking swords, cutting down the sky, only going towards the two strong men.

(End of this chapter)

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